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dcrawl – Web Crawler For Unique Domains

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dcrawl is a simple, but smart, multi-threaded web crawler for randomly gathering huge lists of unique domain names.




How it works?

dcrawl takes one site URL as input and detects all <a href=...> links in the site's body. Each found link is put into the queue. Successively, each queued link is crawled in the same way, branching out to more URLs found in links on each site's body.

How smart crawling works:

  • Branching out only to predefined number of links found per one hostname.
  • Maximum number of allowed different hostnames per one domain (avoids subdomain crawling hell e.g. blogspot.com).
  • Can be restarted with same list of domains - last saved domains are added to the URL queue.
  • Crawls only sites that return text/html Content-Type in HEAD response.
  • Retrieves site body of maximum 1MB size.
  • Does not save inaccessible domains.


How to run?

go build dcrawl.go

./dcrawl -url http://wired.com -out ~/domain_lists/domains1.txt -t 8



     ___                          __
  __| _/________________ __  _  _|  |
 / __ |/ ___\_  __ \__  \\ \/ \/ /  |
/ /_/ \  \___|  | \// __ \\     /|  |__
\____ |\___  >__|  (____  /\/\_/ |____/
     \/    \/           \/       v.1.0

usage: dcrawl -url URL -out OUTPUT_FILE -t THREADS

  -ms int
        maximum different subdomains for one domain (def. 10) (default 10)
  -mu int
        maximum number of links to spider per hostname (def. 5) (default 5)
  -out string
        output file to save hostnames to
  -t int
        number of concurrent threads (def. 8) (default 8)
  -url string
        URL to start scraping from
  -v bool
        verbose (default false)


package main

import (

const Version = "1.0"
const BodyLimit = 1024*1024
const MaxQueuedUrls = 4096
const MaxVisitedUrls = 8192
const UserAgent = "dcrawl/1.0"

var http_client *http.Client

var (
	start_url = flag.String("url", "", "URL to start scraping from")
	output_file = flag.String("out", "", "output file to save hostnames to")
	max_threads = flag.Int("t", 8, "number of concurrent threads (def. 8)")
	max_urls_per_domain = flag.Int("mu", 5, "maximum number of links to spider per hostname (def. 5)")
	max_subdomains = flag.Int("ms", 10, "maximum different subdomains for one domain (def. 10)")
	verbose = flag.Bool("v", false, "verbose (def. false)")

type ParsedUrl struct {
	u string
	urls []string

func stringInArray(s string, sa []string) (bool) {
	for _, x := range sa {
		if x == s {
			return true
	return false

func get_html(u string) ([]byte, error) {
	req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", u, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	req.Header.Set("User-Agent", UserAgent)

	resp, err := http_client.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTTP response %d", resp.StatusCode)
	if _, ct_ok := resp.Header["Content-Type"]; ct_ok {
		ctypes := strings.Split(resp.Header["Content-Type"][0], ";")
		if !stringInArray("text/html", ctypes) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("URL is not 'text/html'")

	req.Method = "GET"
	resp, err = http_client.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, BodyLimit)) // limit response reading to 1MB
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return b, nil

func find_all_urls(u string, b []byte) ([]string) {
	r, _ := regexp.Compile(`<a\s+(?:[^>]*?\s+)?href=["\']([^"\']*)`)
	urls := r.FindAllSubmatch(b,-1)
	var rurls []string
	ru, _ := regexp.Compile(`^(?:ftp|http|https):\/\/(?:[\w\.\-\+]+:{0,1}[\w\.\-\+]*@)?(?:[a-z0-9\-\.]+)(?::[0-9]+)?(?:\/|\/(?:[\w#!:\.\?\+=&amp;%@!\-\/\(\)]+)|\?(?:[\w#!:\.\?\+=&amp;%@!\-\/\(\)]+))?$`)
	for _, ua := range urls {
		if ru.Match(ua[1]) {
			rurls = append(rurls, string(ua[1]))
		} else if len(ua)>0 && len(ua[1])>0 && ua[1][0] == '/' {
			up, err := url.Parse(u)
			if err == nil {
				ur := up.Scheme + "://" + up.Host + string(ua[1])
				if ru.MatchString(ur) {
					rurls = append(rurls, ur)
	return rurls

func grab_site_urls(u string) ([]string, error) {
	var ret []string
	b, err := get_html(u)
	if err == nil {
		ret = find_all_urls(u, b)
	return ret, err

func process_urls(in <-chan string, out chan<- ParsedUrl) {
	for {
		var u string = <-in
		if *verbose {
			fmt.Printf("[->] %s\n", u)
		urls, err := grab_site_urls(u)
		if err != nil {
			u = ""
		out <- ParsedUrl{u, urls}

func is_blacklisted(u string) (bool) {
	var blhosts []string = []string{
		"google.com", ".google.", "facebook.com", "twitter.com", ".gov", "youtube.com", "wikipedia.org", "wikisource.org", "wikibooks.org", "deviantart.com",
		"wiktionary.org", "wikiquote.org", "wikiversity.org", "wikia.com", "deviantart.com", "blogspot.", "wordpress.com", "tumblr.com", "about.com",

	for _, bl := range blhosts {
		if strings.Contains(u, bl) {
			return true
	return false

func create_http_client() *http.Client {
	var transport = &http.Transport{
		Dial: (&net.Dialer{
			Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
		TLSHandshakeTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
		DisableKeepAlives: true,
	client := &http.Client{
		Timeout: time.Second * 10,
		Transport: transport,
	return client

func banner() {
	fmt.Println(`     ___                          __   `)
	fmt.Println(`  __| _/________________ __  _  _|  |  `)
	fmt.Println(` / __ |/ ___\_  __ \__  \\ \/ \/ /  |  `)
	fmt.Println(`/ /_/ \  \___|  | \// __ \\     /|  |__`)
	fmt.Println(`\____ |\___  >__|  (____  /\/\_/ |____/`)
	fmt.Println(`     \/    \/           \/       v.` + Version)

func usage() {
	fmt.Printf("usage: dcrawl -url URL -out OUTPUT_FILE\n\n")

func init() {
	http_client = create_http_client()

func main() {


	if *start_url == "" || *output_file == "" {

	fmt.Printf("[*] output file: %s\n", *output_file)
	fmt.Printf("[*] start URL:   %s\n", *start_url)
	fmt.Printf("[*] max threads: %d\n", *max_threads)
	fmt.Printf("[*] max links:   %d\n", *max_urls_per_domain)
	fmt.Printf("[*] max subd:    %d\n", *max_subdomains)

	vurls := make(map[string]bool)
	chosts := make(map[string]int)
	dhosts := make(map[string]bool)
	ldhosts := make(map[string]int)
	var qurls []string
	var thosts []string

	fo, err := os.OpenFile(*output_file, os.O_APPEND, 0666)
	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
		fo, err = os.Create(*output_file)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR: can't open or create file '%s'", *output_file)
	defer fo.Close()

	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(fo)
	nd := 0
	for scanner.Scan() {
		hn := scanner.Text()
		if hd, err := publicsuffix.EffectiveTLDPlusOne(hn); err == nil {
			ldhosts[hd] += 1
		dhosts[hn] = true

		thosts = append(thosts, hn)
	fmt.Printf("[+] loaded %d domains\n\n", nd)
	w := bufio.NewWriter(fo)

	su := *start_url
	in_url := make(chan string)
	out_urls := make(chan ParsedUrl)

	for x := 0; x < *max_threads; x++ {
		go process_urls(in_url, out_urls)

	tu := 1
	ups, err := url.Parse(su)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "[-] ERROR: invalid start URL: %s\n", su)
	if _, sd_ok := dhosts[ups.Host]; sd_ok {
		fmt.Printf("[*] start URL detected in saved domains\n")
		fmt.Printf("[*] using last %d saved domains for crawling\n", *max_threads)
		for _, d := range thosts[len(thosts)-*max_threads:] {
			fmt.Printf("[+] adding: %s\n", ("http://" + d))
			qurls = append(qurls, ("http://" + d))
		in_url <- qurls[0]
	} else {
		in_url <- su

	for {
		var purl ParsedUrl = <-out_urls
		tu -= 1
		if purl.u != "" {
			if du, err := url.Parse(purl.u); err == nil {
				if _, d_ok := dhosts[du.Host]; !d_ok {
					fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n", len(dhosts), du.Host)
					dhosts[du.Host] = true
					fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", du.Host)
			urls := purl.urls
			for _, u := range urls {
				// strip # out of url if exists
				u = strings.Split(u,"#")[0]

				up, err := url.Parse(u)
				if err == nil {
					h := up.Host
					hd := ""
					d_ok := true
					if hd, err = publicsuffix.EffectiveTLDPlusOne(h); err == nil {
						if n, ok := ldhosts[hd]; ok {
							if n >= *max_subdomains {
								d_ok = false
					_, is_v := vurls[u]
					if !is_blacklisted(u) && chosts[h] < *max_urls_per_domain && !is_v && d_ok && len(qurls) < MaxQueuedUrls {
						vurls[u] = true
						chosts[h] += 1
						if hd != "" {
							ldhosts[hd] += 1
						qurls = append(qurls, u)
		if len(qurls) == 0 {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR: ran out of queued urls!\n")
		// push more urls to channel
		for tu < *max_threads && len(qurls) > 0 {
			u := qurls[0]
			qurls = append(qurls[:0], qurls[1:]...)
			in_url <- u
		if len(vurls) >= MaxVisitedUrls {
			vurls = make(map[string]bool)


dcrawl was made by Kuba Gretzky from breakdev.org and released under the MIT license.


Download dcrawl-master.zip




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