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Product Description The newly-upgraded Power Data Recovery 6.8 is added with support for dozens of RAW file types including *.m4v, *.3g2, *.wtv, *.wrf, *.pps, *.dps and 4096-byte-sector-based hard drive. Unlike other data recovery software, MiniTool Power Data Recovery is an all in one data recovery software for home and business users. It can recover deleted data from the Windows Recycle Bin, restore lost data, even if the partition is formatted or deleted, restore data from a corrupted hard drive, virus infection, unexpected system shutdown or software failure. It supports IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB hard disk, memory card, USB flash drive, CD/DVD, Blue-Ray Disk and iPod. MiniTool Power Data Recovery contains five data recovery modules – Undelete Recovery, Damaged Partition Recovery, Lost Partition Recovery, Digital Media Recovery and CD & DVD Recovery. Each data recovery module focuses on a different data loss scenario. The Undelete Recovery module focuses on recovering deleted files and folders. By using Undelete Recovery module, you could recover deleted files emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin and even files deleted by using SHIFT+DELETE key. Undelete Recovery module supports FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, NTFS and NTFS file systems. It also supports hard disks, flash drives, memory sticks, memory cards and flash cards. To recover deleted files from CD/DVD disks, please use the CD/DVD Recovery module. The Damaged Partition Recovery module is the most powerful data recovery module of MiniTool Power Data Recovery. This data recovery module focuses on recovering data from damaged or formatted partitions. For example: If a drive is displayed as RAW and Windows asks – “Do you want to format this drive?”. This problem can be solved by using this data recovery module quickly. In other words, as long as the partition is existing, the user can use this data recovery module to recover data from the partition irrespective of whatever happened to cause the data loss. And this data recovery module not only supports MBR-style partition, but also supports Windows Dynamic disk volume. For example: Simple Volume, Spanned Volume, Striped Volume and RAID-5 Volume. If you cannot find the partition you want to recover in this data recovery module, you will need to use Lost Partition Recovery module. The Lost Partition Recovery module is designed to recover data after partition loss or deletion. The user may accidentally delete an important partition when using partition management software (for example: Partition Wizard). It could also happen when the user reinstalls Windows to a hard drive. In other words, if you cannot not find your partition in the Damaged Partition Recovery module, you should use this data recovery module to get your data back. The Digital Media Recovery module is designed to recover data from digital media in the event of any problems occurring. This module supports most digital media devices, for example: Flash drives, flash cards, memory cards, memory sticks and iPods. This data recovery module focuses on recovering lost/deleted photos, music (mp3 files, mp4 files) and video files. The Digital Media Recovery module also supports the recovery of digital camera RAW files. Some of the manufacturers have defined the photo file’s format by themselves. For example: Canon supports CRW and CR2 photo format. Kodak supports DCR photo format. Minolta supports MRW photo format. Nikon supports NEF photo format. Olympus supports ORF photo format. Pentax supports PEF photo format. Fuji supports RAF photo format. And Sony supports SRF photo format. The CD/DVD Recovery module is designed to recover data from CD & DVD disks. It is designed specifically to recover lost and deleted files from damaged, scratched or defective CD and DVD disks. This data recovery module can recover files recorded by common CD/DVD writing software. It is capable of recovering data from all CD and DVD disc types (CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, and DVD-RW), and from quick formatted RW discs. It also supports a disc recorded with UDF packet writing software: DirectCD, InCD, packetCD. -> Download <-Deal Expire in: EXPIRED!
Product Description Complete Windows Backup Software for PCs, Laptops, and Workstations. Backup: easily and safely save everything, including system, disk, partition and individual files. Restore: fast and reliable disaster recovery, supporting sector alignment and selective restoration. Clone: step-by-step transfer OS or upgrade hard drive without reinstalling Windows and applications. Utilities: command line backup, merge images, backup schemes, make bootable discs, VSS, etc. Backup Features: File Backup: back up your files and folders automatically or manually to ensure you don’t lose anything from now on. System Backup: one-click back up Windows, settings, applications and the files required for computer to boot. Disk & Partition Backups: flexibly choose entire hard drive or separate partitions to backup, including dynamic disk volumes. Schedule Backup: set up a schedule to back up your system and all files automatically, supporting daily, weekly, and monthly. Incremental & Differential Backups: on the basis of a full backup, save time and storage space by only backing up changed files. Backup Scheme: automatically delete the obsolete backup images based on specified value – the age and the number. Command Line Backup: make backups from command prompt or by creating a batch (.dat) file for unattended processing. Backup to Internal & External Storage Devices: support SCSI, IDE, SATA hard drives, external USB hard drives and all flash drives. Backup to CD/DVD: support CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, BD-R. Backup to NAS/Share Network: set Network-Attached Storage (NAS) or share network as the destination path to easily backup. Restore Features: File Restore: Restore backed-up versions of files & folders that are lost, damaged, or changed accidentally, like emails, music, movies, etc. System Restore: Return your computer’s system files and programs to an earlier state when everything was working properly. Disk & Partition Restore: Completely recover the entire hard disk, partition or dynamic disk volume to the point you ever backed up. Selective File Restore: Just recover individual files what you need from disk & partition images without restoring the entire image to save time. Clone Features: Clone Disk: copy a hard drive to another one or solid state drive (SSD) without reinstalling Windows and applications. Clone Partition: create an exact duplication of your system or data partition, and transfer it to another place. Utilities & Tools: Merge Backup Images Combine full backup and its chained incremental backups into a single backup for better management. Check and Explore Images Verify data integrity of image file to ensure it can be restored successfully. Mount image file as a virtual partition to browse the contents in Windows Explorer. Encrypt and Compress Images Protect image file from unauthorized access with a password. Set the level of compression used for backing up process to save time or save storage space. Comment and Split Backups Add a comment for backup image so that it can be identified easily. Large backups can be split into multiple smaller image files or split to fit for fixed length media. Split and Delete Backups Large backups can be split into multiple smaller image files or split to fit for fixed length media. Delete a backup task or together with its backup image files. Export/Import Tasks and Logs Management Export all backup tasks stored in an XML file which can be imported later. View what operations the program has done and record the events that occur during a backup process. Email Notifications and VSS Send backup completion status to your email by using your own mail server or AOMEI SMTP server. Microsoft Volume Shadow (VSS) allows you to back up files that are in use, especially for open and locked files backup. Create Bootable Rescue Media Make Windows PE & Linux bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive. It can be useful to recover if your computer cannot boot. Support manually add additional drivers when create Windows PE bootable media. YOU CAN ALSO TRY THESE FREEWARE: AOMEI PE Builder PE Builder - Create Bootable USB or CD/DVD based on Windows PE with AOMEI PE Builder This freeware helps you make a bootable environment based on Windows PE without installing AIK/WAIK easily, which integrates a set of tools that enables you to boot up your computer for easy maintenance and fast recovery tasks when the native system is corrupted or cannot be used. AOMEI OneKey Recovery One Key Recovery - Create a Factory Restore Partition with AOMEI OneKey Recovery This is also a freeware, as its name suggests, it can create a factory restore partition and ONE KEY backup system for all types of desktops and laptops. AOMEI PXE Boot Free PXE Boot Software and Network Booting Tool for Windows 8.1/8/7/XP/Vista This freeware aims to boot your multiple computers from an image via network. Its mode is Client/Server. It is easy to use. It also supports synchronous boot of multiple computers. One of the advantages is that it supports bootable micro-system created by you. -> Download <-Deal Expires in: EXPIRED!
In acest topic/tutorial voi explica intrun mod tehnic dar in acelasi timp simplu de inteles pentru nivelul unui user structura disk-urilor in Solaris Voi simplifica totul in cateva optiuni: - Cum vine vazut un disk fizic (hard disk) de catre sistem - Cum vin create partitiile intrun disk la nivelul sistemului -Cum vine vazut un disk fizic de catre sistem Presupunem ca avem un hard disk care poate fi reprezentat in urmatorul fel: ----------------- - - - - -> Primul hard disk c1d0 - - ----------------- ----------------- - - - - -> Al doilea hard disk c1d1 - - ----------------- In solaris fiecarui disk ii vine atribuit un nume, asadar poate fi recunoscut de catre sistem in baza numelui pe care il poarta. c -> logical controller d -> disk number Avem doua discuri colegate la acelasi controller care are valoarea 1 si vine specificata de catre litera (c) , si numarul care ii vine atribuit fiecarui disk de catre litera (d) incepand de la 0. Deci 0 va fi primul disk colegat (de obicei este discul unde vine instalat sistemul) iar 1 va fi al doilea disk colegat la acest sistem Pentru a functiona discurile necesita sa fie formatate ,si au nevoie de o partitie. - Cum vin create partitiile intrun disk la nivelul sistemului Note: In sistemele X86 solaris va crea o singura partitie pe fiecare disk carei ii va atribui urmatorul id 0xbf. Structura disk-ului va fi modificata in felul urmator: c1d0 disk ----------------- -############## - -# 1partition # - aceasta partitie va mosteni id-ul 0xbf(Solaris) -############## - ----------------- Note: Intrun disk se pot crea pana la un maxim de 4 partitii In solaris fiecare partitie la randul ei vine impartita in "bucati" mai mici care vin chemate slice. In sistemele x86 o partitie poate contine un maxim de 10 slice Structura unui hard disk cu o singura partitie impartita in 10 slice: --------------------------------- -###############################- -# # # # # # # # # # #- -#0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #- -# # # # # # # # # # #- -###############################- --------------------------------- Note:Numerele pleaca de la 0 In fiecare slice se poate crea un filesystem Un slice este echivalent cu o partitie pentru solaris , aceeasi structura vine definita si in sistemele FreeBSD. Partitiile (slice) 2,8,9 vin rezervate iar restul pot fi folosite pentru a crea diverse sisteme de fisiere sau chiar o structura de Logical Volume. ############################################################################ 2 - reprezinta un slice de bakup (in teorie numele are doar un tag de backup dar reprezinta dimenisunea totala a disk-ului) 8 - reprezinta sectorul de boot al sistemului 9 - reprezinta un slice altenativ cu doar 2 cilindri ############################################################################ 0 - de obice contine filesyste-ul root atunci cand vine instalat sistemul dar poate fi creat oricare alt filesystem sau chiar introdus intrun volum logic 1,3,4,5,6,7 pot fi folosite pentru orice ############################################################################ Note: Toata informatia in legatura cu structura acestor partitii chemat slice vine stocata in (Volume Table Of Contents) chemata VTOC VTOC ocupa primul si al doilea sector din partitia de boot Exista un tool care extrage informatii in legatura cu geometria discului si a partitiilor.Se numeste prtvtoc si are o pagina de manual care poate fi accesata cu man prtvtoc. Exemplu partitii slice de default dupa instalarea unui sistem: Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks 0 root wm 3 - 762 5.82GB (760/0/0) 12209400 1 swap wu 763 - 838 596.16MB (76/0/0) 1220940 2 backup wm 0 - 1236 9.48GB (1237/0/0) 19872405 3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 6 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 7 home wm 839 - 1236 3.05GB (398/0/0) 6393870 8 boot wu 0 - 0 7.84MB (1/0/0) 16065 9 alternates wu 1 - 2 15.69MB (2/0/0) 32130 - prima coloana detine numerele partitiilor chemate slice - a doua coloana poate defini numele partitiilor ,(acestea pot fi: root,swap, usr, stand, var, home, sau unassigned ) - a treia coloana wm -> write, mountable wu -> write, unmountable - in a patra coloana vin specificate valorile cilindrilor pentru fiecare partitie - in ultimele coloane vine specificata dimensiunea in KB,MB,GB si block size Recapituland am spus ca primul hard disk vine identificat de catre sistem ca fiind c1d0 c -> logical controller d -> disk number Ei bine fiecare slice vine identificat de catre litera (s) care detine valoarea partitiei chemata slice .Deci avand in vedere faptul ca primul slice si anume 0 contine filesyste-ul root vom avea urmatorul path : /dev/dsk/c1d0s0 Iar spre exemplu home vine inpartitia numarul 7 deci vom avea ca path /dev/dsk/c1d0s7 ############################## Pentru filesystemul root avem: c1 -> logical controller d0 -> primul disk s0 -> primul slice ############################## ############################## Pentru filesystem-ul home avem: c1 -> logical controller d0 -> primul disk s7 -> al saptelea slice ############################## Sa luam un alt exemplu: Presupunem faptul ca vom exporta opt pe prima partitie pe al doilea disk ############################## Pentru filesystem-ul opt avem: c1 -> logical controller d1 -> al doilea disk s0 -> primul slice ############################## Un df /opt ne va demonstra acest lucru /opt (/dev/dsk/c1d1s0 ): 6076556 blocks 504179 files In aceste exemple am folost disk-uri IDE in schimb intrun SCSI device vom mai avea o litera si anume (t) Un simplu exemplu pentru structura SCSI: ################################ c0t0d0s0 c0 -> primul logical controller t0 -> primul logical unit number d0 -> primul disk s0 -> primul slice ################################ Pentru a modifica partitiile chemate slice se poate folosi un tool chemat format, exista o pagina de manual si pentru acest tool man format care spune " format - disk partitioning and maintenance utility" Note: Spre exemplu cand vine introdus un nou disk de default sistemul nu il va recunoaste , aici poate veni in ajutor un alt tool cmd-line si anume " devfsadmd - administration command for /dev" O simpla sintaxa pentru a scana sistemul in cautarea disk-urilor in mode verbose poate fi urmatoarea: devfsadm -vC O data ce disk-urile vin gasite , pot fi administrate folosind format Exemplu extras din format: ###################################################### AVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS: 0. c1d0 <DEFAULT cyl 1237 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63> /pci@0,0/pci-ide@9/ide@1/cmdk@0,0 1. c1d1 <DEFAULT cyl 3048 alt 2 hd 128 sec 32> /pci@0,0/pci-ide@9/ide@1/cmdk@1,0 ###################################################### Aici avem 2 discuri IDE , un master si un slave , master fiind disk-ul de boot.Format are incluse diverse opriuni printe care (partition) cu care se pot aloca partitiile chemate slice si fdisk pentru a crea partitiile pentru disk inainte de a crea partitiile slice. Intrun ambient mic pot fi 2 discuri , exemplele precedente au fost extrase din sistemul meu solaris , dar intrun corporation pot fi sute de discuri structurate intrun StorageBox Un exemplu: /dev/dsk/c1t0d0p0 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0p1 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0p2 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0p3 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0p4 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1 ................. ................. Note: Fiecare dispozitiv in /dev/dsk este defapt un link simbolic catre /devices ################################################################### ls -ltr /dev/dsk/c1d0s0 /dev/dsk/c1d0s0 -> ../../devices/pci@0,0/pci-ide@9/ide@1/cmdk@0,0:a ################################################################### Fiecare dispozitiv in /dev/dsk/ are o instanta in /dev/rdsk Cele sub /dev/dsk/ sunt dispozitive de random-access aici se pot crea filesystem-urile Cele sub /dev/rdsk sunt dispozitive raw utilizate pentru functii de access low-level. O data ce vin alocate spatiile in partitiile chemate slice folosind format se poate crea un filesystem pentru fiecare partitie folosind comandul newfs "newfs - construct a UFS file system" Sintaxa este foarte simpla Presupunem ca am creat urmatoarele slice 3 si 4 /dev/rdsk/c1d1s3 - 512 mb /dev/rdsk/c1d1s4 - 512 mb Vom crea un file system pe fiecare si vom face mount in testslice3 si testslice4 newfs /dev/rdsk/c1d1s3 newfs /dev/rdsk/c1d1s4 Note:Atentie newfs va distruge toate datele, iar daca vine folosit intrun path gresit poate distruge sistemul. Pentru a face mount mount /dev/rdsk/c1d1s3 testslice3 && mount /dev/rdsk/c1d1s3 testslice4 Pentru a face in asa fel incat sa faca mount automat la reboot va trebui modificat fisierul /etc/vfstab. Download paper wget -O solaris_disks.txt