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Everything posted by shinnok
da pai am vazut ceva de genul si acu vreo 3-4 ani...mi se pare un kkt imens.Ce oameni plictisiti la fel ca si aia cu spovedania online.
pot sa contribui si eu? LE: Vezi PM nemessis.
Cum s-a spus si mai sus ala este un spam(scam) clasic care este prin preajma de ceva timp.Nu cred ca ti-a pus nimeni email-ul nicaieri sau ceva de genul.Spam exact ca ala si multe altele asemanatoare primesc si eu,plus inca alte cateva sute de milioane de adrese.Ce poti sa faci? Seteazati filtrele spam sau schimbati adresa si nu o mai posta pe nicaieri.De fapt este deajuns sa te inregistrezi o folosi nici pentru inreg daca e cazul. ?
* dRaQsOr- (~elite@ Quit (Host change) romtelecom
- (6667) eu sunt conectat.
nu este picat,poate ai gresit cu ceva.
Stie cineva ceva da ei sunt printre noi sau doar niste ircari? IRC.Sevraj.Net - > -> -> <devnull> hackers team heh? <devnull> <devnull> zzz <dRaQsOr-> DA <devnull> sevraj nu cred ca am auzit de voi? <dRaQsOr-> da de unde sti de server/ <dRaQsOr-> ? <devnull> u dont wanna know <dRaQsOr-> adica? <devnull> am primit un fisier de la un prieten dinacela murdar de-al vostru si l-am analizat <devnull> and i got here <devnull> apropo i'm from rstzone <devnull> cineva a incercat sa infecteze pe acel prieten si sa prins si mia dat mie bucatica spre investigare <devnull> not too hard you know <devnull> apropo stiti si altceva inafara de irc? ca sa stiu daca o sa continui discutia sau nu? <devnull> nu vreau sa pierd timpul aiurea <devnull> nu te chinui sa vezi care e treaba exact pentru ca asta e <dRaQsOr-> mult mai mult de cat ti`ai putea imagina <dRaQsOr-> dar nu contaza ce... <devnull> dami niste exemple ... is curios ... siasa nu am ce face... ma plictisesc <devnull> tre sa fie cald in argentina <devnull> <dRaQsOr-> nu conteaza pt ca acum ai ip de la rdp asta pe care sunt : * dRaQsOr- (~elite@ Quit (Host change) * dRaQsOr- ( has joined #NASA <devnull> cum adik? <dRaQsOr-> te faci ca nu sti ? * dRaQsOr- ( Quit (Quit: SHT Script . Whant It? Join #Sevraj.Hackers.Team !) <devnull> daca e ceva legat de ircuisme and stuff ar treb sa stii ca nu ma ocup cu asta <devnull> daca nu atunci rdp = remote desktop protocol pentru mine si deci de asta nu inteleg * Marcuss ( has joined #NASA * IRC.Sevraj.Net sets mode: +o Marcuss * Marcuss changes topic to '[+] Nu mergem la pescuit ca suntem noi deja pesti - Deci in caz ca ai femeie ar trebui sa te feresti [+]' * Marcuss sets mode: +l 2008 * @Marcuss ( Quit (Quit:
Intre timp am mai gasit si astea daca vrea cineva sa se joace mai departe -dap ftp :shock: poate va ocupati cu beta-uri care naiba e faza cu "do you yahoo?" , daca stie cineva sa ma puna in lumina! ? ? ? "Hi,do you yahoo?" - dap ftp :shock: ftp Connected to 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.0 for WinSock ready... User ( ^C Connected to 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.3 for WinSock ready... User ( ^C fuck em :evil: ... eu nu ma bag,yahoo to big for me :oops:
- wtf??? - redirecteaza - no webpage dar exista - no webpage dar exista - no webpage dar exista - no webpage dar exista - no webpage dar exista astea fara pagina sunt nume de domenii pentru acelasi ip:
Inchideti va rog threadul va contribui cu nimic constructiv forumului.Anuntul si ce sa postat pana acum este deajuns.
Si daca nici nu ai postat si nici modificat atunci de ce te simti ? Ma tu esti ratat? Ti-am spus sa nu mai spamezi aiurea... Si tu alt ratat tu nu vezi ca am scris de unde provine? adica de pe h-y? In concluzie si eu sunt ratat pentru ca am postat asa ceva si am dat de mancare unor tampiti care au actionat si vorbit numai aiurea.Sunteti Varza!!! Rog adminii sa stearga threadul sau sa il mute la trash.
Vorbiti de puskin aici sau de mine? Pentru ca eu nu am postat si nici modificat nimic.
Cu ocazia asta mi-am adus aminte ca am scris si eu candva un cod pentru un maus dinasta nebun ...oooold times.... #include <windows.h> int main (void) { POINT *newp, *oldp; newp = new POINT; oldp = new POINT; FreeConsole (); GetCursorPos (oldp); for ( { GetCursorPos (newp); if (newp->x > oldp->x) SetCursorPos (newp->x - 3, newp->y); if (newp->x < oldp->x) SetCursorPos (newp->x + 3, newp->y); if (newp->y < oldp->y) SetCursorPos (newp->x, newp->y + 3); if (newp->y > oldp->y) SetCursorPos (newp->x, newp->y - 3); oldp->x = newp->x; oldp->y = newp->y; Sleep(10); } } compilati-l sub Visual Studio pentru ca nu l-am testat sub altceva
Gasiti la adresa de mai jos o colectie de mici programele know old school stuff :shock: Mie inca mi se pare funny o parte din ele.Mai ales cand sunt facute unor necunoscatori. :twisted: Unul din cele mai antipatice:
EDITED: Pentru ca sunteti niste Ratati!
Heh...daca tot vad ca sunteti generosi as dori si eu unul. Sa contina cuvantul Shinnok si daca se poate imaginea(sau macar ceva din ea) urmatoare: Daca nu se poate cu imaginea urmatoare nu e nimic e deajuns cu Shinnok in el sau daca gasesti tu vreo imagine cu shinnok mai apropriate please do. i would be gratefull. ?
Passcape Mozilla Password Recovery: ?
Ce sa pice in romania?Satelitul?Desigur ca nu...nici nu treb sa pice in romania,iar dupa ce la busit ce sa mai pice? Sau a fost o satira din partea ta?
Gasiti mai jos un video legat de doborarea satelitului de spionaj: Pentru cei care nu stiu despre ce este vorba:
International effort breaks up card-fraud ring Published: 2008-05-22 U.S. prosecutors announced this week that various law-enforcement agencies, along with authorities in Romania and other countries, charged 33 people with a broad range of crimes related to their alleged counterfeiting of debit and credit cards using information gathered from victims through phishing. An indictment released on Monday charges nine U.S. resident and citizens, 22 Romanian citizens and two foreign nationals with taking part in the criminal group, which allegedly used spammed e-mail messages to lure victims to a fake Web site, where they were urged to enter in financial details. The U.S. members of the group then created counterfeit credit and debit cards using the information, withdrawing millions of dollars from thousands of cards, the indictment charged. In the past, the onerous task of prosecuting criminals across national borders has kept many criminals safe, but U.S. authorities have made it a priorities to build bridges with law enforcement officials in other nations. "International organized crime poses a serious threat not only to the United States and Romania, but to all nations," Deputy Attorney General Mark R. Filip said during a press conference in Romania, according to a statement announcing the indictment. "Criminals who exploit the power and convenience of the Internet do not recognize national borders; therefore our efforts to prevent their attacks cannot end at our borders either." U.S. law enforcement has increasingly pursued credit- and debit-card fraudsters. In March, New York City prosecutors announced that 38 people had been indicted as part of a crackdown on a large identity-theft and counterfeit credit-card ring that operated in several parts of the United States as well as China and the Far East. Last September, U.S. prosecutors In announced that former security research Max Ray Butler had been charged in a five-count indictment with running a scheme to hack into computers at financial institutions and credit-card processing centers, stealing account information and selling the data to others. In the latest case, specific parts of the group executed different aspects of the counterfeiting and cash-withdrawal scheme. Romanian suppliers used phishing attacks to gather financial information, which they then sent to U.S.-based cashiers, according to the indictment. The cashiers used magnetic-stripe encoding hardware to create counterfeit credit and debit cards, which were then given to runner which checked out if the fake cards could be used to withdraw cash. A portion of the take was then sent back to the suppliers. The nine U.S.-based defendants charged in the indictment includes three U.S. citizens, five U.S. residents from Vietnam, and a U.S. resident from Cambodia. The indictment also charges a Mexican national currently in custody on immigration charges and a Pakistani citizens of being part of the conspiracy. Twenty-two Romanian citizens have been charged for taking part in the criminal organization. sursa: more:
Unscrupulous virus writers have inevitably latched onto the Chinese earthquake disaster, which killed more than 50,000, to punt malware. The Trojan-laced email attacks follow earlier phishing scams themed around the Sichuan province disaster. Emails with infected Word attachments contaminated by MalDoc-Fam Trojan are being distributed in messages the pose as news about the disaster, net security firm Sophos reports. The malware-tainted emails typically appear with body text suggesting they contain news from China's official press agency, Xinhua. BEIJING, May 20 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from the earthquake in southwest China's Sichuan Province has risen to 34,074 nationwide as of 2 p.m. Saturday, while 198,347 people were injured, according to the Information Office of the State Council. Pay attention to attachment for more. Opening the attached Word document triggers an exploit that downloads malware onto vulnerable Windows PCs. The MalDoc-Fam Trojan is more than a year old, dating from March 2007. Malware authors commonly exploit natural disasters to spread their wares. Similar attacks followed the London transport suicide bombing attacks of 2005, Hurricane Katrina, and the Asian tsunami of 2004. sursa: Cam urat totusi sa profiti de ce s-a intamplat in China....
- Funny to watch. NC
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si metoda? sper ca nu sunt nesimtit insa as fi mai interesat de metoda decat ce ai insirat ?