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Brida is a Burp Suite Extension that, working as a bridge between Burp Suite and Frida, lets you use and manipulate applications’ own methods while tampering the traffic exchanged between the applications and their back-end services/servers. It supports all platforms supported by Frida (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and QNX)


  • Piergiovanni Cipolloni, Security Advisor at @ Mediaservice.net
  • Federico Dotta, Security Advisor at @ Mediaservice.net


  • Maurizio Agazzini, Senior Security Advisory at @ Mediaservice.net

Brida Idea

This idea is a need that is born during the analysis of some mobile application that use strong symmetric cryptography using random keys, without knowing the correct secret all data was not modifiable via Burp neither with a custom plugin. More generally, applications' logic could be based on cryptographic tokens, it could use a complex challenge-response algorithm as well, and so on. How can we tamper the messages? Most of the times the only viable approach is to decompile/disassemble the application, identify the functions or methods we’re interested in AND re-implement them. This approach is obviously time consuming and not always really viable: i.e. the generation of tokens and/or the encryption routines could be based on cryptographic material strictly tied to the device (state) or stored inside protected areas and thus not directly accessible... That’s when Brida comes in handy: instead of trying to extract keys/certificates and re-writing the routines we’re interested in, why don’t we let the application do the dirty work for us?


    Install Python 2.7 and Pyro4 (pip install pyro4)
    Download Burp Suite: http://portswigger.net/burp/download.html
    Install Brida from the BApp Store (not available yet) or follow these steps:
    Download the last release of Brida
    Open Burp -> Extender -> Extensions -> Add -> Choose BridaXX.jar file
    Use Brida to generate stubs for your custom extensions or use Brida directly to call Frida exported functions


Sursa: https://github.com/federicodotta/Brida


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