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Powershell Penetration Testing Framework: Pentestly

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Python and Powershell internal penetration testing framework




Pentestly is a combination of expanding Python tools for use in penetration tests. The goal is to utilize a familiar user interface while making contributions to the framework easy with the power of Python.

Current features

  •     Import NMAP XML
  •     Test SMB authentication using:
  •         individual credentials
  •         file containing credentials
  •         null credentials
  •         NTLM hash
  •     Test local administrator privileges for successful SMB authentication
  •     Identify readable SMB shares for valid credentials
  •     Store Domain/Enterprise Admin account names
  •     Determine location of running Domain Admin processes
  •     Determine systems of logged in Domain Admins
  •     Execute Powershell commands in memory and exfil results
  •     Execute Mimikatz to gather plaintext password from memory (Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1)
  •     Receive a command shell (Powercat)
  •     Receive a meterpreter session (Invoke-Shellcode.ps1)


Shoulders of Giants

Pentestly stands on the shoulders of giants. Below are the current tools utilized in Pentestly:

  •     recon-ng – Backend database for recon-ng is beautifully made and leveraged in Pentestly for data manipulation
  •     wmiexec.py – Allows us to execute Powershell commands quickly and easily via WMI
  •     smbmap.py – Useful utility for enumerating SMB shares
  •     Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 – Implementation of Mimikatz in Powershell
  •     powercat.ps1 – Netcat-esque functionality in Powershell
  •     Invoke-Shellcode.ps1 – Deploy Meterpreter in Powershell


git clone https://github.com/praetorian-inc/pentestly.git


Source: https://n0where.net/powershell-penetration-testing-framework-pentestly/


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