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TrafficWatch - TrafficWatch, A Packet Sniffer Tool, Allows You To Monitor And Analyze Network Traffic From PCAP Files

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TrafficWatch, a packet sniffer tool, allows you to monitor and analyze network traffic from PCAP files. It provides insights into various network protocols and can help with network troubleshooting, security analysis, and more.



  • Protocol-specific packet analysis for ARP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, SNMP, LLMNR, and NetBIOS.
  • Packet filtering based on protocol, source IP, destination IP, source port, destination port, and more.
  • Summary statistics on captured packets.
  • Interactive mode for in-depth packet inspection.
  • Timestamps for each captured packet.
  • User-friendly colored output for improved readability.



  • Python 3.x
  • scapy
  • argparse
  • pyshark
  • colorama



Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/HalilDeniz/TrafficWatch.git


Navigate to the project directory:

cd TrafficWatch


Install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.tx



python3 trafficwatch.py --help
usage: trafficwatch.py [-h] -f FILE [-p {ARP,ICMP,TCP,UDP,DNS,DHCP,HTTP,SNMP,LLMNR,NetBIOS}] [-c COUNT]

Packet Sniffer Tool

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE  Path to the .pcap file to analyze
                     Filter by specific protocol
-c COUNT, --count COUNT
                     Number of packets to display


To analyze packets from a PCAP file, use the following command:

python trafficwatch.py -f path/to/your.pcap


To specify a protocol filter (e.g., HTTP) and limit the number of displayed packets (e.g., 10), use:

python trafficwatch.py -f path/to/your.pcap -p HTTP -c 10



  •     -f or --file: Path to the PCAP file for analysis.
  •     -p or --protocol: Filter packets by protocol (ARP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, SNMP, LLMNR, NetBIOS).
  •     -c or --count: Limit the number of displayed packets.



Contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute to TrafficWatch, please follow our contribution guidelines.



If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about Dosinator, please feel free to contact me:

LinkedIn: Halil Ibrahim Deniz
TryHackMe: Halilovic
Instagram: deniz.halil333
YouTube: Halil Deniz
Email: halildeniz313@gmail.com


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Download: TrafficWatch-main.zip




git clone https://github.com/HalilDeniz/TrafficWatch.git



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