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Kubebot: A Kubernetes Based Security Testing Slackbot

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Kubebot: A Kubernetes Based Security Testing Slackbot

Posted: 13 hours ago by @pentestit Leave a Comment 384 views

About a week ago, I blogged about List of Portable Hardware Devices for Penetration Testing. The tool that I am blogging about today – Kubebot – can be an awesome example and be installed very easily on a Raspberry Pi that you have lying around. Best part is that this is open source and can be customized to do anything you want.



What is Kubebot?

Kubebot is an open source security testing Slackbot in the Go programming language, with a Kubernetes backend on the Google Cloud Platform. All of us know that Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of dockerized applications. We also know that running tasks such as reconnaissance on a target network is almost always time-consuming and cumbersome. If you have a tool like Kubebot to help, you can use the time it does it’s stuff to concentrate on other important stuff. It dockerizes a lot of useful tools that help you perform reconnaissance on a target.

List of tools included with Kubebot:

  • Enumall: This is a custom implementation of the Enumall script by the author. It helps you identify subdomains using several techniques that relies on services such as threatcrowd, Bing, Shodan, HackerTraget and the famous Recon-NG.
  • git-all-secrets: git-all-secrets is an open source tool by the author @anshuman_bh to capture all the GIT secrets by leveraging multiple open source GIT searching tools.
  • Gitrob: Gitrob is an open source, command line tool which can help organizations and security professionals find sensitive information lingering in publicly available files on GitHub.
  • git-secrets: The git-secrets open source tool scans commits, commit messages and alerts you of sensitive data that has been found.
  • Gobuster: Gobuster is a tool used to brute-force URIs (directories and files) in web sites and DNS subdomains (with wildcard support).
  • Nmap: All of us already know that Nmap aka Network Mapper is a free and open source utility for network discovery and security auditing.
  • SubBrute: SubBrute is a DNS meta-query spider that enumerates DNS records, and subdomains.
  • Sublist3r: Sublist3r is an open source python tool designed to enumerate subdomains of websites using OSINT. It helps penetration testers and bug hunters collect and gather subdomains for the domain they are targeting by enumerateing subdomains using many search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, and Ask. Sublist3r also enumerates subdomains using Netcraft, Virustotal, ThreatCrowd, DNSdumpster, and ReverseDNS. SubBrute was integrated with Sublist3r to increase the possibility of finding more subdomains using bruteforce with an improved wordlist.
  • truffleHog: truffleHog is an open source tool that searches through GIT repositories for high entropy strings, digging deep into commit history and branches. This is effective at finding secrets accidentally committed that contain high entropy.
  • Wfuzz: Wfuzz is a tool designed to brute force web applications. As of now, only basic authentication brute forcing has been implemented in Kubebot.

Support for tools such as Metasploit is being worked upon. Installing the tool though lengthy, is a lot easy.

Download Kubebot:

Installation instruction along with it’s pre-requisites can be found here. You can check out the Kubebot GIT repository from here.


Sursa: http://pentestit.com/kubebot-kubernetes-based-security-testing-slackbot/

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