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[LiveCD]VIPER VAST Live Distro beta 2.77

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VIPER VAST Live Distro beta 2.77

VAST is a VIPER Lab live distribution that contains VIPER developed tools such as UCsniff, videojak, videosnarf and more. Along with VIPER tools and other essential VoIP security tools, it also contains tools penetration testers utilize such as Metasploit, Nmap, and Hydra.This distribution is a work in progress. If you would like to see a tool or package included please feel free to suggest them and I will do what I can to make it happen. VAST also has built into synaptic package manager a third party repository link for the VIPER tools, so when we update a tool it's as easy as "apt-get".VAST beta 2.74 has been released with UCSniff 3.0 which includes GUI interface, VoIP video realtime monitoring, TFTP MitM modification of IP phone features, Gratuitous ARP disablement bypass support, and support for several compression codecs. The new VAST also has a new look as well.


[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNhvbQrP72M]YouTube - VIPER VAST Live DVD http://vipervast.sourceforge.net[/url]

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAPBSvZ6TmQ]YouTube - VIPER VAST 2[/url]


[url=http://sourceforge.net/projects/vipervast/files/VIPER_VASTbetav2.77.iso/download]Download VIPER VAST from SourceForge.net[/url]


[url=http://vipervast.sourceforge.net/]VIPER VAST Live Distro[/url]

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