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A very easy exploit to hack fourms with!

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With this vulnerability we can gain admin to any forum that uses Fubarforum 1.6 , This is a VERY easy exploit and is good for beginners!

Now you can see what's hidden

To find the Vulnerability go to


milw0rm - exploits : vulnerabilities : videos : papers : shellcode

and search Fubarforum.

We will be using a FubarForum 1.6 Arbitrary Admin Bypass Vulnerability so click on it and it will open a new page.

Now here we see


Dork : "Powered by FubarForum v1.6"


Next we want to find sites that we can use this exploit on so we use GOOGLE!! and search "Powered by FubarForum v1.6"

As you can see this exploit is popular because it is so easy and many sites have been hacked,

Pick a site you are wanting to hack ( it is probably a good idea to use a proxy)

Now its time to use the Vulnerability, at the end of the web address add "/forum/index.php?page=admin" to it so it should be like this or similar to "www.xxxx.xxx/forum/index.php?page=admin"

The resulting page should allow you to have admin access and you can now create and remove forum categories etc.

All credist reserverd by The_unk0wn for the tutorial and for exploit idk


..:: R31P0l[at]hotmail.com ::.. 

Tanx from : str0ke

Script : FubarForum

Version : 1.6

Dork : "Powered by FubarForum v1.6"


Greetz to:
# Corenamed, Unsecured, Esedark, pax0r, zrallter, th0r... and TerminalHacker

# milw0rm.com [2008-12-29]

Cum zice nytro, stupid, si comic :D:D:D (cand cauti dupa dork toate sunt "Hacked by :) )

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