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Everything posted by Sub_Zero

  1. super,mersi
  2. hehe ce super ii profgamu asta sper sa mearga
  3. super site-ul,o sa ma uit peste tutoriale cand am timp
  4. chiar daca mi se pare ca-i o clona a lu RST,imi place mult skinul forumului,ar fi fain sa avem si noi unul asemanator
  5. pai dincate am vazut io ii vulnerabil la xss si poate ii fur cookieurile adminului
  6. numele o descriere ceva?o imagine?
  7. ce forum de toata poola au,o sa incerc sa fac ceva diseara sa le fut forumu
  9. MSN Messenger Password Recovery is the MSN password finder that instantly cracks and decrypts the MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger passwords stored on your computer. It can be used to recover your forgotten MSN password. Program works when the “Remember my Password” tickbox is checked in the messenger. All versions of MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger are supported. Multiple accounts are also supported Link: http://www.msn-password-recovery.com/MSN-Password-Recovery-setup.exe Fix: http://rapidshare.de/files/11022529/MSN-bayag-patch.rar.html
  10. .::How To add Vb skins Tutorial Writen By Boss_hogg::. Ok first Download a Vb Skin Heres Some i have. This Folder Conatins  A few skins - Know'>http://rapidshare.de/files/31616882/Skins.zip Know That we have some skins Open up vb6 and  Makea new standard.exe! Ok once you have It open Go to Componets Then Add a Active Skin 4.0 Then Click ok. U should see this in the Tool Bar or W/e Ok click that and add one into the Form. You Should See this Ok Right click the little button and Click Load Skin. Load The skin you want then Go To Form1 Codeing and Add this, Private Sub Form_Load() Skin1.ApplySkin Me.hWnd End Sub Then Run Form1 and see if it works. Acest tutorial a fost facut de boss_hog
  11. Sub_Zero


    l-am intrebat numa daca le-a tradus de acolo si l-am felicitat ca s-a obosit sa trduca si pentru aia care nu stiu engleza si imi par erau daca l-am ofensat in vreun fel
  12. Sub_Zero


    ce draq astea le-ai trdus din engleza in romana din cartea de bucate a anarhistilor daca da atunci felicitari ,ca tot ce ai spus este exact ce scrie in cartea aia in engleza
  13. ma bucur ca-ti place,si chiar esti din Spania?
  14. mersi mult este foarte bun programl
  15. Uitati-va atent..... :@ :@ Am incercat niste javascript da nu o mers
  16. Windows Admin Hack - ISO Windows Admin Hack allows you to reset the Administrator password on any PC running Windows 2000 or XP. When you boot a PC with this CD, a mini version of Linux starts which allows you to reset the Administrator password to anything you want. De pe forumul de unde l-am luat spune ca l-a testat la el pe calculator si a spus ca a mers
  17. Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/37087370/hahaLOL.rar
  18. chiar ce poze,sper ca nu est tu ala
  19. ok am pus alt link
  20. ce? :@ :@
  21. Sub_Zero


    salut si bun venit pe forum
  22. foarte frumos dar nu cred ca trebuia sa scrii acolo mare de tot ENCODED,mi-ai putea face si mie una
  23. super cine l-a facut?
  24. :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ ce tare o fost :@ :@ :@ :@ mai ales cum o desenat laptopul :@ :@ :@
  25. Link: http://www.rapidshare.ro/download.php?id=LSy6tBakiOSFkYYXluQa
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