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Two programmers hacked Windows 7

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At the Conference on Security Hack In The Box (HITB) in Dubai, two programmers, have demonstrated how you can take advantage of problems in the domestic software design a new operating system Windows 7 for burglary. Annex VBootkit 2.0, created by developers Vaypin Kumar (Vipin Kumar) and Naytin Kumar (Nitin Kumar) and having a size of only 3 KB, allows a potential hacker to gain control over the computer with installed operating system Windows 7. According to Vaypina Kumar, the problem can not be solved by issuing updates as the case is concluded in an internal software design of Windows 7, its underlying structures. Comfort for future users of the new operating system can only be that this break can not be implemented remotely, so a hacker would need to get physical access to the attacked computer.


Reportedly, VBootkit 2.0 allows you to make changes to files that are loaded into system memory during boot. As in the file system on your hard disk does not change, to detect hacker utility is quite difficult. Get rid of its harmful actions only help to restart your computer because the system memory while cleared. With VBootkit 2.0 hackers can install a remote control over infected computers, raising its level of access to the highest.They also have the opportunity to change the system passwords and gain access to personal data. In addition, passwords can be recovered later, so the victim of hacker attacks is not even guess that her computer was broken.

But in 2007 the first version of hacker tools VBootkit has discovered a vulnerability in the operating system Windows Vista.

Posted (edited)

Microsoft nu face altceva decat arunca OS-uri pe piata in prostie ducand cu ele esecuri in sir...sunt OS-uri mult mai avansate dar lumea foloseste "Windows" ca majoritatea programelor nu sunt compatibile cu Linux ci sunt fabricate pentru un sistem care este instabil si usor de manipulat...singurul OS care si acuma sta in picoare este Windows XP Professional...dar asta nu inseamna ca e bun!

deci Fu@k Windows 7.

Edited by -=(Alex.sm26)=-
-=(Alex.sm26)=- da un exemplu de OS mai avansat dar sa fie la fel de "Friendly inteerf,"ca cele scoase de Microsoft:|..

"Friendly inteerf," = asta este important? pt. tine? deci sa arata bine!

sa fie Stabil,util,si mult mai avansat nu are priotitate???

Te felicit! esti un utilizator (exemplar) de produse Microsoft!!!

dar totusi am o intrebare: licenta de pe ce tracker public de torrente ai???

doar de curiozaitate...raspunsul tau PATRIOTIC situ ca va fi! "am cumparat LICENTA"...care nu prea cred:D

deci Fu@k Windows in continuare!

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