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WARNING! Windows 7 Is Dangerous To Use

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WARNING! Windows 7 Is Dangerous To Use

Microsoft warns Windows 7 is dangerous to use and pushes Windows 10 upgrades. Simply, in 3 years of extended support of Windows 7, it is now running out permanently.


The technology is constantly being updated, so suddenly everything becomes obsolete even if it is in perfect and optimal conditions. For that reason, Microsoft no longer wants users to continue using Windows 7.


The operating system is already eight years old and is even the most used, much more than its latest and improved version, Windows 10.

However, the change to Windows 10 will have to be mandatory for all users who want to keep up to date from the year 2020. According to the tech giant Microsoft, Windows 7 is based on an obsolete security architecture, so that the system users could see Totally exposed and vulnerable to hazards.

In addition to Windows 7 will not have optimum security conditions, Microsoft believes that the widespread use of the obsolete operating system is the main obstacle to the growth of Windows 10.


Through a statement from Microsoft in Germany, the company mentioned that users will have the possibility to jump to a more modern operating system in these three years, which will still continue to provide security supports.

Markus Nitschke, the director of Windows in Microsoft Germany, said that the main ones at risk are corporate customers because companies handle data and information of major importance that could be really at risk. “Companies and users who are using Windows 7 with your sensitive data, in three years will face enormous dangers”.


If users do not migrate to the latest operating system, they may face high maintenance and operating costs, especially in companies. In addition, Windows 7 will be more susceptible to malware than the latest versions of Windows and new processors from Intel, Qualcomm and AMD will no longer be compatible.


In addition to informing users about the consequences they might face, Microsoft hopes that Windows 10 will not repeat what happened with Windows 8, since many users preferred to stay with the stability of Windows 7.

Already with Windows XP we have seen that companies must face an early transition to avoid risks or higher costs, so it is best not to take risks and take enough time to jump from one operating system to another.


Sursa: http://www.techrath.com/windows-7-dangerous-to-use/

Posted (edited)

Titlu de cacat de la un site de cacat, vechi de un an de zile. Nu vrei sa punem feed la Libertatea, Click si Cancan pe RST? :-jAu preluat si altii "stirea" putin mai moderat dar e normal sa incerce sa-si promoveze produsul actual si sa si-l vanda, e parte din job description-ul lui. Cat ar fi de prost sa zica "stati pe licentele pe care sunteti acum, nu ne mai dati bani in plus". Din perspectiva lui e simplu: ii bag in sperieti pe astia din guvernul german si firmele mari, incheiem niste contracte noi pe foarte multi bani, eu ca director primesc credit ca ce bine m-am ocupat de evolutia pe Germania si la randu-mi primesc multi $$$. Ah, da, si licentele noi vin si cu tot felul de trebusoare pentru care muricanii (serviciile in special) isi freaca mainile de bucurie.



Edited by QuoVadis
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