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Cum sa deschizi CMD-ul la scoala

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Eram la scoala si nu puteam sa instalez un stealer, ca nu aveam privilegii de administrator asa ca am dat un search pe google cum sa scap de restrictiile NetSupport,mai jos aveti niste sfaturi mici pe care le-am gasit interesante pe un site.Va explica cum sa deschideti CMD-ul iar dupaia sa "spargeti" parola de administrator prin NET USER ADMINISTRATOR * , sunt mai multe tehnici, cum sa nu iti opreasca internetul , etc...

I found a few ways to kill netsupport.

First Option

1. Open a Windows folder (e.g. My Documents)

2. Create a shortcut to "services.msc"

3. Open the shortcut and find "client32"

4. Right click the "client32" and open properties.

5. End the service.

Second option

1. Pull out the network cable until the control stops (Normally a yellow cable)

2. When Ready put it back in.

Third option

1. Go to Netsupport.com

2. Download the netsupport school program (may have to register)

3. Install it at home straight onto your memory stick.

4. Run the program that has the yellow star.

5. You now have control of everyones PC.

Fourth option (if you school blocks memory sticks)

1. Before you boot up your PC put your memory stick in the back of the machine.

2. Turn on the PC (memory sticks are registered as a system device. this makes them extremely hard to block unless you are a good admin)


1. Create a new shortcut.

2. In the item location type 'service.msc' (without the quotes)

3. Hit enter

4. and again

5. double click the link and find a service called 'client32'

6. click the stop button.

School Hacking1.png?v=20110120041852

Ok, so first you will need to know how to access MS-DOS. There are several ways to do this, The next paragraph will be about creating the prompt:

Creating MS-DOS at school

As I said before there are several ways to create the prompt (which Custard has mentioned in the "Batch File Hacking" section of the site") but most of them are blocked at school or work. The one you want at school is the notepad one (go into notepad and type "command.com", Then save as <anything>.bat). Once you've done this you should get an icon, click on it and MS-DOS should open. Congratulations youve created the Command Prompt and are ready to start hacking.

There are many commands for MS-DOS (I don't even know them all, lol).

How to unblock websites

Almost everybody wants to know how to unblock websites so im going to tell you a few strategies. Ok Lets say you wanted to go on YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. but your stupid school blocks it, well here is how to bypass it.

1.Open up Command Prompt (Explained Above) Type Exactly this:

"Ping(Space)YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. " without the quotes of course

It should then say pinging youtube.com and will give you a number that should look abit like this.

Ok now,

This number is your key, go to your web address bar type in

You will now be running youtube on the school / work computer through Youtubes

IP Address.

2. Use a proxy server/unblock site such as www.instantunblock.com or www.ultimateunblock.com Or www.proxify.com, a good one is https://www.btunnel.com, i'm pretty sure no one has blocked it

That's just four there are many more:)

**if your school is constantly blocking the proxy you use, you could try going to bypass web filters (websense, 8e6, smartfilter, lightspeed, etc.) with tips from Peacefire.org. On Peacefire you can set up your own proxy

OR join the mailing list which sends you a URL of a new proxy everytime one is made which is about 3-4 times a week.

Added by IGotDaHacks Although all credit goes to Bennett Haselton, Owner of Peacefire

3. Go to http://www.google.com.au and click on "Language Tools"

Now in the space where you can translate webpages type the desired website

Click "German to English" then click translate, So basically the website is already in english so it cant be translated.

When you search for the Website at school on google, Below the link to the website should be a little link saying "Cached" Click that and you should be in.

Thanks , That's all on unblocking websites FOR THE MOMENT, We may have some more info later.

Does your school computer erase everything you installed after reboot? it's probably using the program deep freeze, to temporarily disable:

Download deep freeze unfreezer from Deep Freeze Unfreezer

How To Control Your Friends I am not sure of the extent to which this program will work to, but i know that it works great on my schools network. Also i feel i have to say this, Me nor anyone on the Hack Team will be responsible for anything irresponsible you may choose to do. Go to NetSupport Manager Remote Control Software: The award winning solution for PC Remote Control and Desktop Management and click the 30-day free trial download to the right.Now click whichever language you want and then on the next page ( this part is KEY) fill out the form with as much to as little gibberish as you please.Then after you fill that out and click Register Click "NetSupport School Professional" ( the one with the yellow star). After you click the download link, follow any other instructions that may appear and download it( i cannot be as thorough as i would like because as of now the site is having technical difficulties) when you have the choice of where to download it to , please don't download it to your personal space on the network( in my case its the H:\ drive) because if someone decides to nark on you then , it can indeed be traced back to you. When you finally have it downloaded, install it.( this next part can be VERY helpful) if your school computers have unique ID #'s on the top then you can control specific computers instantly, if not you will have too type the class #, and use trial and error until you find your intended target. That's all for now, i will update this part when i can actually download Netsupport on my home computer and add better instructions on finding your target and setting it up. *On a side-note, don't get carried away and do something stupid (as i did),like hit the Lock-Network button which freezes EVERY single computer and disables their keyboards & mice. Also try to keep it secret, if word gets around that your doing it then other people might try it and mess it up for everyone OR then when you control someone they will immediately know it was you.In other words, Be Smart.

Edited by Oust

la mine la scoala ....nush cum naiba face ....

cred ca are un client care scaneaza prin sursa browserului si daca gaseste cuvantul youtube ma da afara... adica inchide internet explorer am downloadat mozilla...

am incercat comanda asta in cmd

net user administrator 123456 => imi schimba parola de administrator pe 123456 si imi spune ca nu am destule drepturi... nu pot intra in regedit ... nu pot sa ma deconectez de la net :)) nu pot sterge cmdu :)) profu are radmin instalat ...deci nush cum plm sa fac :D aaa si cand dau la run msconfig sa debifez radmin la start up tot parola cere...deci dati un sfat :P


Daca vrei privilegii de admin si n-au configurat baietii bine treaba:

Win+R -> LUSRMGR.MSC -> Users -> click dreapta pe user-ul tau -> Properties -> Member of -> Add... -> Administrators

Poti sa faci o intreaga sumedenie de tampenii de-acolo, inclusiv schimbat parola de admin sau sters toate conturile.

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