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Found 3 results

  1. Tearing a page, so to speak, from social media crowdfunding campaigns like last year's ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, the National Archives has turned to Twitter to raise a volunteer workforce of citizen archivists to help transcribe some of millions of digitized documents—including thousands of declassified CIA and Department of Defense files. The goal of the Transcription Challenge: 1,000 transcribed pages of documents by March 23. The Transcription Challenge corresponds with Sunshine Week, an open government campaign originally launched by the Florida Society of Newspaper Editors as Sunshine Sunday in 2002. The event was adopted by the American Society of Newspaper Editors and extended to a week in 2003, and it has since picked up support from the Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press, Bloomberg, The Gridiron Club, and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The National Archives is looking for individuals interested in helping to use Twitter and the hashtag #1000pages to claim documents for transcription and tell the Archives' staff what they've found. In addition to CIA and other declassified files, the Archives is offering up a number of other "missions," ranging from National Forest documents and photos to papers of the Continental Congress and records of the Confederate Government. There are also audio recordings of interviews conducted by the 9/11 commission. Source
  2. În?elegând Na?ional Socialismul Aceast? lucrare a fost creat? datorit? nevoii de a clarifica lucrurile pentru aceia care se consider? na?ional sociali?ti, dar care au o cunoa?tere limitat? a doctrinei ?i, mai ales, pentru aceia care se opun în mod complet Na?ional Socialismului. Pentru aceia care nu au avut niciodat? oportunitatea de a cunoa?te ?i studia dintr-o perspectiv? care nu vine de la inamic, astfel încât s? fie capabili de a ajunge la concluzii cinstite ?i ra?ionale. Este o oportunitate pentru oponen?ii no?tri, care adesea au fost manipula?i în ceea ce ?ine de în?elegerea adev?rului despre noi, fiind pu?i s? lupte în mod incon?tient împotriva noastr? ?i s? colaboreze cu acela?i sistem care are ca ?int? distrugerea noastr?. Mul?i inamici au devenit agresivi împotriva noastr? deoarece am g?sit o solu?ie care poate fi realizat?. În aceea?i m?sur?, c?ut?m s? elimin?m toate prejudiciile create prin propaganda ?i mass-media care ne ponegresc. Acest articol încearc? s? aduc? lumin? ?i s? clarifice adev?rul legat de viziunea asupra lumii a Na?ional Socialismului, care a fost du?m?nit ?i persecutat decenii întregi de oameni care au jurat s? apere revolta poporului împotriva puterii banilor ?i a intereselor de dictatur?. De-a lungul secolului al XX-lea, na?ional sociali?tilor nu le-a fost permis s? delibereze ?i nici nu li s-a dat oportunitatea unei dezbateri cinstite ?i democratice. Am fost persecuta?i în multe ??ri din lume; ideile ne-au fost denaturate ?i manipulate, devenind resping?toare. Datele istorice au fost falsificate pentru a preveni cunoa?terea faptelor adev?rate. C?r?ile ne-au fost arse, confiscate ?i interzise. Autorii ne-au fost persecuta?i, denun?a?i, expu?i ?i întemni?a?i. Astfel, inchizitorii au demonstrat c? suntem o amenin?are la adresa guvernului, a sionismului interna?ional, a sistemului, a puterii capitaliste ?i mentalit??ii individualiste a burgheziei. To?i au încercat s? ne aduc? la t?cere, s? ne înl?n?uie ?i chiar s? ne ucid?, îns? nu pot distruge o idee. Este timpul s? ne revolt?m împotriva Lumii Moderne; e vremea pentru plânsetul libert??ii noastre. Este timpul ca piesele s? fie aruncate pe mas?. Click pe urmatorul link pentru a descarca sau citi cartea: În?elegând Na?ional Socialismul » Satanism Spiritual N-am vazut pe forum discutii despre nazism, ce parere aveti? cu argumente pro/contra please.
  3. Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has released an encrypted chat service, called MegaChat, to compete with the Microsoft-owned Skype. The release would be rolled out gradually, beginning with video-calling on Thursday, he said. The news came as it emerged a top EU official wants companies to be required by law to hand over encryption keys. The EU counter-terrorism coordinator's proposal follows a similar call by Prime Minister David Cameron. In a document leaked by the civil liberties group Statewatch, Gilles de Kerchove said encryption "increasingly makes lawful interception by the relevant national authorities technically difficult or even impossible". He wrote: "The [European] Commission should be invited to explore rules obliging internet and telecommunications companies operating in the EU to provide, under certain conditions as set out in the relevant national laws and in full compliance with fundamental rights, access of the relevant national authorities to communications (ie share encryption keys)." Mr De Kerchove refused to comment on the leaked document. Earlier this month, Mr Cameron said he wanted internet firms to allow the government to view encrypted messages in order to aid the security services. But his plans to revive the Communications Data Bill, dubbed the "snoopers' charter", were criticised by civil liberties groups and the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg. Announcing the launch of the beta version of his MegaChat service, Mr Dotcom said that video-calling would gradually be followed by a text-chat service and video-conferencing. About three years ago, Mr Dotcom's Megaupload site was seized and he was arrested in an armed raid on his New Zealand house. Announcing the launch of MegaChat on Twitter, he noted the timeline that lead from the raid to Thursday's announcement, highlighting the launch of his new site, Mega, and a political party in the subsequent years. And he wrote: "#Mega offers a security bounty again. Please report any security flaw to us. We'll fix it and reward you. Thanks for helping." Mr Dotcom still faces extradition from New Zealand to the United States on copyright infringement charges. In November last year, he said he was "broke" as a result of the consequent legal fight. He put the cost at $10m (£6.4m) since his arrest in 2012. Source
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