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ikben e scammer (sa ii dam la muie)

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john: hi kacy

Kacy: Hi

john: i think that you remeber me

john: i have speaked with you about

john: my account

john: my ********.COM site

john: that was suspended

john: i understand the motive

john: warez


Kacy: not sure, I speak with many people daily

john: i have recived

john: a backup on mail

john: these was about 1 week ago

john: the problem is that i can t acces my webhost account

Kacy: I unfortunately cannot help you with this over live chat. If you have received an email from us about the suspension, you will need to reply to that email.

john: i have replyed

john: but with dealy

john: delay

john: these was about 2 days ago

john: and i dont have a answer

Kacy: what is your ticket id?

john: stay 1 sec

john: THD-494819

Kacy: one moment please

john: k

Kacy: We have replied to your ticket and replied back with nothing

john: me?

john: yes

Kacy: there is a reply from *********yahoo.com

john: i was replied

john: my email is

john: ************

Kacy: but nothing in the body

Kacy: no words

john: are you serious?

john: f***Ck

john: srry

Kacy: yes, you can login to ticket system to see what we are seeing

john: :)

john: so what to do?

Kacy: here is the reply we sent tough

Kacy: Hello, It is against out TOS to host/distribute/link to etc pirated materials. Here is a link to your current account backup: http://lanciatest.icertified.net/******* Let us know if there is anything else.

john: no

john: i have replied in another email

Kacy: ok this is the ticket ID you gave me

john: i can t find these mail with backup in my..

john: yes

john: but i replied at the mail with suspend

john: not with the backup

Kacy: you can download your files here

Kacy: http://lanciatest.icertified.net/**********

john: ok

john: but my acc?

john: i cannt acces

john: my web hosting

Kacy: cannot access what?

john: my web hosting account

Kacy: your account is terminated

Kacy: you are not going to be able to access it

john: mean that

john: ?

john: so i need to pay

john: hmmmmmmm

Kacy: we gave you a link to your back up

john: it was a mistake

john: so

Kacy: no, its not about paying

john: my..hosting

john: account is terminated

john: my acc was deleted?

Kacy: correct

john: and my money?

john: hmmmmm

john: i am nervous

john: it was for 1 year

john: and only 1 month was used

john: and i not hosted movie

john: it was a about warez linking

Kacy: if you have violated any terms of service, you void any refunds

john: like hostgator or oth

john: i dont fand a refund

john: i want my acc back

john: i will host mt personal blog

john: or sth. small

john: but..

Kacy: we are not restoring the account

john: ..

john: kacy?

john: i love you becasue you're great..you tell me the truth :)

john: tell to jeff and nick to suck my dick

john: i love you

john: you're women and you're sincerly

john: :)

Kacy: there is no Nick here, however I think this conversation is over.

john: i love you

deci povestea e urmatoarea.ikben mia dat un link de refferal in care zicea, ca hostul accepta XXX movies, eu am hostat un blog cu filme (normale, deci warezlinking)si hotiiiii la inchis.

ikben imi esti dator cu o suma, stii tu care.nu is eu plangoce dar e multi ripperi.


Warez refers primarily to copyrighted works distributed without fees or royalties, and may be traded, in general violation of copyright law.

XXX- an approved top-level domain intended as a voluntary option for sexually explicit sites on the Internet

Daca tu confunzi warezu cu xxx, cred ca confunzi si pizda cu caloriferu, asa-i?

Warez refers primarily to copyrighted works distributed without fees or royalties, and may be traded, in general violation of copyright law.

XXX- an approved top-level domain intended as a voluntary option for sexually explicit sites on the Internet

Daca tu confunzi warezu cu xxx, cred ca confunzi si pizda cu caloriferu, asa-i?

destept esti mah :)

ba ideea e ca tu ai luat un comision din affilierea mea da?hostul a fost inchis pentru warez?da?asa e.acuma si eu pot sa zic ca filme XXX brute te fac agresiv de la varste fragede si pozele XXX stimuleaza creativitatea.dar tot de rahat e pentru tine intelegi?

vrei sa zici ca accepta filme xxx poate mai teen si poze mai brute si nu accepta warez linking?

ai dovedit ce credibilitate ai si cum o dai intoarsa.



J1cule, daca ziceai de la inceput ca vrei sa pui warez iti dadeam un buletproof si puneai acolo ce vroiai tu...inclusiv warez. Dupa cum se vede cap ai, minte la ce-ti mai trebuie.

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