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Everything posted by ahmenty

  1. ia pachetul de pe http://www.linuxpackages.net/ E pus in format special pt slack (tgz) si apoi dai un installpkg urmat de numele arhivei.
  2. Testat pe nokia 6670 si nu merge.Lansez aplicatia insa nu se aprinde.
  3. L-a detectat kav-ul din prima
  4. http://www.dark-stock.info/index.php?dir=Vid%E9os/
  5. asa cum a spus si avkhackteam ..trebuie pus in Daca'>c://windows/system Daca nici atunci nu va merge va trebui sa dai start run si apoi scrie in casuta regsvr32 richtx32.ocx
  6. Puteti downloada acest program de pe siteul http://www.thc.org [0x00] What is a Phone Lock: From Nokia's webpage: "The Phone Lock prevents your phone data from being accessed if your phone is stolen. "The lock code is a number that prevents unauthorized persons from using your phone. These control codes are for your protection." [0x01] What is THC-NOKIA-UNLOCK: The program exploits a design flaw in the nokia mobile phones to remove the Phone Lock protection. The program was tested on Nokia 6630 and Nokia 6680. The program should work on any other Symbian based mobile phones (including Sony Ericson and all modern nokia phones and many others). This tool does not remove the sim-lock. [0x02] Howto use: You need two mobile phones. 1) Do _not_ turn off the mobile phone! 2) Remove the Memory Card (MMC) from the locked phone and put it into a second mobile. Install FExplorer on the second mobile phone. Create the directory E:SystemRecogs and copy thc-nokia-unlock.mdl into this directory. 3) Remove the Memory Card and place it into the locked phone. The THC-NOKIA-UNLOCK program should start after 120 seconds. 4) Remove the battery. Remove the MMC. Put the battery back and restart. The Phone Lock has been reset to "12345". [0x03] Oh shit. Why does this work? The Phone Lock disables the key pad, bluetooth and the USB port. This makes it impossible to access the data stored on the device without knowing the correct code. Nevertheless the MMC is not disabled. Nokia's OS has a lot of undocumented features. One of them are 'recognizer' that can be used to execute a program when the phone boots. A recognizer is loaded and executed when a drive is mounted. The MMC is mounted when it is placed into the mobile phone _even_ when the phone is locked. THC-NOKIA-UNLOCK is a recognizer that implementes yet another undocumented feature to perform a hard reset (by software) on the phone. Note: The same recognizer-autostart method can be used to quickly install a backdoor on a locked mobile phone or to propagate a virus: Get in, Get Out, Get Away. [0x04] Dont miss the point! This tool has nothing to do with sp-lock (sim-lock). Dejan Kaljevic is the master of that area...
  7. Aceasta mi se pare cea mai simpa metoda....mai ales daca nu aveti internet Am gasit tot pe un site de hack o imagine de linux care se numeste ophcrack si se gaseste pe siteul: http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net/ nu trebuie decat sa scrieti imaginea respectiva pe un cd si sa bootati cu el programul isi face treaba singur si o sa va afiseze parolele fiecarui user nu trebuie sa apasati nici o tasta...doar sa bootati cu imaginea respectiva mai multe detalii despre ophcrack : http://lasecwww.epfl.ch/~oechslin/projects/ophcrack/ Daca aveti internetul at folsiti metoda care a mai fost postat si anume folosind backtrack linux live cd si tutorialul video de pe http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=vide ... kplaintext
  8. un alt prgram pe care il puteti folosi pt a face un win xp unattended se numeste nlite (aveti nevoie de net framework 2.0) si il gasiti pe softpedia:http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/nLite.shtml
  9. thx man
  10. not working have 6670 and vhen i punch in the code *3001#12345# it says request not completed
  11. ce pot sa va spun este ca io il foloseam doar la apa calda pt ca acolo e mai scump metrul cub. l-am folosit cam o sapt si nu am avut probleme cu apometrul. il folositi si voi 2 sapt sau il puneti doar atuncicand este nevoie. problema este ca se gasesc mai greu magneti de genul asta. ii gaesesti numai in harduri vechi
  12. daca va intereseaza cu adevarat cum sa opriti apometrele folositi doi magneti de la un hard de tip vechi(printre primele facute....) magnetii sunt atat de puternici incat vor bloca acul si nu va mai contoriza apometrul smecheria merge sigur pt ca am incercat-o
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