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A number of them voiced their distrust in emails to one another, seen by Reuters, and in written comments that are part of the process. The suspicions stem largely from internal NSA documents disclosed by Snowden that showed the agency had previously plotted to manipulate standards and promote technology it could penetrate. Budget documents, for example, sought funding to "insert vulnerabilities into commercial encryption systems." More than a dozen of the experts involved in the approval process for Simon and Speck feared that if the NSA was able to crack the encryption techniques, it would gain a "back door" into coded transmissions, according to the interviews and emails and other documents seen by Reuters. "I don't trust the designers," Israeli delegate Orr Dunkelman, a computer science professor at the University of Haifa, told Reuters, citing Snowden's papers. "There are quite a lot of people in NSA who think their job is to subvert standards. My job is to secure standards." sursa: via :
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- simon 64/128
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Salutare, Din plictiseala astazi am inceput sa caut aplicatii de securitate. Am dat peste o aplicatie interesanta numita Safe&Secret. Am testat aceasta aplicatie folosind telefonul meu Android cu un telefon simplu (caramida), In caz de acea aplicatie nu e chiar asa "buna" cum s-ar zice. Ei bine, se pare ca chiar asa e. Aplicatia foloseste un algoritm de criptare AES-256. Am trimis un SMS criptat catre celalalt telefon, si asa cum speram, celalalt telefon primeste un SMS cu o amestecatura de litere (criptat). Am trimis acelasi SMS criptat de pe "caramida" si cand am primit acel SMS, am aflat ca nu numai ma anunta ca am primit acel SMS criptat, ci si il separa de mesageria normala. Bineinteles, cand primesc un SMS criptat, suna cu o alta melodie (cea din acel soft). Daca vreau sa deschid acel SMS trebuie sa bag doua parole. 1. Main Key al soft-ului, 2. Parola acelui text criptat. Am ramas cu o impresie placuta legata de acest soft, desi mai au nevoie de mici imbunatatiri. Acum, Poate ca eu ma bucur ca am gasit acest soft, ma intreb daca exista pe Market Android alte aplicatii similare si de ce nu, mai bune. Daca cineva foloseste un astfel de soft, sa il imi spuna si mie care este acela ---- Algoritmul AES-256 este ok, as prefera un algoritm "mixed" gen AES+BASE64+ROT13+Serpent+Caesar Shift de exemplu.