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[VIDEO] Cracking WEP wireless with Back Track 4 (Virtual Machine)

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Cracking WEP wireless with Back Track 4 (Virtual Machine)

If you haven't heard of BackTrack yet, check it out! BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking. This system is a hacker's wetdream and is even used by the NSA for training. However, the purpose of this article is not to teach you to perform malevolent hacks! I wish to demonstrate to you the relative ease with witch a WEP encrypted wireless system can be compromised. WEP is useless for security these days and should not be ever used. Even when you restrict only allowed MAC addresses to your router, it still is not going to protect you!

Probably around 80% of all wireless routers are currently using WEP. IF you are using WEP, switch to WPA or WPA2 encryption. With a very good password, WPA/WPA2 is pretty much uncrackable. Though I recommend actually installing BackTrack4 on a regular laptop as a full operating system, I will demonstrate using the BackTrack4 VM image since it is easier for most people to get working. You will need a USB wireless adapter to use the VM system and only a few I know of actually work. I recommend the TP-LINK TL-WN321G adapter. Its cheap and uses The rt73 chipset that is well supported for BackTrack4 and aircrack (installed on BackTrack already). NETGEAR WG111 USB wireless adapter will work ok too but has some minor flaws. To run the VM image , you'll need the vmware player. If you don't aready have it , its free here: vmware player (after you sign up and tell them a bunch of stuff!).



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salutare!!!sunt nou pe aici si novice in ale "chirurgiei IT"...daca m ar putea ajuta cineva zicandu mi ce inseamna "unable to read id index table"...incerc sa instalez backtrack4 ca sa fiu mai explicit...fac ceva eronat?(in afara faptului ca ar trebui sa ma dau cu capu de cel mai ascutit colt de prin casa ca sa mi treaca starea asta de "cand vreodata voi stii si eu atatea ca voi") :)) multumesc!!

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