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Found 3 results

  1. Buna lume ! am inceput de ceva saptamani sa citesc si eu cate ceva despre lumea crypto si intre toate miile de crypto am ales una care mi sa parut si mie mai serioasa si care nun e scumpa asa tare . eu personal as investi cam vreo 5000 euro pentru un timp da 4/5 ani . Intrebarea este : ce parere aveti voi care aveti mai multa experienta ? Token name : BITRISE Website: https://bitrisetoken.com Mutumesc pentru rabdarea voastra
  2. As many of you know, last weekend was Ghost in the Shellcode 2015! There were plenty of fun challenges, and as always I had a great time competing! This will be my first of four writeups, and will be pretty simple (since it simply required me to use a tool that already exists (and that I wrote) The level was called "knockers". It's a simple python script that listens on an IPv6 UDP port and, if it gets an appropriately signed request, opens one or more other ports. The specific challenge gave you a signed token to open port 80, and challenged you to open up port 7175. The service itself listened on port 8008 ("BOOB", to go with the "knockers" name). You can download the original level here (Python). # python2 pleaseimport sys import struct import hashlib import os from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify import SocketServer import socket try: from fw import allow except ImportError: def allow(ip,port): print 'allowing host ' + ip + ' on port ' + str(port) PORT = 8008 g_h = hashlib.sha512 g_key = None def generate_token(h, k, *pl): m = struct.pack('!'+'H'*len(pl), *pl) mac = h(k+m).digest() return mac + m def parse_and_verify(h, k, m): ds = h().digest_size if len(m) < ds: return None mac = m[:ds] msg = m[ds:] if h(k+msg).digest() != mac: return None port_list = [] for i in range(0,len(msg),2): if i+1 >= len(msg): break port_list.append(struct.unpack_from('!H', msg, i)[0]) return port_list class KnockersRequestHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): global g_key data, s = self.request print 'Client: {} len {}'.format(self.client_address[0],len(data)) l = parse_and_verify(g_h, g_key, data) if l is None: print 'bad message' else: for p in l: allow(self.client_address[0], p) class KnockersServer(SocketServer.UDPServer): address_family = socket.AF_INET6 def load_key(): global g_key f=open('secret.txt','rb') g_key = unhexlify(f.read()) f.close() def main(): global g_h global g_key g_h = hashlib.sha512 if len(sys.argv) < 2: print '''Usage: --- Server --- knockers.py setup Generates a new secret.txt knockers.py newtoken port [port [port ...]] Generates a client token for the given ports knockers.py serve Runs the service --- Client --- knockers.py knock <host> <token> Tells the server to unlock ports allowed by the given token ''' elif sys.argv[1]=='serve': load_key() server = KnockersServer(('', PORT), KnockersRequestHandler) server.serve_forever(); elif sys.argv[1]=='setup': f = open('secret.txt','wb') f.write(hexlify(os.urandom(16))) f.close() print 'wrote new secret.txt' elif sys.argv[1]=='newtoken': load_key() ports = map(int,sys.argv[2:]) print hexlify(generate_token(g_h, g_key, *ports)) elif sys.argv[1]=='knock': ai = socket.getaddrinfo(sys.argv[2],PORT,socket.AF_INET6,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if len(ai) < 1: print 'could not find address: ' + sys.argv[2] return family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr = ai[0] s = socket.socket(family, socktype, proto) s.sendto(unhexlify(sys.argv[3]), sockaddr) else: print 'unrecognized command' if __name__ == '__main__': main() The vulnerability To track down the vulnerability, let's have a look at the signature algorithm: def generate_token(h, k, *pl): m = struct.pack('!'+'H'*len(pl), *pl) mac = h(k+m).digest() return mac + m In that function, h is a hash function (sha-512, specifically), k is a random 16-byte token, randomly generated, and m is an array of 16-bit representation of the ports that the user wishes to open. So if the user wanted to open port 1 and 2, they'd send "\x00\x01\x00\x02", along with the appropriate token (which the server administrator would have to create/send, see below). Hmm... it's generating a mac-protected token and string by concatenating strings and hashing them? If you've followed my blog, this might sound very familiar! This is a pure hash extension vulnerability! I'm not going to re-iterate what a hash extension vulnerability is in great detail—if you're interested, check out the blog I just linked—but the general idea is that if you generate a message in the form of msg + H(secret + msg), the user can arbitrarily extend the message and generate a new signature! That means if we have access to any port, we have access to every port! Let's see how! Generating a legit token To use the python script linked above, first run 'setup': $ python ./knockers.py setup wrote new secret.txt Which generates a new secret. The secret is just a 16-byte random string that's stored on the server. We don't really need to know what the secret is, but for the curious, if you want to follow along and verify your numbers against mine, it's: $ cat secret.txt 2b396fb91a76307ce31ef7236e7fd3df Now we use the tool (on the same host as the secret.txt file) to generate a token that allows access on port 80: $ python ./knockers.py newtoken 80 83a98996f0acb4ad74708447b303c081c86d0dc26822f4014abbf4adcbc4d009fbd8397aad82618a6d45de8d944d384542072d7a0f0cdb76b51e512d88de3eb20050 Notice the first 512 bits (64 bytes) is the signature—which is logical, since it's sha512—and the last 16 bits (2 bytes) are 0050, which is the hex representation of 80. We'll split those apart later, when we run hash_extender, but for now let's make sure the token actually works first! We start the server: $ python ./knockers.py serve And in another window, or on another host if you prefer, send the generated token: $ python ./knockers.py knock localhost 83a98996f0acb4ad74708447b303c081c86d0dc26822f4014abbf4adcbc4d009fbd8397aad82618a6d45de8d944d384542072d7a0f0cdb76b51e512d88de3eb20050 In the original window, you'll see that it was successful: $ python ./knockers.py serve Client: ::1 len 66 allowing host ::1 on port 80 Now, let's figure out how to create a token for port 7175! Generating an illegit (non-legit?) token So this is actually the easiest part. It turns out that the awesome guy who wrote hash_extender (just kidding, he's not awesome) built in everything you needed for this attack! Download and compile hash_extender if needed (definitely works on Linux, but I haven't tested on any other platforms—testers are welcome!), and run it with no arguments to get the help dump. You need to pass in the original data (that's "\x00\x80"), the data you want to append (7175 => "\x1c\x07"), the original signature, and the length of the secret (which is 16 bytes). You also need to pass in the types for each of the parameters ("hex") in case the defaults don't match (in this case, they don't—the appended data is assumed to be raw). All said and done, here's the command: ./hash_extender --data-format hex --data 0050 \ --signature-format hex --signature 83a98996f0acb4ad74708447b303c081c86d0dc26822f4014abbf4adcbc4d009fbd8397aad82618a6d45de8d944d384542072d7a0f0cdb76b51e512d88de3eb2 \ --append "1c07" --append-format hex \ -l 16 You can pass in the algorithm and the desired output format as well, if we don't, it'll just output in every 512-bit-sized hash type. The output defaults to hex, so we're happy with that. $ ./hash_extender --data-format hex --data 0050 --signature-format hex --signature 83a98996f0acb4ad74708447b303c081c86d0dc26822f4014abbf4adcbc4d009fbd8397aad82618a6d45de8d944d384542072d7a0f0cdb76b51e512d88de3eb2 --append "1c07" --append-format hex -l 16 Type: sha512 Secret length: 16 New signature: 4bda887c0fc43636f39ff38be6d592c2830723197b93174b04d0115d28f0d5e4df650f7c48d64f7ca26ef94c3387f0ca3bf606184c4524600557c7de36f1d894 New string: 005080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000901c07 [strike] Type: whirlpool Secret length: 16 New signature: f4440caa0da933ed497b3af8088cb78c49374853773435321c7f03730386513912fb7b165121c9d5fb0cb2b8a5958176c4abec35034c2041315bf064de26a659 New string: 0050800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000901c07[/strike] Ignoring the whirlpool token, since that's the wrong algorithm, we now have a new signature and a new string. We can just concatenate them together and use the built-in client to use them: $ python ./knockers.py knock localhost 4bda887c0fc43636f39ff38be6d592c2830723197b93174b04d0115d28f0d5e4df650f7c48d64f7ca26ef94c3387f0ca3bf606184c4524600557c7de36f1d894005080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000901c07 And checking our server, we see a ton of output, including successfully opening port 7175: $ python ./knockers.py serve Client: ::1 len 66 allowing host ::1 on port 80 Client: ::1 len 178 allowing host ::1 on port 80 allowing host ::1 on port 32768 allowing host ::1 on port 0 allowing host ::1 on port 0 [...repeated like 100 times...] allowing host ::1 on port 0 allowing host ::1 on port 0 allowing host ::1 on port 144 allowing host ::1 on port 7175 And that's it! At that point, you can visit http://knockers.2015.ghostintheshellcode.com:7175 and get the key. Source skullsecurity
  3. Critical vulnerabilities exist in several JSON Web Token (JWT) libraries – namely the JavaScript and PHP versions – that could let an attacker bypass the verification step. Tim McLean, a Canadian security researcher who specializes in cryptography and dug up the issues, points out that attackers could exploit one of those vulnerabilities, which abuses an asymmetric signing algorithm, in some JWT libraries. Introduced a few years back, JWT is a standard that produces tokens between two parties. For example, a server can produce an admin token, transferred in JSON, signed by the server’s key. Clients can go on to use that token to verify the user is logged in as an admin. The issue revolves around a public key confusion between systems signed with the hash function HMAC and those signed with RSA. “If a server is expecting a token signed with RSA, but actually receives a token signed with HMAC, it will think the public key is actually an HMAC key,” McLean explained in a blog post Tuesday. “How is this a disaster? HMAC secret keys are supposed to be kept private, while private keys are well, public.” In this scenario if an attacker got access to a public key, through an API in some JWT libraries, they could use it as a token and the server would accept it. McLean advises anyone who runs a JWT implementation to verify that tokens with different signatures are set up to be rejected either via a whitelisting or blacklisting mechanism. “The server should already know what algorithm it uses to sign tokens, and it’s not safe to allow attackers to provide this value.” A separate issue, since fixed in many JWT libraries, previously let attackers choose the way tokens are verified, a condition that had “disastrous implications for some implementations,” according to McLean. McLean initially blogged about the issue in February and elaborated further on the issue this week. OAuth, one of the more popular standards for authorization, found his research so important, it republished the work on its own blog yesterday. This issue is rooted in the way that some libraries handled an algorithm known as “none.” Tokens signed with “none” could have be acknowledged as valid tokens with valid signatures, according to McLean. Attackers could modify tokens and sign them with “none” instead of HMAC-SHA256, or HS256. The tokens would then appear “signed.” Attackers then could have gone on to attach their own payload to gain arbitrary account access on some systems. According to McLean most libraries have fixed the “none” issue by ensuring that token verification fails any tokens that use the “none” algorithm. In order to fix the asymmetric keys issue, McLean, with the help of Auth0 got in touch with several of the library’s authors to make sure that any tokens with a different signature type are rejected by their libraries. Since JWTs can work across several languages, .NET, Node.js, Python, PHP, Java, Ruby, to name a few, there were a handful of libraries to contact about the vulnerability. Auth0 fixed the issue in its Node.js library last Thursday and is encouraging users to upgrade to 4.2.2, the latest version. Jose Padilla, who maintains the Python build of the library, fixed the signature verification vulnerability in version 1.0.0 last month by adding support for an alg whitelist. The most recent version, 1.0.1, also includes the fix. According to jwt.io, a service run by Auth0, the PHP or JavaScript versions of the libraries remain vulnerable. Auth0 instructing those who run those versions of JWT to seek out another non-vulnerable library until the issues are fixed or verified. Source
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