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Va spun dinainte sa nu va faceti sperante ca sunt fud sau ud, e o colectie cu cryptere adunate dea lungul timpului :)

DarkAvengard Crypter
(Open source Code Crypter > p0ke >> Moded)
h4ck-y0u.org crypter by DuSTY
L0rD Crypter by haZl0oh
AT4RE aSm Protecter 1.0 by Mouradpr
AverCryptor 1.02 beta by os1r1s
Cryptic 2.1 by Tughack
Crew Crypter by North-Team
Mortal Team Crypter 2.0 by Ras
NOmeR1 by NOmeR1 and P.S.
Poly! Crypt 2.8 by BUNG
PowerCrypt 2.0 by N47RON
Private Krypt 1.0 beta by t0pP8uZz
PE Protector 0.9.2 CRYPToCRACK's by Lukas Fleischer
Russian Cryptor 1.0 by master3
SimbiOZ 2.1 by Extranger
Snoop Crypt by snoop
Zelda Crypt by snoop
WinOfCrypt 1.0 by DarkPressure
X-Crypter 1.2 Security-Bypass Version mod by Mareek
X-Crypter 1.2 Private Version by x-zer0
Break-Into-Pattern, a.k.a BIP, v.0.1 by Icingtaupe (ASM source)
Crypter v.3.1 by SLESH 2007 (Delphi source)
FFC v.1.6 Public by Juza
File Crypter Pro by Aphex (Delphi source)
GKrpto v.1.0 by User-99
Open Source Code Crypter v.1.0 by p0ke (Delphi source)
Open source file crypter (ass crypter) by assoftware (Delphi source)
Pecrypt by archphase (Delphi source)
Pscrambler v.1.2 by p0ke (Delphi source)
Smokes Crypter v1.2 (Delphi source)
Cigicigi File Crypter v1.0 by turkojan
iPBProtect v0.1.5 beta [Fuck] by Forgat
MaskPE v.2.0 by yzkzero
PEncrypt v.4.0 by JunkCode
Perplex v.1.01dev by BliZZaRD
SkD Undetectabler 2.0beta by skdrat
ExeSax v.0.9.1 GUI
VB-PE-Crypt 1.0 by Flo
UnderGround Crypter v.1.0 by Booster2ooo
Daemon Crypt v.2 Public by Evil_Inside
SCE v.0.5 (Silly Chr Encrypter) by sevenC
SSE v.0.5 (Simple Streverse Encryption) by sevenC
Vbsencrypter v.0.01 by K
File Crypter by valdir_salgueiro (from brasil - source code included)
RCryptor by Vaska - included versions 1.1+1.3+1.3b+1.4+1.5+1.6b+1.6d
iNF[CRYPT] by LESHIY & [nht]
CryptoFilez v.2.0 by Mr.Ded
Morphnah Beta2 by pyccxak.com Kas
Pohernah v.1.0.2 by pyccxak.com Kas
Pohernah v.1.0.3 by pyccxak.com Kas
RPolyCrypt v.1.0b by Vasca
StrAnGe CrYpTeR by TiPiaX (source code included)
DalKrypt v1.0 by DalKiT (source code included)
fEaRz Crypter v.1.0 beta1 by fEaRz
Icrypt v.1.0 by BuGGz
Minke v.1.0.1 by Codius
Scramble Tool v0.2.3b By System33r (k0nsl)
USC by p0ke - included versions 1.2D+2.1+2.1.1+Patch for 2.1.1
NoodleCrypt 2 by NoodleSpa
Werus Crypter v.1.0 Public version by pyccxak.com Kas



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