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Nave gigante descoperite in spatiu.

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Recent light has been shed on the reason that the SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project has been cancelled by the government. It seems that something was starting to happen. According to my sources the government black project boys have taken over some of the antennas and are now processing signals for the exclusive use of the United States Navy. The government seems to be highly upset that more than one very large object is fast approaching Earth.

Speculation about just what these objects may be, range from Ark ships that are coming to take away some people just before a cataclysmic event strikes earth. Another speculation suggest that we are about to be invaded and the peoples of Earth forced into slave labor to mine certain rare elements. We may be plundered or saved. Either way the near future is yet to unfold.

At the present time the object(s) are beyond the orbit of Pluto. It is estimated that the objects are in the neighborhood of 150 miles across by 30 to 50 miles wide. Not long ago a Russian Mars probe photographed an object fitting this description just before it was destroyed for unknown reasons. Later, an American Mars probe was destroyed just before it reached that planet.

The people that were associated with SETI are in a unanimous opinion that, yes, we are not alone in the universe. A few of those people are now continuing SETI with private funding. However, reports indicate that some antenna sites have been taken over by government and those antennas in particular are heavily guarded.

It is reported that the US Navy in conjunction with the NSA are attempting to keep the public unaware of what is going on. A few people who are in the know are concerned that the Navy, as a first line of defense may be attempting to convert the antennas for military purposes. It is a fact that some frequencies in the microwave band have been known to affect UFO’s and destabilize their propulsion systems. It stands to reason that such measures may be true in light of Ronald Reagan’s statements about the need for the star wars program and his inference that we may soon have to face something from “out there!”

To be sure, if you think about it, the greater part of the American public are quite content to hide from reality in the sitcom & shoot um up fare offered on nightly TV and take the UFO phenomena as a joke. It is no joke. Too many credible people have revealed to the world that it is not a joke. Some of these people include; Barry Goldwater, Astronaut Gordon Cooper, President Jimmy Carter, FBI Chief Herbert Hoover, General McArthur, Ronald Reagan and many, many more.

As for myself, I know what I know and of one thing I am certain; The future is yet to be. What people do to effect that future is in their hands alone. And alone they will remain because no government, save that of Belgium, is willing to admit to it’s people and the world that UFO’s indeed do exist and are a part of reality that people are just going to have to deal with. Believe it or not! Like it or not!

Giant Spaceships Heading Towards Earth

By Pat Parrinello


Este vorba de 8 punte gasite in spatiu , foarte mari :D,posibil nave :)..

intrati aici: SKY-MAP.ORG

la aceste coordonate..

19 25 12, -89 46 03 - first big object recorded (primul obiect inregistrat)

16 19 35, -88 43 10 - cylindrical object (obiect cu forma cilindrica)

02 26 39, -89 43 13 - circular (Forma circulara)

08 50 47, -89 38 09 - curved (Forma curbata)

14 38 50, -88 40 42 - curved (Forma curbata)

14 59 06, -88 21 24 - curved (Forma curbata)

23 13 00, -88 53 11 - curved (Forma curbata)



Din ce am inteles or sa ajunga aici in 2012

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Mai bine zis GLITCH

Ma rog pana in 2012 nu avem de unde sa stim....

DAR poate o sa ma considerati psycho dar eu cred ca in 2012 americanii vor sa faca un "Alien Invasion Fals Flag"

Daca te uiti atent la ce stiri ies in ultimele luni o sa iti dai seama.

Ori guvernele lumii CHIAR AU FACUT CONTACT cu lumea extraterestra si acuma incearca sa dezvaluia adevarul incetul cu incetul(Disclosure Project) ori se pregatesc pentru marele FALSE FLAG.See Project Blue Beam.

[url=The Disclosure Project]http://www.disclosureproject.org/[/url]

And if possible read this...

[url=http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread590790/pg1]The D4rk Kn1ght / October 28, 2011 / 10/28/2011 Mega Thread, page 1[/url]

Defapt aici gasesti niste lucruri fascinante dar unele threaduri sunt duse la extrem din cauza abuzului de ciuperci si LSD ^_^


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Hmmmmm nu stiu eu, dar nu o putut sa ajunga astia nici macar o stea si nici macar nu o ajuns pe Pluton. Nu prea cred eu in eii, pentru ca ascund multe secrete NASA,guvernul,etc

Nu cred eu ca ar face publice descoperirii importante.

Aici un exemplu de conspiratie NASA Pana si NASA a fost prinsa folosind Photoshopul. Ce incearca sa ascunda? - Stirileprotv.ro

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interesant :-? da mai clare nu le puteau face? :-< nu ai cum sa iti dai seama ce sunt pot sa fie practic ORICE, si daca totusi sunt nave extraterestre imi place paintjob-u :>

Albastru de Voronet :))



24/12 } =>

=>Apare Mos Craciun si bulinelede neserioase de ciocolata?

Edited by LLegoLLaS
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Gasit pe un forum: "The lady who did it already reported on it. The reason is that the camera takes a RGB filter, taking a snapshot in each color, by the time it had finished, the moon had moved. To make it look right, she re-adjusted the image and then did rather crappy job of covering up where the moon was on the R and G slides.

If NASA had a picture of an ET ship, they wouldn't make it public. Stop getting giddy over a little photoshop."

Hmmmmm nu stiu eu, dar nu o putut sa ajunga astia nici macar o stea si nici macar nu o ajuns pe Pluton. Nu prea cred eu in eii, pentru ca ascund multe secrete NASA,guvernul,etc

Nu cred eu ca ar face publice descoperirii importante.

Aici un exemplu de conspiratie NASA Pana si NASA a fost prinsa folosind Photoshopul. Ce incearca sa ascunda? - Stirileprotv.ro

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O facuto publica pentru ca o mers astia la guvern. O ai fost un caz,am citit in-tro carte in care daca crezi ca NASA sau FBI iti ascunde o informatie care ar trebuie sa stie lumea poti merge la guvern si este o lege ca daca informatia pune in pericol lumea,etc trebue sa o faca publica.

Mai exact nu stiu cum se numea legea acea.

A si adonisslanic ai dreptate cu faza aia jajajaja :D

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