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[Python] Port Scanner 1.0 (console) [cmiN]

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#! /usr/bin/env python3.1
# 13.09.2009 <> 14.09.2009 | cmiN
# Port Scanner (console)

import sys, threading, socket
from winsound import Beep

class Scan(threading.Thread):

def __init__(self, ip, port):
self.ip = ip
self.port = port

def run(self):
result = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM).connect_ex((self.ip, self.port))
if not result:
print("{}:{}".format(self.ip, str(self.port)))
Beep(2000, 1000)

class PS:

def __init__(self, args):
usage = """\t\t Port Scanner 1.0

\t Usage: PortScanner.py ip_range_or_list port_range_or_list timeout

Where ip_range_or_list is the IP range separated by "::" or the file path to a list with IPs
port_range_or_list is the PORT range separated by "::" or the file path to a list with PORTs
timeout is a float (seconds)

\t Example: PortScanner.py C:\path\ip_list.txt 135::135 0.1"""
if len(args) in range(3, 5):
print("Please wait...")
self.update(args[1], args[2], float(args[3]))
for ip in self.ip_generator:
for port in self.port_generator:
while threading.activeCount() > MAX_THREADS:
Scan(ip, port).start()
except Exception as message:
print("An error occurred: {}".format(message))
print("Unknown error.")
while threading.activeCount() > 1:

def update(self, ip, port, timeout):
if ip.count("::") == 1:
ip_start, ip_end = ip.split("::")[0], ip.split("::")[1]
a1, b1, c1, d1 = int(ip_start.split(".")[0]), int(ip_start.split(".")[1]), int(ip_start.split(".")[2]), int(ip_start.split(".")[3])
a2, b2, c2, d2 = int(ip_end.split(".")[0]), int(ip_end.split(".")[1]), int(ip_end.split(".")[2]), int(ip_end.split(".")[3])
self.ip_generator = (".".join([str(a), str(, str(c), str(d)]) for a in range(a1, a2 + 1) for b in range(b1, b2 + 1) for c in range(c1, c2 + 1) for d in range(d1, d2 + 1))
self.ip_generator = (line.strip("\n") for line in open(ip, "r"))
if port.count("::") == 1:
port_start, port_end = int(port.split("::")[0]), int(port.split("::")[1])
self.port_generator = (n for n in range(port_start, port_end + 1))
self.port_generator = (int(line.strip("\n")) for line in open(port, "r"))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Interpreter: 3.1.1

Start -> Run -> cmd: cd %locatie% unde %locatie% este locul unde se afla PortScanner.py ce contine codul de mai sus. Cititi usage.

Un scanner de ip-uri : port-uri simplu si rapid. Are functia de a scana liste cu ip-uri sau port-uri dar si raze de ip-uri / port-uri in moduri combinate. Avertizare acustica prin difuzorul intern al UC.

Nu are rost sa mai pun credite ca cca. 90% din ce este pe forum in Python este scris de mine byte cu byte, oricum mereu cand ceva e facut in totalitate de mine adaug un "[cmiN]".

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