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Merge! si e Free numai pe versiunea 4.0.11 din play store ENJOY Linkurile si tutorialul[Eng] se gaseste la linkul urmator JaSi2169 And Balatan Releases..!!: Link2SD License Patcher v2.4
Salut,am revenit cu un mini tutorial despre cum poti adauga aplicatia Magazin Play pe telefon.Pentru inceput vreau sa fac o precizare ca sunt telefoane care nu au preinstalata aplicatia aceasta care este una importanta. Sa incepem: - Link de descarcare pentru Magazin Play. Dupa ce ati descarcat-o pe telefon,intrati in setari -> securitate -> surse necunoscute si bifati,pentru a permite instalarea aplicatilor care nu sunt descarcate din Magazin Play si instalati aplicatia propriu zisa. Cam atata ar fi de spus,insa nu cred ca se primesc update-uri pentru aceasta aplicatie daca nu e preinstalata.Nu sunt 100% sigur ca o sa mearga la parametrii normali dar merita incercat. Multumesc pentru timpul acordat!
Salut baieti, de curand am pus mana pe un Yezz Andy A5EL(4.4.2), totu merge super-ok cu o mica problema, cand vreau sa intru in google play ma pune sa "valorific codul". Aveti vre-o idee cum as putea sa rezolv treaba asta ? +ca nu isi face sincronizarile, am sters, am adaugat, am facut cont nou, nimic. Primesc mesajul " Sincronizarea se confrunta in prezent cu probleme. Aceasta va fi functionala in curand." Multumesc pentru timpul acordat, o zi cat mai placuta.
Highly aggressive adware has been found hidden in ten Android applications hosted on Google Play, Bitdefender reported. Adware is highly common on both desktop PCs and smartphones. However, the threats discovered by the security firm stand out not just because they are aggressive, but also because they employ clever tricks to stay hidden on the infected device. Once installed, the apps redirect victims to a webpage, hosted at, which serves ads designed to trick users into installing other pieces of adware disguised as system or performace updates, or get them to sign up for premium services. The displayed ads differ depending on the user’s location, Bitdefender said. “Although they’re not malicious per se, by broadcasting sensitive user information to third parties, they resemble aggressive adware found on desktop PCs. The resulting barrage of pop-ups, redirects and ads irks users and seriously damages both the user experience and the performance of Android devices,” Bitdefender security researcher Liviu Arsene explained in a blog post. After the adware (Android.Trojan.HiddenApp.E) is installed on the device, the redirections occur whenever the victim tries to access a website via the stock Android browser, Chrome, Firefox, and even Facebook. “After the apps are installed, the redirects occur as soon as you open any of the mentioned browsers. Regardless of what URL you’re trying to visit, you’re redirected to ad-displaying websites. The next redirect is performed after 60 seconds have elapsed,” Arsene told SecurityWeek via email. The applications had been uploaded to Google Play with names such as “What is my ip.” Researchers found the apps under two developer accounts, but the same individual might be behind both of them. In order to avoid raising suspicion, the applications only require two permissions on installation (Network Communication and System Tools). While users might figure out which of the apps they installed cause the annoying redirections, removing them could prove difficult. That’s because the applications are installed with the name “System Manager,” instead of the one used to advertise them on Google Play. The search giant appears to have removed most of the apps from Google Play after being alerted by Bitdefender, but some of the shady programs can still be found on third-party app markets. Experts believe the adware made it past Google’s vetting process because the URL that is used to redirect users doesn’t actually serve any malicious APKs. Source:
Using a combination of vulnerabilities in the Google Play store and the Android stock browser, attackers can install malicious apps remotely on some Android devices. The attack is the result of a failure on the part of Google’s Play Store Web application to completely enforce the X-Frame-Options header, a common defense against clickjacking and other attacks. Researchers at Rapid7 discovered that combining that weakness with an XSS flaw in another area of the Play Store, or a universal XSS in some Android browsers can allow an attacker to install and launch apps. Developers at the Metasploit Project have added a module to the Metasploit Framework that can exploit these vulnerabilities on some Android devices. This module combines two vulnerabilities to achieve remote code execution on affected Android devices. First, the module exploits CVE-2014-6041, a Universal Cross-Site Scripting (UXSS) vulnerability present in versions of Android’s open source stock browser (the AOSP Browser) prior to 4.4. Second, the Google Play store’s web interface fails to enforce a X-Frame-Options: DENY header (XFO) on some error pages, and therefore, can be targeted for script injection,” the documentation from Metasploit says. “As a result, this leads to remote code execution through Google Play’s remote installation feature, as any application available on the Google Play store can be installed and launched on the user’s device.” Tod Beardsley of Rapid7 said in a blog post about the attack that users on vulnerable platforms who are always logged in to common Google services are especially at risk. “Of the vulnerable population, it is expected that many users are habitually signed into Google services, such as Gmail or YouTube. These mobile platforms are the the ones most at risk. Other browsers may also be affected,” he said. The module to exploit this attack is in Metasploit now, a circumstance that often is a precursor to a wave of attacks on a targeted vulnerability. Source
Buna seara, Tocmai am publicat un joc in Google Play. Am nevoie de suportul vostru, mai exact sa-mi lasati un rating pozitiv, eventual si un comentariu pe pagina de Google Play. Cei care sunt binevoitori si doresc sa ma ajute cu acest lucru sunt rugati sa-mi trimita PM. Profit de aceasta ocazie si anunt ca am nevoie de un developer Android cu ceva experienta sa dezvoltam aplicatia mai departe. In urmatoarea versiune doresc sa adaug si modul Multiplayer si cateva features mai putin complicate, cum ar fi double bet. Mentionez ca sunt dispus sa impart eventualul castig cu developer-ul. De design si de promovarea aplicatiei ma ocup eu. PM daca este cineva interesat!
Aproape 13% din cele mai populare jocuri de Android contin reclame agresive care pot trimite numarul de telefon al utilizatorilor catre terti, releva un studiu realizat de Bitdefender, pe 130.000 de aplicatii. Reclamele agresive pot fi folosite pentru a colecta cantitati uriase de date personale ce sunt vandute sau distribuite ulterior companiilor de publicitate sau altor entitati, fara a informa utilizatorul in mod explicit cu privire la acest lucru. Este cazul jocului Speed Parking 3D, pe locul 35 in Google Play in topul celor mai descarcate aplicatii gratuite in Romania, cu peste 4 milioane de utilizatori activi.Aplicatia solicita diverse informatii de care poate sau poate sa nu aiba nevoie pentru functionare, printre care si numarul de telefon. Potrivit descrierii din Google Play, “aplicatia determina numarul de telefon si ID-ul de gadget, daca un apel este activ, precum si numarul de la distanta conectat printr-un apel”. Aceasta functie a jocului il expune nu doar pe utilizator, dar si pe prietenii acestuia, persoane cu care el vorbeste la telefon. In plus, programul ii inregistreaza si adresa de email. O tactica de marketing tot mai des folosita este abordarea directa a potentialilor clienti prin trimiterea de SMS-uri promotionale. Numerele de telefon incluse in astfel de campanii nu sunt intotdeauna ale unor clienti care le-au dezvaluit cu buna stiinta, ci si ale unor utilizatori de diverse programe ce expun datele personale fara un acord explicit din partea clientului. Alte aplicatii din topul celor mai descarcate in Romania care inregistreaza informatii confidentiale de care n-ar avea nevoie sunt Fingerprint Lock Scanner, ce incarca numarul de telefon catre baze de date terte sau Rubik’s Cube 3D si care, in plus, inregistreaza si locatia utilizatorului. Mai mult decat atat Rubik’s Cube 3D acceseaza si fotografiile din terminal. Cei mai multi furnizori de reclame mentioneaza in politica de confidentialitate ca ar putea distribui date personale catre alte entitati, insa aceste informatii sunt foarte des greu accesibile utilizatorilor la momentul instalarii aplicatiilor ce contin reclame agresive. In concluzie, inainte de a instala aplicatie, fie ea si foarte reusita si gratuita, din Google Play, verificati permisiunile pe care pachetul le solicita! Aveti mai jos comunicatul de presa a celor de la Bitdefender: Source: