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  1. Cumpar link-uri pe site-uri din nisa adult indiferent de pozitia lor. Platesc pe masura.
  2. This post requires you to click the Likes button to read this content. http://a.pomf.se/pjmwvx.png """ OLX.ro scraper Gets name, phone no., Yahoo! & Skype addresses, where applicable http://a.pomf.se/pjmwvx.png """ import re import json import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as b pages = 1 # How many pages should be scraped # Category URL, a.k.a. where to get the ads from catURL = "http://olx.ro/electronice-si-electrocasnice/laptop-calculator/" # Links to the Ajax requests ajaxNum = "http://olx.ro/ajax/misc/contact/phone/" ajaxYah = "http://olx.ro/ajax/misc/contact/communicator/" ajaxSky = "http://olx.ro/ajax/misc/contact/skype/" def getName(link): # Get the name from the ad page = requests.get(link) soup = b(page.text) match = soup.find(attrs={"class": "block color-5 brkword xx-large"}) name = re.search(">(.+)<", str(match)).group(1) return name def getPhoneNum(aID): # Get the phone number resp = requests.get("%s%s/" % (ajaxNum, aID)).text try: resp = json.loads(resp).get("value") except ValueError: return # No phone number if "span" in resp: # Multiple phone numbers nums = b(resp).find_all(text=True) for num in nums: if num != " ": return num else: return resp def getYahoo(aID): # Get the Yahoo! ID resp = requests.get("%s%s/" % (ajaxYah, aID)).text try: resp = json.loads(resp).get("value") except ValueError: return # No Yahoo! ID else: return resp def getSkype(aID): # Get the Skype ID resp = requests.get("%s%s/" % (ajaxSky, aID)).text try: resp = json.loads(resp).get("value") except ValueError: return # No Skype ID else: return resp def main(): for pageNum in range(1, pages+1): print("Page %d." % pageNum) page = requests.get(catURL + "?page=" + str(pageNum)) soup = b(page.text) links = soup.findAll(attrs={"class": "marginright5 link linkWithHash \ detailsLink"}) for a in links: aID = re.search('ID(.+)\.', a['href']).group(1) print("ID: %s" % aID) print("\tName: %s" % getName(a['href'])) if getPhoneNum(aID) != None: print("\tPhone: %s" % getPhoneNum(aID)) if getYahoo(aID) != None: print("\tYahoo: %s" % getYahoo(aID)) if getSkype(aID) != None: print("\tSkype: %s" % getSkype(aID)) if __name__ == "__main__": main() Tocmai scraper: https://rstforums.com/forum/98245-tocmai-ro-scraper-nume-oras-numar-telefon.rst
  3. If someone shares a porn video on Facebook, beware. The latest threat to users involves a fake Flash Player update which pops up during a preview of a pornographic video. Once you click on the link to update your video player, malware (the name given to malicious software), downloads onto your computer. This Trojan horse software gives the creator of the malware remote access to your computer. They can then download viruses onto your computer. Security researcher Mohammad Faghani alerted users to the threat in a post on the Full Disclosure blog, which flags up network vulnerabilities. "The Trojan tags the infected user's friends with an enticing post," he explained. Faghani warned that the malware then tags up to 20 friends of the victim in the malicious post, thus leading to a larger number of those who could be affected. He believes it could "infect more than 110,000 users in two days". Faghani also said the malware was able to hijack keyboard and mouse movement. In response, Facebook said it was aware of the problem and was working to block it. In a statement issued to security news website Threatpost, a Facebook spokesperson said: "We use a number of automated systems to identify potentially harmful links and stop them from spreading. "In this case, we're aware of these malware varieties, which are typically hosted as browser extensions and distributed using links on social media sites. "We are blocking links to these scams, offering cleanup options, and pursuing additional measures to ensure that people continue to have a safe experience on Facebook." Last week, a hacker group called Lizard Squad had hinted it was responsible for the Facebook, Instagram and Tinder going down. Facebook denied it was hacked, saying the access issues were "not the result of a third party attack". Source
  4. Dependency-Check is a utility that attempts to detect publicly disclosed vulnerabilities contained within project dependencies. It does this by determining if there is a Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) identifier for a given dependency. If found, it will generate a report linking to the associated CVE entries. Documentation and links to production binary releases can be found on the github pages. Additionally, more information about the architecture and ways to extend dependency-check can be found on the wiki. Download: https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck
  5. O colectie mica de siteuri web pentru scheme si diverse proiecte electronice. - Scheme electronice simple si circuite electronice fundamentale - Scheme electronice pentru toti, electronica de la A la Z. Sisteme de securitate, generalitati - www.azp.ro - Electronics Projects Circuits - Miscellaneous electronic circuit diagrams / circuit schematics - Electronic Circuit Schematic Wiring Diagram - Electronics Forum (Circuits, Projects and Microcontrollers) - Homemade Circuit Designs Just for You - Elektronik Devreler Projeler 320 Volt | Elektronik Sitesi Daca doriti sa completati, o puteti face in acest thread
  6. Am cautat pe goagale un link scraper pentru ca imi trebuiau multe linkuri nu conta ce linkuri erau, si am gasit site-ul asta. Cred ca le ia de pe google sau nush de unde altundeva. Link-urile le separa cu virgula, daca vreti sa le aveti cate unul pe linie, bagati-le in Word, si da-ti Ctrl+F, apoi selectati tabul Replace si puneti sa caute virgula si sa o inlocuiasca cu ^p si asa le pune fiecare pe cate o linie. Eu le folosesc pe adf.ly, le scurtez cu un programel ce l-am facut si apoi le bag in autoclicker. Faci bani frumosi asa. Link: http://newwealthdevelopment.com/freeserpscraper.php
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