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Everything posted by .Slacker
CS 1.6 Wall + No detectable.. wall / Merge si pe steam on
.Slacker replied to TheHacker2012's topic in Cosul de gunoi
Se vede ca e 'fakt' de tine. Domnule DogerHacker1991 nu prea ti-a iesit. -
OFF: Puteai sa detaliezi. ON: Bun venit
Mie imi merge. Probabil vreun copil se joaca cu LOIC-ul
Windows 8 abia a fost lansat pe piata de cateva zile, dar iata ca o companie specializata in teste de securitate sustine ca a reusit sa treaca de mecanismul de securitate cu care vine la pachet sistemul de operare. Potrivit unui mesaj postat de reprezentantii companiei franceze Vupen pe reteaua de socializare Twitter, specialistii firmei au reusit sa ocololeasca toate mecanismele de aparare contra amenintarilor de tip zero-day ale Windows 8 (si in componentele Internet Explorer 10). We welcome #Windows8 with various 0Ds combined to pwn all new Win8/IE10 exploit mitigations. Congrats to our mitigation mitigator @n_joly", acesta este tweet-ul care pune la indoiala toate afirmatiile anterioare ale specialistilor care spuneau ca Windows 8 este cel mai sigur sistem de operare al companiei din Redmond. Iar daca Vupen a reusit intr-adevar sa identifice si sa exploateze vulnerabilitati in Windows 8 lucrurile sunt si mai grave, spun cei de la HotForSecurity. Compania franceza este recunoascuta pentru faptul ca nu ofera date referitoare la vulnerabilitatile detectate decat in cercul sau de clienti. Asa ca, orice alti utilizatori nu pot beneficia de remedierea problemei decat in momentul in care o alta companie de securitate reuseste sa gaseasca o solutie. Sursa: Hit.ro
[TUT]Cum sa inchizi calculatorul cuiva definitiv (.bat)
.Slacker replied to FiliBlox's topic in Cosul de gunoi
Si cum il trimiti tu prin mail daca e detectat? Din cate stiu eu, pe email este scanat tot ce se trimite prin attachments. -
Una dintre metode ar fii sa schimbe parola, sa citeasca conversatiile linistita, apoi sa ii puna parola la loc. PS: A doua ar fii la 2-3 noaptea sa se logheze
Nokia 6500 Classic
A zis cineva ca e facut de mine? Luati si sursa: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click TextBox1.Clear() TextBox1.Paste() End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click TextBox3.Clear() If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = Atom128_Encode(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton2.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = HAZZ15_Encode(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton3.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = GILA7_Encode(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton4.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = ESAB46_Encode(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton5.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = MEGAN35_Encode(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton6.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = ZONG22_Encode(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton7.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = TRIPO5_Encode(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton8.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = TIGO3FX_Encode(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton9.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = FERON74_Encode(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton10.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = ZARA128_Encode(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton11.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = BASE64_Encode(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton12.Checked = True Then If TextBox4.Text = "" Then TextBox4.Text = "ARMON64-CRYPO" End If TextBox3.Text = ARMON64_Encrypt(TextBox1.Text, TextBox4.Text) End If If RadioButton13.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = AER256_Encrypt(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton14.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = EZIP64_Encrypt(TextBox1.Text) End If If RadioButton15.Checked = True Then If TextBox4.Text = "" Then TextBox4.Text = "PASS:OKTO3-CRYPO" End If TextBox3.Text = OKTO3_Encrypt(TextBox1.Text, TextBox4.Text) End If If RadioButton23.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = ROT13(TextBox1.Text) End If TextBox1.Clear() End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click TextBox2.Clear() TextBox2.Paste() End Sub Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click TextBox3.Clear() If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = Atom128_Decode(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton2.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = HAZZ15_Decode(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton3.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = GILA7_Decode(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton4.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = ESAB46_Decode(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton5.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = MEGAN35_Decode(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton6.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = ZONG22_Decode(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton7.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = TRIPO5_Decode(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton8.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = TIGO3FX_Decode(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton9.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = FERON74_Decode(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton10.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = ZARA128_Decode(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton11.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = BASE64_Decode(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton12.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = ARMON64_Decrypt(TextBox2.Text , TextBox4.Text) End If If RadioButton13.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = AER256_Decrypt(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton14.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = EZIP64_Decrypt(TextBox2.Text) End If If RadioButton15.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = OKTO3_Decrypt(TextBox2.Text, TextBox4.Text) End If If RadioButton23.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = ROT13(TextBox2.Text) End If TextBox2.Clear() End Sub Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click TextBox3.SelectAll() TextBox3.Copy() End Sub Public Function Atom128_Encode(ByVal input As String) As String input = Uri.EscapeDataString(input) Dim key As String = "/128GhIoPQROSTeUbADfgHijKLM+n0pFWXY456xyzB7=39VaqrstJklmNuZvwcdEC" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs As Integer() = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 2 If i < input.Length Then chrs( = Asc(input(i)) i += 1 Next enc(0) = chrs(0) >> 2 enc(1) = ((chrs(0) And 3) << 4) Or (chrs(1) >> 4) enc(2) = ((chrs(1) And 15) << 2) Or (chrs(2) >> 6) enc(3) = chrs(2) And 63 If chrs(1) = 0 Then enc(2) = 64 enc(3) = 64 End If If chrs(2) = 0 Then enc(3) = 64 End If For Each x As Integer In enc out.Append(key(x)) Next Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function Atom128_Decode(ByVal input As String) As String Dim key As String = "/128GhIoPQROSTeUbADfgHijKLM+n0pFWXY456xyzB7=39VaqrstJklmNuZvwcdEC" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs() As Integer = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 3 enc( = key.IndexOf(input(i)) i = i + 1 Next chrs(0) = (enc(0) << 2) Or (enc(1) >> 4) chrs(1) = (enc(1) And 15) << 4 Or (enc(2) >> 2) chrs(2) = (enc(2) And 3) << 6 Or enc(3) out.Append(Chr(chrs(0))) If enc(2) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(1))) If enc(3) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(2))) Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function HAZZ15_Encode(ByVal input As String) As String input = Uri.EscapeDataString(input) Dim key As String = "HNO4klm6ij9n+J2hyf0gzA8uvwDEq3X1Q7ZKeFrWcVTts/MRGYbdxSo=ILaUpPBC5" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs As Integer() = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 2 If i < input.Length Then chrs( = Asc(input(i)) i += 1 Next enc(0) = chrs(0) >> 2 enc(1) = ((chrs(0) And 3) << 4) Or (chrs(1) >> 4) enc(2) = ((chrs(1) And 15) << 2) Or (chrs(2) >> 6) enc(3) = chrs(2) And 63 If chrs(1) = 0 Then enc(2) = 64 enc(3) = 64 End If If chrs(2) = 0 Then enc(3) = 64 End If For Each x As Integer In enc out.Append(key(x)) Next Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function HAZZ15_Decode(ByVal input As String) As String Dim key As String = "HNO4klm6ij9n+J2hyf0gzA8uvwDEq3X1Q7ZKeFrWcVTts/MRGYbdxSo=ILaUpPBC5" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs() As Integer = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 3 enc( = key.IndexOf(input(i)) i = i + 1 Next chrs(0) = (enc(0) << 2) Or (enc(1) >> 4) chrs(1) = (enc(1) And 15) << 4 Or (enc(2) >> 2) chrs(2) = (enc(2) And 3) << 6 Or enc(3) out.Append(Chr(chrs(0))) If enc(2) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(1))) If enc(3) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(2))) Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function GILA7_Encode(ByVal input As String) As String input = Uri.EscapeDataString(input) Dim key As String = "7ZSTJK+W=cVtBCasyf0gzA8uvwDEq3XH/1RMNOILPQU4klm65YbdeFrx2hij9nopG" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs As Integer() = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 2 If i < input.Length Then chrs( = Asc(input(i)) i += 1 Next enc(0) = chrs(0) >> 2 enc(1) = ((chrs(0) And 3) << 4) Or (chrs(1) >> 4) enc(2) = ((chrs(1) And 15) << 2) Or (chrs(2) >> 6) enc(3) = chrs(2) And 63 If chrs(1) = 0 Then enc(2) = 64 enc(3) = 64 End If If chrs(2) = 0 Then enc(3) = 64 End If For Each x As Integer In enc out.Append(key(x)) Next Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function GILA7_Decode(ByVal input As String) As String Dim key As String = "7ZSTJK+W=cVtBCasyf0gzA8uvwDEq3XH/1RMNOILPQU4klm65YbdeFrx2hij9nopG" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs() As Integer = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 3 enc( = key.IndexOf(input(i)) i = i + 1 Next chrs(0) = (enc(0) << 2) Or (enc(1) >> 4) chrs(1) = (enc(1) And 15) << 4 Or (enc(2) >> 2) chrs(2) = (enc(2) And 3) << 6 Or enc(3) out.Append(Chr(chrs(0))) If enc(2) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(1))) If enc(3) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(2))) Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function ESAB46_Encode(ByVal input As String) As String input = Uri.EscapeDataString(input) Dim key As String = "ABCDqrs456tuvNOPwxyz012KLM3789=+QRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopEFGHIJ/" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs As Integer() = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 2 If i < input.Length Then chrs( = Asc(input(i)) i += 1 Next enc(0) = chrs(0) >> 2 enc(1) = ((chrs(0) And 3) << 4) Or (chrs(1) >> 4) enc(2) = ((chrs(1) And 15) << 2) Or (chrs(2) >> 6) enc(3) = chrs(2) And 63 If chrs(1) = 0 Then enc(2) = 64 enc(3) = 64 End If If chrs(2) = 0 Then enc(3) = 64 End If For Each x As Integer In enc out.Append(key(x)) Next Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function ESAB46_Decode(ByVal input As String) As String Dim key As String = "ABCDqrs456tuvNOPwxyz012KLM3789=+QRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopEFGHIJ/" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs() As Integer = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 3 enc( = key.IndexOf(input(i)) i = i + 1 Next chrs(0) = (enc(0) << 2) Or (enc(1) >> 4) chrs(1) = (enc(1) And 15) << 4 Or (enc(2) >> 2) chrs(2) = (enc(2) And 3) << 6 Or enc(3) out.Append(Chr(chrs(0))) If enc(2) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(1))) If enc(3) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(2))) Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function MEGAN35_Encode(ByVal input As String) As String input = Uri.EscapeDataString(input) Dim key As String = "3GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUb=cdefghijklmnopWXYZ/12+406789VaqrstuvwxyzABCDEF5" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs As Integer() = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 2 If i < input.Length Then chrs( = Asc(input(i)) i += 1 Next enc(0) = chrs(0) >> 2 enc(1) = ((chrs(0) And 3) << 4) Or (chrs(1) >> 4) enc(2) = ((chrs(1) And 15) << 2) Or (chrs(2) >> 6) enc(3) = chrs(2) And 63 If chrs(1) = 0 Then enc(2) = 64 enc(3) = 64 End If If chrs(2) = 0 Then enc(3) = 64 End If For Each x As Integer In enc out.Append(key(x)) Next Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function MEGAN35_Decode(ByVal input As String) As String Dim key As String = "3GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUb=cdefghijklmnopWXYZ/12+406789VaqrstuvwxyzABCDEF5" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs() As Integer = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 3 enc( = key.IndexOf(input(i)) i = i + 1 Next chrs(0) = (enc(0) << 2) Or (enc(1) >> 4) chrs(1) = (enc(1) And 15) << 4 Or (enc(2) >> 2) chrs(2) = (enc(2) And 3) << 6 Or enc(3) out.Append(Chr(chrs(0))) If enc(2) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(1))) If enc(3) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(2))) Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function ZONG22_Encode(ByVal input As String) As String input = Uri.EscapeDataString(input) Dim key As String = "ZKj9n+yf0wDVX1s/5YbdxSo=ILaUpPBCHg8uvNO4klm6iJGhQ7eFrWczAMEq3RTt2" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs As Integer() = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 2 If i < input.Length Then chrs( = Asc(input(i)) i += 1 Next enc(0) = chrs(0) >> 2 enc(1) = ((chrs(0) And 3) << 4) Or (chrs(1) >> 4) enc(2) = ((chrs(1) And 15) << 2) Or (chrs(2) >> 6) enc(3) = chrs(2) And 63 If chrs(1) = 0 Then enc(2) = 64 enc(3) = 64 End If If chrs(2) = 0 Then enc(3) = 64 End If For Each x As Integer In enc out.Append(key(x)) Next Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function ZONG22_Decode(ByVal input As String) As String Dim key As String = "ZKj9n+yf0wDVX1s/5YbdxSo=ILaUpPBCHg8uvNO4klm6iJGhQ7eFrWczAMEq3RTt2" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs() As Integer = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 3 enc( = key.IndexOf(input(i)) i = i + 1 Next chrs(0) = (enc(0) << 2) Or (enc(1) >> 4) chrs(1) = (enc(1) And 15) << 4 Or (enc(2) >> 2) chrs(2) = (enc(2) And 3) << 6 Or enc(3) out.Append(Chr(chrs(0))) If enc(2) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(1))) If enc(3) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(2))) Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function TRIPO5_Encode(ByVal input As String) As String input = Uri.EscapeDataString(input) Dim key As String = "ghijopE+G78lmnIJQRXY=abcS/UVWdefABCs456tDqruvNOPwx2KLyz01M3Hk9ZFT" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs As Integer() = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 2 If i < input.Length Then chrs( = Asc(input(i)) i += 1 Next enc(0) = chrs(0) >> 2 enc(1) = ((chrs(0) And 3) << 4) Or (chrs(1) >> 4) enc(2) = ((chrs(1) And 15) << 2) Or (chrs(2) >> 6) enc(3) = chrs(2) And 63 If chrs(1) = 0 Then enc(2) = 64 enc(3) = 64 End If If chrs(2) = 0 Then enc(3) = 64 End If For Each x As Integer In enc out.Append(key(x)) Next Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function TRIPO5_Decode(ByVal input As String) As String Dim key As String = "ghijopE+G78lmnIJQRXY=abcS/UVWdefABCs456tDqruvNOPwx2KLyz01M3Hk9ZFT" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs() As Integer = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 3 enc( = key.IndexOf(input(i)) i = i + 1 Next chrs(0) = (enc(0) << 2) Or (enc(1) >> 4) chrs(1) = (enc(1) And 15) << 4 Or (enc(2) >> 2) chrs(2) = (enc(2) And 3) << 6 Or enc(3) out.Append(Chr(chrs(0))) If enc(2) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(1))) If enc(3) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(2))) Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function TIGO3FX_Encode(ByVal input As String) As String input = Uri.EscapeDataString(input) Dim key As String = "FrsxyzA8VtuvwDEqWZ/1+4klm67=cBCa5Ybdef0g2hij9nopMNO3GHIRSTJKLPQUX" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs As Integer() = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 2 If i < input.Length Then chrs( = Asc(input(i)) i += 1 Next enc(0) = chrs(0) >> 2 enc(1) = ((chrs(0) And 3) << 4) Or (chrs(1) >> 4) enc(2) = ((chrs(1) And 15) << 2) Or (chrs(2) >> 6) enc(3) = chrs(2) And 63 If chrs(1) = 0 Then enc(2) = 64 enc(3) = 64 End If If chrs(2) = 0 Then enc(3) = 64 End If For Each x As Integer In enc out.Append(key(x)) Next Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function TIGO3FX_Decode(ByVal input As String) As String Dim key As String = "FrsxyzA8VtuvwDEqWZ/1+4klm67=cBCa5Ybdef0g2hij9nopMNO3GHIRSTJKLPQUX" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs() As Integer = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 3 enc( = key.IndexOf(input(i)) i = i + 1 Next chrs(0) = (enc(0) << 2) Or (enc(1) >> 4) chrs(1) = (enc(1) And 15) << 4 Or (enc(2) >> 2) chrs(2) = (enc(2) And 3) << 6 Or enc(3) out.Append(Chr(chrs(0))) If enc(2) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(1))) If enc(3) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(2))) Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function FERON74_Encode(ByVal input As String) As String input = Uri.EscapeDataString(input) Dim key As String = "75XYTabcS/UVWdefADqr6RuvN8PBCsQtwx2KLyz+OM3Hk9ghi01ZFlmnjopE=GIJ4" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs As Integer() = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 2 If i < input.Length Then chrs( = Asc(input(i)) i += 1 Next enc(0) = chrs(0) >> 2 enc(1) = ((chrs(0) And 3) << 4) Or (chrs(1) >> 4) enc(2) = ((chrs(1) And 15) << 2) Or (chrs(2) >> 6) enc(3) = chrs(2) And 63 If chrs(1) = 0 Then enc(2) = 64 enc(3) = 64 End If If chrs(2) = 0 Then enc(3) = 64 End If For Each x As Integer In enc out.Append(key(x)) Next Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function FERON74_Decode(ByVal input As String) As String Dim key As String = "75XYTabcS/UVWdefADqr6RuvN8PBCsQtwx2KLyz+OM3Hk9ghi01ZFlmnjopE=GIJ4" Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim i As Integer Do Dim enc(3) As Integer Dim chrs() As Integer = {0, 0, 0} For b As Integer = 0 To 3 enc( = key.IndexOf(input(i)) i = i + 1 Next chrs(0) = (enc(0) << 2) Or (enc(1) >> 4) chrs(1) = (enc(1) And 15) << 4 Or (enc(2) >> 2) chrs(2) = (enc(2) And 3) << 6 Or enc(3) out.Append(Chr(chrs(0))) If enc(2) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(1))) If enc(3) <> 64 Then out.Append(Chr(chrs(2))) Loop While i < input.Length Return out.ToString End Function Public Function ZARA128_Encode(ByVal input As String) As String Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder For Each c As Char In input Dim temp As Integer = Asc(c) + 312 out.Append(temp.ToString & " ") Next Return out.ToString.Substring(0, out.Length - 1) End Function Public Function ZARA128_Decode(ByVal input As String) As String Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim data As String() = Split(input, " ") For Each s As String In data out.Append(Chr(Asc(s) - 312)) Next Return out.ToString End Function Public Function BASE64_Encode(ByVal input As String) As String Return Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input)) End Function Public Function BASE64_Decode(ByVal input As String) As String Return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(input)) End Function Public Function ARMON64_Encrypt(ByVal message As String, Optional ByVal key As String = "ARMON64-CRYPO") As String Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder If key.Length < 3 Then Return message Dim intkey() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key) Dim x As Integer Do While x < message.Length Dim hextemp As String = "" Dim y As String = "" If x > 0 Then y = "+" For i As Integer = x To Math.Round(key.Length / 2) If i < message.Length Then hextemp += Hex(Asc(message(i))) Next Dim thenum As Double = "&H" & hextemp If Information.IsNumeric(thenum) = False Then Return message For z As Integer = 0 To key.Length - 1 Dim operation As Integer = z Mod 4 Select Case operation Case 0 thenum += intkey(z) Case 1 thenum /= intkey(z) Case 2 thenum -= intkey(z) Case 3 thenum *= 0.01 * intkey(z) End Select Next out.Append(y & thenum) x += Math.Round(key.Length / 2) Loop Return out.ToString.Replace(",", ".") End Function Public Shared Function ARMON64_Decrypt(ByVal message As String, Optional ByVal key As String = "ARMON64-CRYPO") As String Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder If key.Length < 6 Then Return message Dim intkey() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key) message = message.Replace(".", ",") Dim oOutString As String() = Split(message, "+") For x As Integer = 0 To oOutString.Length - 1 For z As Integer = key.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1 Dim operation As Integer = z Mod 4 Select Case operation Case 0 oOutString(x) -= intkey(z) Case 1 oOutString(x) *= intkey(z) Case 2 oOutString(x) += intkey(z) Case 3 oOutString(x) /= 0.01 * intkey(z) End Select Next oOutString(x) = Hex(Math.Round(Double.Parse(oOutString(x)))) Next For i As Integer = 0 To Join(oOutString).Length - 1 Step +2 out.Append(Chr(("&H" & Join(oOutString).Substring(i, 2)))) Next Return out.ToString End Function Public Function AER256_Encrypt(ByVal message As String, Optional ByVal key As String = "A256-CRYPO") As String Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder If key.Length < 10 Then Return message Dim intkey() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key) Dim x As Integer Do While x < message.Length Dim hextemp As String = "" Dim y As String = "" If x > 0 Then y = ", " For i As Integer = x To Math.Round(key.Length / 2) If i < message.Length Then hextemp += Hex(Asc(message(i))) Next Dim thenum As Double = "&H" & hextemp If Information.IsNumeric(thenum) = False Then Return message For z As Integer = 0 To key.Length - 1 Dim operation As Integer = z Mod 3 Select Case operation Case 0 thenum += intkey(z) Case 1 thenum /= intkey(z) Case 2 thenum -= intkey(z) Case 3 thenum *= 0.02 * intkey(z) End Select Next Dim temp As String = thenum.ToString.Replace(",", ".") out.Append(y & temp) x += Math.Round(key.Length / 2) Loop Return out.ToString End Function Public Function AER256_Decrypt(ByVal message As String, Optional ByVal key As String = "A256-CRYPO") As String Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder If key.Length < 10 Then Return message Dim intkey() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key) Dim oOutString As String() = Split(message, ", ") For i As Integer = 0 To oOutString.Length - 1 oOutString(i) = oOutString(i).Replace(".", ",") Next For x As Integer = 0 To oOutString.Length - 1 For z As Integer = key.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1 Dim operation As Integer = z Mod 3 Select Case operation Case 0 oOutString(x) -= intkey(z) Case 1 oOutString(x) *= intkey(z) Case 2 oOutString(x) += intkey(z) Case 3 oOutString(x) /= 0.02 * intkey(z) End Select Next oOutString(x) = Hex(Math.Round(Double.Parse(oOutString(x)))) Next For i As Integer = 0 To Join(oOutString).Length - 1 Step +2 out.Append(Chr(("&H" & Join(oOutString).Substring(i, 2)))) Next Return out.ToString End Function Public Function EZIP64_Encrypt(ByVal message As String, Optional ByVal key As String = "EZIP64-CRYPO") As String Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder If key.Length < 10 Then Return message Dim intkey() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key) Dim x As Integer Do While x < message.Length Dim hextemp As String = "" Dim y As String = "" If x > 0 Then y = "/" For i As Integer = x To Math.Round(key.Length / 3) If i < message.Length Then hextemp += Hex(Asc(message(i))) Next Dim thenum As Double = "&H" & hextemp If Information.IsNumeric(thenum) = False Then Return message For z As Integer = 0 To key.Length - 1 Dim operation As Integer = z Mod 4 Select Case operation Case 0 thenum += intkey(z) Case 1 thenum /= intkey(z) Case 2 thenum -= intkey(z) Case 3 thenum *= 0.02 * intkey(z) End Select Next Dim temp As String = thenum.ToString.Replace(",", ".") out.Append(y & temp) x += Math.Round(key.Length / 3) Loop Return out.ToString End Function Public Function EZIP64_Decrypt(ByVal message As String, Optional ByVal key As String = "EZIP64-CRYPO") As String Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder If key.Length < 10 Then Return message Dim intkey() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key) Dim oOutString As String() = Split(message, "/") For i As Integer = 0 To oOutString.Length - 1 oOutString(i) = oOutString(i).Replace(".", ",") Next For x As Integer = 0 To oOutString.Length - 1 For z As Integer = key.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1 Dim operation As Integer = z Mod 4 Select Case operation Case 0 oOutString(x) -= intkey(z) Case 1 oOutString(x) *= intkey(z) Case 2 oOutString(x) += intkey(z) Case 3 oOutString(x) /= 0.02 * intkey(z) End Select Next oOutString(x) = Hex(Math.Round(Double.Parse(oOutString(x)))) Next For i As Integer = 0 To Join(oOutString).Length - 1 Step +2 out.Append(Chr(("&H" & Join(oOutString).Substring(i, 2)))) Dim j As String = out.ToString Next Return out.ToString End Function Public Function OKTO3_Encrypt(ByVal message As String, Optional ByRef key As String = "PASS:OKTO3-CRYPO") As String Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder If key.Length < 10 Then Return message Dim intkey() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key) Dim x As Integer Do While x < message.Length Dim hextemp As String = "" Dim y As String = "" If x > 0 Then y = ", " For i As Integer = x To Math.Round(key.Length / 6) If i < message.Length Then hextemp += Hex(Asc(message(i))) Next Dim thenum As Double = "&H" & hextemp If Information.IsNumeric(thenum) = False Then Return message For z As Integer = 0 To key.Length - 1 Dim operation As Integer = z Mod 3 Select Case operation Case 0 thenum += intkey(z) Case 1 thenum /= intkey(z) Case 2 thenum -= intkey(z) Case 3 thenum *= 500.005 * intkey(z) End Select Next Dim temp As String = thenum.ToString.Replace(",", ".") out.Append(y & temp) x += Math.Round(key.Length / 6) Loop Return out.ToString End Function Public Function OKTO3_Decrypt(ByVal message As String, Optional ByVal key As String = "PASS:OKTO3-CRYPO") As String Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder If key.Length < 10 Then Return message Dim intkey() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key) Dim oOutString As String() = Split(message, ", ") For i As Integer = 0 To oOutString.Length - 1 oOutString(i) = oOutString(i).Replace(".", ",") Next For x As Integer = 0 To oOutString.Length - 1 For z As Integer = key.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1 Dim operation As Integer = z Mod 3 Select Case operation Case 0 oOutString(x) -= intkey(z) Case 1 oOutString(x) *= intkey(z) Case 2 oOutString(x) += intkey(z) Case 3 oOutString(x) /= 0.02 * intkey(z) End Select Next oOutString(x) = Hex(Math.Round(Double.Parse(oOutString(x)))) Next For i As Integer = 0 To Join(oOutString).Length - 1 Step +2 out.Append(Chr(("&H" & Join(oOutString).Substring(i, 2)))) Next Return out.ToString End Function Public Function RevString(ByVal InputStr As String) As String Dim OutputStr As String = StrReverse(InputStr) Return OutputStr End Function Function StringToHex(ByVal text As String) As String Dim hex As String = Nothing For i As Integer = 0 To text.Length - 1 hex &= Asc(text.Substring(i, 1)).ToString("x").ToUpper Next Return hex End Function Function HexToString(ByVal hex As String) As String Dim text As New System.Text.StringBuilder(hex.Length \ 2) Try For i As Integer = 0 To hex.Length - 2 Step 2 text.Append(Chr(Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16))) Next Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.ToString) End Try Return text.ToString End Function Public Function StrToAscii(ByVal InputStr As String) As String Dim asc As String = Nothing For index As Integer = 0 To InputStr.Length - 1 asc = asc & AscW(InputStr(index)) & " " Next Return asc End Function Public Function AsciiToStr(ByVal InputStr As String) As String Dim text As String = Nothing Dim bb() As String = Split(InputStr, " ") Try For index As Integer = 0 To bb.Length - 1 If bb(index) <> "" Then text &= Chr(bb(index)) Next Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.ToString) End Try Return text End Function Public Function BinaryToString(ByVal Binary As String) As String Dim Characters As String = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Binary, "[^01]", "") Dim ByteArray((Characters.Length / 8) - 1) As Byte For Index As Integer = 0 To ByteArray.Length - 1 ByteArray(Index) = Convert.ToByte(Characters.Substring(Index * 8, 8), 2) Next Return System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(ByteArray) End Function Public Function StringToBinary(ByVal Text As String, Optional ByVal Separator As String = " ") As String Dim oReturn As New System.Text.StringBuilder For Each Character As Byte In System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Text) oReturn.Append(Convert.ToString(Character, 2).PadLeft(8, "0")) oReturn.Append(Separator) Next Return oReturn.ToString End Function Public Function ROT13(ByVal input As String) As String Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder For i As Integer = 0 To input.Length - 1 out.Append(Chr(Asc(input(i)) Xor 13)) Next Return out.ToString End Function Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click TextBox3.Clear() If RadioButton16.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = RevString(TextBox5.Text) End If If RadioButton17.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = StringToHex(TextBox5.Text) End If If RadioButton18.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = HexToString(TextBox5.Text) End If If RadioButton19.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = StrToAscii(TextBox5.Text) End If If RadioButton20.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = AsciiToStr(TextBox5.Text) End If If RadioButton21.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = BinaryToString(TextBox5.Text) End If If RadioButton22.Checked = True Then TextBox3.Text = StringToBinary(TextBox5.Text) End If TextBox5.Clear() End Sub Shared Sub TextBox4_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox4.TextChanged End Sub End Class Si Genius++ Cu ce ai aici cred ca tu te faci de rusine.
File Scanned: Link: NoVirusThanks.org New Download Link: MediaFire.com
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File Scanned: Download Link: SendSpace.com Pass: PM ================================================================= Altul: Testat pe: XP | Vista | W7 32 | 64 File Scanned: Fichero: Protected.exe Fecha/Hora: 22/10/2012 21:33:56 GMT +1 Tamaño: 580017 Bytes MD5: ef50cc0c5e2f3351d58cbccfd4447188 SHA1: 320f7449cb0bb7e17ecad056103e23439cadf087 Detecciones: 0/35 Estado: LIMPIO AVG Free - Limpio ArcaVir - Limpio Avast 5 - Limpio AntiVir (Avira) - Limpio BitDefender - Limpio VirusBuster Internet Security - Limpio Clam Antivirus - Limpio COMODO Internet Security - Limpio Dr.Web - Limpio eTrust-Vet - Limpio F-PROT Antivirus - Limpio F-Secure Internet Security - Limpio G Data - Limpio IKARUS Security - Limpio Kaspersky Antivirus - Limpio McAfee - Limpio MS Security Essentials - Limpio ESET NOD32 - Limpio Norman - Limpio Norton Antivirus - Limpio Panda Security - Limpio A-Squared - Limpio Quick Heal Antivirus - Limpio Rising Antivirus - Limpio Solo Antivirus - Limpio Sophos - Limpio Trend Micro Internet Security - Limpio VBA32 Antivirus - Limpio Vexira Antivirus - Limpio Zoner AntiVirus - Limpio Ad-Aware - Limpio BullGuard - Limpio Immunet Antivirus - Limpio K7 Ultimate - Limpio VIPRE - Limpio Download Link: http://up.ht/XMNB1a Password: 61mVX1HparY= Encrytpion: 3des - ECB Key: M3 Source: Level-23.
E clar. Nu-mi spune ca ai facut cont special ca sa scanezi binder-ul.
Download. Citeste asta.
Te-ai dat de gol singur Mi-am dat seama dupa numarul posturilor. Esti ceva de genu: "Frate, e luat drept virus, dar el nu e, ia-l cu incredere":)) Si-a facut cont nou xplor.styles Ajung la concluzia ca e polonic si vrea sa ne-o traga
File Scanned: Stub: Archivo: Lolita.exe Tamaño: 28160 Bytes MD5: 7ffd4717273e8ed562960d9769f02d65 SHA1: d04a5f3034be31e35733f40ebd65ac9d1895ce2d Resultado: 0/35 Estado: Limpio AVG Free - OK ArcaVir - OK Avast 5 - OK AntiVir (Avira) - OK BitDefender - OK VirusBuster Internet Security - OK Clam Antivirus - OK COMODO Internet Security - OK Dr.Web - OK eTrust-Vet - OK F-PROT Antivirus - OK F-Secure Internet Security - OK G Data - OK IKARUS Security - OK Kaspersky Antivirus - OK McAfee - OK MS Security Essentials - OK ESET NOD32 - OK Norman - OK Norton Antivirus - OK Panda Security - OK A-Squared - OK Quick Heal Antivirus - OK Rising Antivirus - OK Solo Antivirus - OK Sophos - OK Trend Micro Internet Security - OK VBA32 Antivirus - OK Vexira Antivirus - OK Zoner AntiVirus - OK Ad-Aware - OK BullGuard - OK Immunet Antivirus - OK K7 Ultimate - OK VIPRE - OK Download Link: MiHKKkQSgJ6xM8/6SJA60hXmM56fOkQkn6L5SyQL+ILUbi6k+5r=Sf15glnqiHQMAm0ySyKN+jKqLhAzM4hxDyB1MiWqfJc5gJzC Decrypt: Base64->Megan35->atom128 Source: Level-23.biz PS: L-am testat si functioneaza.
Nu e nici unul .ro, iar majoritatea nu sunt vulnerabile. Gasite la dork?