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Everything posted by B_Real

  1. in momentul de fata AOL este serviciu platit nu ?
  2. B_Real

    O perla

    da ne id ul lui sa l facem cunoscut in lume:))) VIP sa ne mai inveselim si noi un pic
  3. cel mai inervant exploit pe care l am vazut il au vreo 5 6 din lista mea si incaontinu !!! dar... le-am dat ignor )
  4. lol :)si eu am o impresie foarte rea despre panda ...pana acuma cel mai rau Av care l-am avut instalat
  5. lol am glumit :)
  6. da ? nu cred imposibil !!!! daca sustii asa ceva vino cu dovezi ,ca nu te crede nimeni
  7. asta ii mai mult un totorial ,o sa incerc cand am timp sa vad ce reusesc
  8. parere personala Sp[L]o1T si esti cam in inferioritate , eu zic ca isi merita locul BetDefender-ul ;), cred ca am incercat cam toate AV facute pe planeta asta si BT mia placut cel mai mult si inca imi place
  9. din cate am inteles de pe site ul lor au spus ca vor lasnsa si diretX 9L si nu mi se pare prea inteligent ca eu daca instalez Vista sa fiu nevoit sa imi schimb NEAPARAT pl. video mi se pare o prostie nu cred ca e chiar asa dar mno ori ce ii posibil )))))
  10. sa ni-l dai si noua cand gasesti si inca ceva.....pe site ul oficila nu zice nimik de un demo...eu zic ca pute arhiva :rolleyes:
  11. dead link
  12. B_Real

    un Firewall ?

    Cine va ma tot ameninta ca imi pica netu ;D: si ma gandeam daca un firewall ar rezolva problema asta , daca cineva imi poate recomada unul ;D
  13. ENCODED cu ce program editezi pozele ;D sau le faciÂÂÂÂ
  14. l am incercat si nu a mers poate voi aveti mai mult noroc :-
  15. danke..foarte interesant...
  16. Mi au venit si mie astazi 4 Cd uri cy toate ca am comandat 5 dar nu ma plang )) acuma stept sa mi se strice windows ul si instalez varainta kubuntu [[mi place mai mult cum arata ) ]
  17. Steaua are sanse si aseara Ajax nu o reusit sa se califice dupa ce o batut cu 2-1 acum 2 ani in meciu cu Valencia, ii auzeam pe toti dupa 2-0 ca nu mai are nici o sansa pierde, dar cum am mai auzit MINGEA II ROTUNDA si ori ce se poate intampla, SA VINA CUPA Apropo ENCODED ma i a frica cand ma uita la avataru tau :@ :@ UGLY ) )
  18. imi place sistemul tau audio Caddy Nice work place J0K3R nu stiu cum te descurci cu mouse-ul cred ca mi ar paraliza mana daca as juca CS Simplu dar ma simt bine, si aia conteaza cel mai mult sa te simti bine
  19. Windows TinyXP Professional SP2 Beast Edition Unattended CD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This special 'Beast Edition' of TinyXP is designed to be hell fast! Internet Explorer and Outlook Express have been removed from this edition. Mozilla Firefox web browser and Mozilla Thunderbird email client are included as replacements to Internet Explorer and Outlook Express. The latest edition of MSN Messenger (v7.5) is also installed. This edition of TinyXP includes Ethernet LAN drivers, Microsoft Sidewinder drivers and Sound Controller drivers. All keyboard layouts are included. All languages have been removed apart from United Kingdom. The default Luna theme has been removed, but this edition includes the XP Amp theme as default. Most of the networking features are removed from this edition, this is because this edition is intended as a gaming edition that you can surf the internet with. It is NOT intended as an operating system for use in a corporate environment to squeeze a little bit more production out of the poor employees, however, MS Mail and MAPI are included for compatibility. Also kept - 16Bit Support, Disk Cleanup, the "core" of Internet Explorer, Task Scheduler and you are still able to open ZIP files without the need for any any third party program. Services left remaining are: DHCP, DNS Client, Event Log, IAS, Network Provisioning, Performance Logs and Alerts, Secondary Logon, Shell Services, System Event Notification, Uninterruptible Power Supply Universal Plug and Play, Windows Management Instrumentation, Windows Time and Wireless Zero Configuration. This edition also includes Wireless LAN and there is also support for use on laptops. On this edition of TinyXP there are no minimum RAM or hard disk space requirements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TinyXP Beast Edition Statistics: Windows Performance Info... Operating System RAM Memory Usage = 42Mb WINDOWS Folder = 321.6 Mb Running Processes on First Install = 13 Install Time for Windows = Seven Minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows XP Pro Custom Added Features Integrated Service Pack 2 (WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe) Registry Tweaks For Performance/Gaming/Internet ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silent Installs Mozilla Firefox Web Browser v1.5.0.4 Mozilla Thunderbird Email Client v1.5.0.4 (20060516) MSN Messenger v7.5.0324 --------------------------------------------------------------- Integrated Critical Post SP2 Hotfixes (Windows Updates) up to 28th March 2006... IE6.0sp1-KB905915-Windows-2000-XP-x86-ENU WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86 WindowsXP-KB873333-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB873339-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB883939-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB884020-x86-enu WindowsXP-KB885222-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB885250-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB885835-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB885836-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB886185-x86-enu WindowsXP-KB886677-x86-enu WindowsXP-KB886716-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB887472-x86-enu WindowsXP-KB887742-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB887797-x86-enu WindowsXP-KB888113-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB888240-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB888302-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB889527-v3-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB890046-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB890175-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB890859-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB891781-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB893066-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB893086-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB893357-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB893756-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB894391-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB894395-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896344-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896358-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896422-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896423-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896424-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896427-v3-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896428-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896626-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB898900-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB899587-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB899589-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB899591-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB900725-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB900930-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB901017-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB901190-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB901214-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB902400-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB903234-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB904706-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB905414-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB905749-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB905915-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB908519-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB908521-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB910437-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB911927-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB912919-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB913446-x86-ENU -------------------------------------- Build Date: 06.06.06 Release Date : Mid Summer 2006 File Size = 145.86Mb ====================== Download Links: http://tinyurl.com/evrj8 [url]http://tinyurl.com/jz6h7[/url]
  20. Cea mai interesata parte ) , poate face cineva un program mic care sa faca chestia asta PLSSSS, sau sa mi zica cum
  21. Ma ce topicuri face ti si voi : CNP vostru Cum va cheama pe voi si pe prietena voastra? Descrierea voastra Ce varsta aveti ? Spargi un site pui adresa de la forum pe site-ul spart si cand intra ala pe forum .... Vis..... nu inteleg de ce mai folositi proxy , tare tare continuati .... Urmatoru topic: Unde stati ce cod postal aveti
  22. 184..... 66 kg.....17 ani.....ochi albastri si sensibili BV Xavier pt penisul tau saten de 86 de kg si 1.77 )))))))))))))))))))))))) PS glumeam
  23. Dar akuma serios chiar stai peste 18 ore pe zi la calc Eu de stau mai mult de 6 ore vine tata cu sapa la mine ))))) ) ) mici problem cu ochi dar in rest altceva nu am si fac tenis zilnic cate 2 3 ore
  24. hmm interesat poti sa ne dai cate detali despre el
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