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Deeper [RAT] 1.0 Beta5

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Nu l-am incercat, nu stiu daca e infectat, il testati pe riscul vostru.

Deeper 1.0 Beta5

Compiled at October 20, 2009

Dedicated To Lanny Barbie!


Hack Hound

Coded in Egypt by binaryEvil





* Main:

[-] DB Memory execution

[-] Encrypted connection

[-] All traffics are through one port

[-] Multithreaded

[-] User filtration

[-] Broadcasting

[-] Sound events

* Spy:

[-] Information

[-] Unicode Key Logger

-> OFF Keys

[-] CAM Capture

[-] Screen Capture

[-] Clipboard Monitor

[-] Password Recovery

* Manage:

[-] Process Manager

[-] Service Manager

-> Install Service

-> Edit Service

[-] Window Manager

[-] File Manager

-> File Search

-> Multiple File Transfer

[-] Registry Manager

-> Registry Search

* Tools:

[-] Shell Execute

[-] CMD Shell

[-] Multiple Downloader

[-] Power Manager

[] Please report any bugs in the HackHound official support forum. Your bug reports are vital for making Deeper a robust and capable application. It is an important goal that each Deeper release be stable, crash-free, and behave itself well. "Many Eyes Make Bugs Shallow"




pe wine nu merge , se pare ca nu am integrat runtime-ul pt VB6 ,

'/home/azrael-sub7/Desktop/Deeper 1.0 Beta5/Deeper 1.0 Beta5.exe'

err:module:import_dll Library MSVBVM60.DLL (which is needed by L"Z:\\home\\azrael-sub7\\Desktop\\Deeper 1.0 Beta5\\Deeper 1.0 Beta5.exe") not found

err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"Z:\\home\\azrael-sub7\\Desktop\\Deeper 1.0 Beta5\\Deeper 1.0 Beta5.exe" failed, status c0000135

Incerc sa il integrez revin cu un output .

Dupa integrare VB6 , se deschide programul , merge dar nu salveaza servarul , nici o erroare importanta in consola wine , decat chesti legate de grafica , cred ca imi da o erroare la nivel de program ( if - elseif ) dar nu pot sa vad pentru ca importa un font care nu il am .. ideea e in mare ca cel putin pe wine nu se comporta prea bine .. , incerc sa vad cu orca sa maresc un pic , revin cu ss , dupa ce am marit mi am dat seama ca e scris in araba ...

oricum e un rat slab foarte putine metode apelate la victima ..

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