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Everything posted by nikosbab28

  1. Standard PCB3B Willem Programmer User Guide
  2. This is a list with programming software for different microchips MCUmall a online store for cost for value mcu EPROM EEPROM ATMEL PIC programmer
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  3. Elite Keystroke Recorder is the most powerful surveillance keylogger for monitoring and recording every detail of PC and Internet activity at home and in the office. Additionally,it's a totally invisible keystroke recorder! While the demo version might be detected by some antiviruses, all registered clients get the special version of Elite Keylogger which cannot be detected and is daily updated for them. Elite Keystroke Recorder includes several integrated recording modules that monitor: chats, instant messengers, e-mails, Internet surfing history, keystrokes recorder, programs launched, passwords (including Windows logon password), usernames and time they worked on your computer, desktop activity, clipboard, printed documents and much more! Elite Keylogger (Keystroke Recorder) main features: Keystroke Recorder Elite Keystroke Recorder will record all keystrokes typed, staying completely undetectable to users! Elite Keylogger lets you know what was typed (passwords, logins, addresses, names), in which applications, and who typed that. Application Activity Recorder Elite Keystroke Recorder can record all applications launched and the text anyone typed there. You will know the exact time, date, path, window caption and other parameters of the programs launched on your PC. 100% Undetectable None of known or unknown anti keyloggers will reveal Elite Keystroke Recorder. Your privacy is safe and logs are inaccessible to anyone. We update the core of our keystroke recorder every day to keep it invisible. Records Windows logon password Elite Keystroke Recorder offers low-core keyboard monitoring with its kernel driver. This will ensure all logon data and other passwords are captured! Chats, IMs, Email Sniffer Record keystrokes typed in any chat, internet messengers or e-mail clients: user name, password, keystrokes, instant messages (MSN/AOL/ICQ/AIM/Gtalk/Skype)... Take screnshots secretly Elite Keystroke Recorder regularly takes screenshots of Windows Desktop and applications running, like an automatic surveillance camera hidden from all users! Clipboard Monitoring Most users copy and paste logins and passwords instead of typing them manually. Elite Keystroke Recorder will crack into clipboard as well! Elite Keylogger also grabs clipbord graphics. Keyword access Elite Keylogger will stay invisible until you type your private unhide keyword and then enter your password. This prevents any unauthorized access to recorded data. Invisibly collect logs to USB drive Whenever you insert a prepared USB drive in the monitored PC, all new logs will be secretly copied there, so you can read them later with the convenient Elite Keylogger Logs Viewer. Sends logs to email or FTP Elite Keylogger secretly sends your logs to email, uploads to FTP or network drive. So you are 100% aware of all PC activities with our keystroke recorder. DOWNLOAD: GO4UP : Upload everywhere !
  4. Cursuri video in limba engleza pt. viitorii ingineri si nu numai de la IIT.Pot fi vizionate online sau se pot d/l in format mp4 sau 3gp. Site oficial - http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/ Canal Youtube - NPTEL - YouTube
  5. Computer hacking forensic investigation is the process of detecting hacking attacks and properly extracting evidence to report the crime and conduct audits to prevent future attacks. Computer forensics is simply the application of computer investigation and analysis techniques in the interests of determining potential legal evidence. Evidence might be sought in a wide range of computer crime or misuse, including but not limited to theft of trade secrets, theft of or destruction of intellectual property, and fraud. CHFI investigators can draw on an array of methods for discovering data that resides in a computer system, or recovering deleted, encrypted, or damaged file information. This course will prepare you to pass the EC0 312-49 exam and achieve Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (CHFI) certification. !EmbedUpload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites OR GO4UP : Upload everywhere ! OR uload.to - Cloud Storage / Image Hosting / Video & MP3 Streaming
  6. LabVIEW CD-Based Training consists of interactive, self-paced multimedia courses on CD that teach you the fundamentals of LabVIEW programming in the learning environment of your choice. LabVIEW features step-by-step instructions for hands-on exercises and an interactive user interface that merges video, audio, animated illustrations, and text. You can pause, review, or skip lessons to suit your level of expertise and learning style. DOWNLOAD: !EmbedUpload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites OR GO4UP : Upload everywhere !
  7. frumos tutorial merci
  8. aia e parola insa e cryptata :>
  9. care e parola arhivei
  10. I cannot be held responsible for anything that happens to you or your phone ---------------------------------- VIDEO GUIDE: Part 1 (A-E) - http://youtu.be/P1H2yUyQ4J8 Part 2 (1-25) - http://youtu.be/uAVbYx68WI4 ---------------------------------- Things to do before starting: A - Make sure your S3 is rooted B - Make a backup copy of the /efs folder on your PC. C - Also backup your EFS using mskips ToolKit ([sAMSUNG GALAXY S3 TOOLKIT V5.0] Drivers, Backup, Root, CWM, BusyBox + MORE [GSM] - xda-developers) D - Get a Hex Editor (I used Notepad++ with this plugin: Download Notepad++ Plugins from SourceForge.net (just put the dll in the plugins folder of Notepad++)). E - Install Root Explorer on your phone. Now for the actual process: 1 - Using Root Explorer, copy the file nv_data.bin file from your phones /efs folder to your PC and open it in Notepad++. 2 - Scroll down and find address 00181460, modify the 01 to 00. 3 - Save the file. 4 - Copy the modified nv_data.bin from your computer back to your phones /efs folder using Root Explorer. Make sure you keep a copy of this modified file for step 15 5 - Once copied to the phone, open Root Explorer and long press on the nv_data.bin file till the menu pops up and select 'Permissions'. 6 - Make sure ONLY the Read, Write and Execute boxes for Owner are ticked, and press OK. 7 - Then again, long press on the nv_data.bin file till the menu pops up, and select 'Change owner'. 8 - Change Owner and Group to 1001-Radio and press OK. 9 - Restart your phone. 10 - Once restarted dial *#7465625#, check Network Lock is ON and press OK. 11 - Using Root Explorer, copy the file nv.log from your phones /efs folder to your PC and open it. 12 - You should see something like: Mon Jun 18 23:34:32 2012: MD5 fail. orignal md5 'e1493854d4d62ff4e123040855f8b2a9' computed md5 'd29d791b193de8b6711445231fb7d427' (rild) Mon Jun 18 23:34:32 2012: backup NV restored. Your numbers may differ 13 - Copy the file nv_data.bin.md5 from your phones /efs folder to your PC and open it. You should see the first number listed in step 12 (in my case e1493854d4d62ff4e123040855f8b2a9 14 - Copy the second number in step 12 (in my case d29d791b193de8b6711445231fb7d427) and put in the nv_data.bin.md5 file, so it is the only number in there. Now save the file. 15 - Now copy the modified nv_data.bin file (from step 4) and the modified nv_data.bin.md5 (from step 14) back to your /efs folder on your phone. 16 - Once copied, long press on the nv_data.bin file till the menu pops up and select 'Permissions'. 17 - Make sure ONLY the Read, Write and Execute boxes for Owner are ticked and press OK. 18 - Then again long press on the nv_data.bin file till the menu pops up and select 'Change owner'. 19 - Change Owner and Group to 1001-Radio and press OK. 20 - Now, long press on the nv_data.bin.md5 file till the menu pops up and select 'Permissions'. 21 - Make sure ONLY the Read, Write and Execute boxes for Owner are ticked and press OK. 22 - Then again long press on the nv_data.bin.md5 file till the menu pops up and select 'Change owner'. 23 - Change Owner and Group to 1001-Radio and press OK. 24 - Restart your phone. 25 - Once restarted dial *#7465625# and check Network Lock is OFF and press OK. UPDATE : After flashing to I9300XXBLG8 this method does not seem to work anymore and you have to do this: -Flash via odin lf6 -Root with cf root -Unlock with voodoo sim unlock -Install root explorer from market -Download efs.zip and ktool.apk -Back up efs with ktool and save to pc -Transfer nv_core.bak and nv_core.bak.md5 from efs.zip gfan to internal sdcard -Enter on system efs...mount ro on root explorer and replace this tho file and changed permision exactly have been original file(first three boxes tiked) -Reboot phone -Done !
  11. Voodoo Galaxy III Sim Unlock is written entirely in Java, which means there is no busybox requirement for this application. The application requires root in order to modify the /efs/nv_data.bin, and sets the simlock bit from a 1 to a zero. At this point, a reboot would be required. However using strictly Java, the application parses the /proc folder in order to locate the rild process which triggers the nv_data parsing again. This fails verifying the md5, which generates a log file, which contains the newly expected MD5 sum for the nv_data. The system-generated MD5 is inserted in place of the original MD5. It’s an interesting technique, and all this is done with just one click! Now for the actual process: 1.Root process: -First download and unzip the following two files: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9498257/Odin3-v1.85.zip https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9498257/CF-Root-SGS3-v6.4%281%29.zip -Open the Odin .exe file. -Turn your phone off. -Hold volume down, home and power buttons and it will boot into download mode. -Plug phone into computer. -Press "PDA" in Odin and choose the CF-Root-SGS3-v6.4.tar file you extracted earlier. -Make sure the "Repartition" box is UNTICKED. -Press "Start" and wait for the process to complete. When it's done it'll reboot. 2.Unlock process: -On your phone go to Settings > Applications, and make sure "Unknown Sources" is ticked. -Instal https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9498257/VoodooGalaxySIIISimUnlock.apk -Let the app install. -Now launch the app and choose "Unlock". Your phone will now unlock itself. Reboot and your phone is unlocked! You may need to repeat this procedure if you update your phone's software. ______________________________________________ If the phone asks for an unlock code after reboot, download Sim fix for Voodoo SIM Unlock s3 - https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9498257/SIM_Fix_v.0.1.zip Transfer the zip file to your phone (don't unzip it). Switch off your phone. Hold down the Home button, Volume Up button and Power button. Use the volume keys to navigate to Install Zip from SD card and use the Home button to select that option. Navigate to where you downloaded the zip file earlier Confirm that you want to install it. Once it's installed, navigate to Reboot device and your phone should now be unlocked.
  12. Pack-ul cu softurile necesare il gasiti aici !EmbedUpload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites Let's get started! Instalati serverul Icecast il rulati si da-ti click pe "Edit Configuration" in meniul "Configuration" va aparea o fereastra notepad cu diferite optiuni de configurare puteti sa completeti dupa preferinte insa eu folosesc optiunile de mai jos <icecast> <limits> <clients>100</clients> <sources>2</sources> <threadpool>5</threadpool> <queue-size>524288</queue-size> <client-timeout>30</client-timeout> <header-timeout>15</header-timeout> <source-timeout>10</source-timeout> <burst-on-connect>1</burst-on-connect> <burst-size>65535</burst-size> </limits> <authentication> <source-password>hackme</source-password> <relay-password>hackme</relay-password> <admin-user>admin</admin-user> <admin-password>hackme</admin-password> </authentication> <hostname>localhost</hostname> <listen-socket> <port>8000</port> </listen-socket> <fileserve>1</fileserve> <paths> <basedir>./</basedir> <logdir>./logs</logdir> <webroot>./web</webroot> <adminroot>./admin</adminroot> <alias source="/" dest="/status.xsl"/> </paths> <logging> <accesslog>access.log</accesslog> <errorlog>error.log</errorlog> <loglevel>4</loglevel> <!-- 4 Debug, 3 Info, 2 Warn, 1 Error --> <logsize>10000</logsize> <!-- Max size of a logfile --> </logging> <security> <chroot>0</chroot> </security> </icecast> Puteti sa o copiati in fisier dar asigurati-va ca schimbati "hackme" intr-o parola mai sigura.Apoi salvati fisierul si-l inchideti.Click "Start server" si ar trebui sa va apara ca in imaginea de mai jos Serverul este pregatit sa accepte conexiuni insa nu exista muzica.Descarcati Winamp si instalati-l.Rulati winamp duceti-va la sectiunea "DSP/Effect" din meniul "Preferences" si da-ti click pe "oddcast DSP v3".Va aparea fereastra oddcast Click "Add encoder" si pe fi adaugat un nou encode rin lista.Click dreapta pe el si selectati "configure" .Va aparea o fereastra de dialog cerindu-va diferite informatii.La "Encoder type" selectati "OggVorbis" sau "MP3". La "Quality" eu am ales "2" ce imi ofera un stream de aprox. 100 kpbs dar puteti incerca si alte valori in functie de conexiunea pe care o aveti. La "Server IP" puneti "localhost".La "Server Port" puneti portul "8000" iar la "Encoder Password" adaugati parola pe care ati ales-o altceva decat "hackme".Alegeti "Stereo" pt. cei care au conexiune buna click "OK" apoi "Conect".Daca totul a fost setat corect encoderul ar trebui sa se conecteze la serverul Iceacst Daca vreti sa testati microfonul pt. voiceover click pe butonul "Live Recording" si ar trebui sa auziti ceea ce vorbiti. Sectiunea "Source Level Stats" din Icecast ar trebui sa arate asa Acum puteti sa anuntati prietenii sa se conecteze la radio adresa va fi http://[adresaip]:8000/stream.ogg (daca nu va stiti adresa ip puteti sa o aflati de aici What Is My IP - Shows Your IP Address Insa cea mai buna idee pt. cei cu ip dinamic ar fi sa va creati un cont pe dyndns.org iar adresa de streaming va fi ceva de genul http://[numecont].dyndns.org:8000/stream.ogg
  13. poate pune cineva sursa pe alt host?
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