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Nasa: Evidence of life on Mars

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NASA scientists last night unveiled compelling evidence of life on Mars.

A special mission to the Red Planet has revealed the likely presence of a form of pond scum - the building blocks of life as we know it.

NASA unveiled the results of the recent Opportunity and Spirit probes sent millions of miles through the solar system to discover signs of extraterrestrial life.

The results are so promising boffins have already planned a host of other missions to discover whether there is extraterrestrial life in the universe.

The recent missions have gathered evidence of sulphates on Mars, a strong indication there is water on the planet and therefore life.

Previous missions to Mars have concluded there is probably water on the planet.

But the NASA boffins said the recent missions have gone further than any others in proving there is life on Mars.

They were particularly excited about the discovery of a sulphate called gypsum which, it has emerged recently, is found in large quantities among fossils in the Mediterranean.

Jack Farmer, researcher at the Arizona State University, in Tempe, Arizona, said he was "optimistic" there was - or had been - life on Mars.



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@prodil89: Si crezi ca daca totul este ascuns de guvern noi comentam acum despre asta :)) ?

Daca exista fiinte la fel de dezvoltate ca noi pe marte ar fi venit de mult in vizita. Nu cred ca la ei e problema asta cu economia si ca nu au bani sa puna G.P.L pe rachete. Greu de crezut ca acolo e altceva decat praf si pietre.

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Pai...cine a spus ca sunt la fel de evoluate ca noi?

Si tin sa te anunt ca guvernul american (ala pe care tu nu il crezi in stare de asa ceva) ascunde tampenii muuuult mai mari.Nu vreau sa par conspiration psycho dar eu sunt de parere ca ei sunt de vina pt. criza economica si ei au daramat turnuriile WTC pt.a invada Irak-ul....

Si numai postez replay ca facem offtopic :D

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