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In this era of Global surveillance, we all are worried about the privacy of our communication and sensitive data. There is no guarantee that our data is not being snooped on, but there is a solution — PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is more than 20 years old technology but is yet not widely adopted. PGP is an open source end-to-end encryption standard to encrypt e-mails, protecting you against companies, governments, or criminals spying on your Internet connection. But... ...the tool is too complicated for most of the people to implement and use. However, Facebook is now encouraging its users to use PGP and communicate by sending encrypted emails, adding the popular OpenPGP email encryption standard as an extra layer of security for the cautious. According to the latest announcement, you can now upload your Public PGP key to your Facebook profile so that anyone with your public key can send you encrypted emails. By giving such option to users, Facebook could really help rapid adoption of PGP encryption standard worldwide. The Social Networking Giant has plans to encrypt all its notification emails to users who use PGP or GPG (GNU Privacy Guard), as Facebook currently sends you emails alerts for private messages, password changes, and other account notifications that may be sensitive. All the emails you receive from Facebook will be protected with encryption, ensuring that no one — even NSA or any other spy agency — can read the content of the messages without the access to your private key. Articolul complet aici: New Facebook feature Encourages users to use PGP for Encrypted Communications Anuntul Facebook:
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-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Although just reported to Ubuntu, this minor dev-branch issue was already made public. As the launchpad/lkml/... feed-miners should not play all the games alone, and as others may want to learn how beginner errors still make it into packages of quite large distributions, enjoy the power of for session in /run/user/*/upstart/sessions/* do env $(cat $session) /sbin/initctl emit rotate-logs >/dev/null 2>&1 || true done executed as root. See [1] hd [1] - -- PGP: 156A AE98 B91F 0114 FE88 2BD8 C459 9386 feed a bee -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iEYEARECAAYFAlTwJXEACgkQxFmThv7tq+4LKgCcCKMaOdO0xObIno415g6qZAxp LZQAnj8giZDPkLYZPD/TVhY958/vXMSJ =xyAX -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Source
Inainte stiam ca era TureCrypt puteai sa faci encriptare la orice fisier care cica era sigura. Puteai sa faci encriptare si la intreg hardiskul si sa iti ceara o parola atunci cand boot-eaza. Auzisem eu ceva de TrueCrypt cum ca daca e opensource s-ar putea sa nu fie chiar atat de sigur fiindca oricand cineva ar poate face programul care sa inverseze algoritmul si sa decripteze ce ai criptat tu. Intru pe situl celor de la TrueCrypt si ia uitati ce gasesc: TrueCrypt WARNING: Using TrueCrypt is not secure as it may contain unfixed security issues Si ne sfatuiesc sa folosim acel Bitlocker de la Windows. Pe bune, voi credeti ca asta o fi sigur ? Multi zic ca insusi windows-ul are programe de spionaj bagate in el, sa ne incredem in Bitlocker ? La un moment dat aparuse PGP, daduse la televizor, acum cativa ani, ca niste hackeri ar fi pus la punct un program de encriptie avansat si foarte performant numit PGP. Nu a durat mult si acest PGP se pare ca a fost cumparat de cei de la Symantec. Se stie ca in orice moment din zi si din noapte daca unei firme publice, cum e si Symantec, i se cere accesul de la ceva anume de catre CIA sau FBI, acestia sunt obligati sa il dea. Il dau adica si de la Norton numai ca sa nu faca 150 de ani de puscarie de caciula cum se da pe la USA. In concluzie, daca vrei sa encriptezi bine datele si acestea sa fie 100% sigur encriptate si imposibil de decriptat, ce program folosesti ?
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Salut, Am avut pe laptop instalat Windows 7 cu Pgp si Wde activat pe tot hdd-ul. Pe una din partitii am instalat ubuntu, iar dupa ce am dat restartul necesar instalarii am vazut doar ext4 ,iar partiriile de windows criptate nu mai sunt vizibile.Cauzele le stiu acum, problema mea este cum recuperez datele de pe partitiile criptate cu pgp? Mentionez ca am pass si am access la mailul unde e cheia. Astept o solutie si multumesc pentru intelegere.