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You reached 460 points, so you achieved position 14 of 663 on the ranking list

You type 585 characters per minute

You have 115 correct words and

you have 0 wrong words


You reached 348 points, so you achieved position 1073 of 40572 on the ranking list

You type 468 characters per minute

You have 86 correct words and

you have 2 wrong words


Du hast 250 Punkte erreicht, damit befindest du dich auf Platz 2221 von 10940

Du schreibst 372 Zeichen pro Minute

Du hast 64 korrekt geschriebene Wörter und

Du hast 4 falsch geschriebene Wörter


You reached 275 points, so you achieved position 14 of 307 on the ranking list

You type 431 characters per minute

You have 96 correct words and

you have 7 wrong words

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