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Is cryptobin-like services really that secure?

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42 minutes ago, skygambler said:

I know encryption is done on client side, but isn't there way how to leak password? I am talking about services like cryptobin.co or hackers.one. They seems to do the same thing, also, they use same libraries.


As a concept, you can study the white paper that discusses that: https://bitwiseshiftleft.github.io/sjcl/acsac.pdf and decide for yourself how secure it is by investigating and researching further. To the case in point, about those websites, who gives a fuck? If you mind your own business and don't do stupid things, you don't need a service like that. If you really must use something like that, there are cleverer ways of communicating code / pastes that are secure. But if you have to ask questions like the one above, that's not for you. ;)

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