Da_Boss Posted September 29, 2006 Report Posted September 29, 2006 L`am luat si eu de la nishte tipi .. dar inca nush daca e asa .. va rog sa imi spuneti cei care il incercati .. s`ar putea sa mearga ok?This Tutorial will show you how to make your ProRat v1.9-Fix01 server undetectable in 8 steps (in English Smile). Works for all Anti Virus systems!Step 1: Download UPX v1.25 from http://upx.sourceforge.netStep 2: Decompress the server. (upx -d server.exe)Step 3: Download Furtif_00's AWESOME crack to bypass the edit protection from http://ch.ti.hack.site.voila.fr/ProPatch.exeStep 4: Apply the patch. (propatch server.exe)Step 5: Repack the server with UPX. (upx -9 server.exe)Step 6: Open server.exe in a disassembler and go to the address of the OEP (Entrypoint + Image Base = OEP). If you do not know what I am talking about read about the PE file format first (and about assembly Cool). You should see something like "60 pushad". Scroll down a few pages until you see plenty of "00 add [eax],al". At this address you write the following commands which will prevent the Anti Virus systems from detecting that the file is UPX packed (and the AV's won't decode it in memory):Quote:push "address of the OEP" <== Patchaddresspush eaxpushfdpushadcall "address of the next command (which is "retn 28")"retn 28inc ecx <==New program entrypointloop "Patchaddress"(from governmentsecurity.org)Step 7: Change the programs entrypoint to our new one in the PE header. You can do this with a hex editor or with some other tools.Step 8: Scan the server (which should be undetectable now) and you had better test it before sending it to your victims. SmileThis patch can be used for all other trojans too. (Skip the cracking step)Enjoy your undetectable server!! Quote
nos Posted September 29, 2006 Report Posted September 29, 2006 incercatll voi ca eu nu cred ca merge si nici nu pot pt ca am linux :@ :@ Quote
F1BDM7 Posted September 29, 2006 Report Posted September 29, 2006 ma..nu cred ca e greu sa-l faci indetectabil la SCAN dar la runtime e altceva e mult mai greu sa il faci indetectabil si la runtime Quote
crystygye Posted September 29, 2006 Report Posted September 29, 2006 e vechi. il facusem mai de mult si tot ce putea era sa treaca peste cativa av. Quote
Da_Boss Posted September 29, 2006 Author Report Posted September 29, 2006 Daa? .. si peste ce av-uri trece .. ? Quote
brunetzelu16 Posted August 2, 2010 Report Posted August 2, 2010 Salut.Cine ma poate invata sa utilizez acest program...??? Quote
CODEX Posted August 2, 2010 Report Posted August 2, 2010 brunetzelul ..topicul e vechi daca te-ai uitat la datadaca to l-ai redeschis ... eu zic sa te apuci sa inveti singur exista tutoriale pe youtube si cauta pe googledaca nu ai inteles un anumit punct din program intreaba si te pot ajutamai exact ce doresti sa faci cu el ? unde vrei sa il folosesti ? cu ce scop ? ce nu ai in inteles din el ?Incearca mai intai google si nu fi lenesBafta Quote
cristinapopescu Posted October 25, 2010 Report Posted October 25, 2010 Buna! Va rog mult de tot ! am nevoie de ajutorul vostru ! Deci...problema sta in felul urmator....Vreau sa intru neaparat in calculatorul cuiva,dar nu am acces la el....am cautat pe net si am auzit de acest program minune prorat....va rog mult explicati-mi cum exact se procedeaza.. cum trebuie sa fac serverul...ca nu am idee....si daca este posibila vreo varianta simpla gen un link ceva.... ca sa imi poata cadea in capcana. Acest troian nu-mi afecteaza si pc-ul meu ?:(pls help! Quote
Guest Nemessis Posted October 25, 2010 Report Posted October 25, 2010 Buna! Va rog mult de tot ! am nevoie de ajutorul vostru ! Deci...problema sta in felul urmator....Vreau sa intru neaparat in calculatorul cuiva,dar nu am acces la el....am cautat pe net si am auzit de acest program minune prorat....va rog mult explicati-mi cum exact se procedeaza.. cum trebuie sa fac serverul...ca nu am idee....si daca este posibila vreo varianta simpla gen un link ceva.... ca sa imi poata cadea in capcana. Acest troian nu-mi afecteaza si pc-ul meu ?:(pls help!Tie nu ti-a spus nimeni ca pe RST suntem toti ghei, nesimtiti, misogini si nu vorbim cu pizdele? Quote