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Skream Example

Xss scanner

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use IO::Socket;
use Net::FTP;
$host = shift or die "Usage: perl $0 <host> <username> <password> [<log file>]\n";
$user = shift or die "Usage: perl $0 <host> <username> <password> [<log file>]\n";
$pass = shift or die "Usage: perl $0 <host> <username> <password> [<log file>]\n";
$log_file = shift;
$ftp=Net::FTP->new($host) or die "Impossibile connettersi a $host.\n";
$ftp->login ($user, $pass) or die "Errore durante il login.\n";
@file = $ftp->ls ();
$cont4 = 0;
$log = "Scansione sito: $host\n";
while ($cont4 < scalar (@file)){
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerHost => $host,
PeerPort => "80",
Proto => "tcp",
) or die "Impossibile connettersi a $host: $!\n";
$page = "";
print $sock "get /@file[$cont4]\n\n";
while (<$sock>){
$page .= $_;
my (@variabili, @var_method);
$cont2 = 0;
$cont = 0;
while ($cont <= length ($page)){
if ($page =~ /<form.+?method.+?('|")(.+?)("|')/){
$method = $2;
$page =~ /<form.+?>(.+?)<\/form>/;
$cont5 = 0;
$in_form = $1;
while ($cont5 <= length ($in_form)){
if ($in_form =~ /<(input|textarea).+?name.+?('|")(.+?)("|')/){
@variabili [$cont2] = $3;
@var_method [$cont2] = $method;
$in_form =~ s/<(input|textarea).+?name.+?('|")(.+?)("|')/done/;
$page =~ s/<form.+?method.+?('|")(.+?)("|')/done/;
close ($sock);
$cont3 = 0;
while ($cont3 < scalar (@variabili)){
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(
PeerHost => $host,
PeerPort => "80",
Proto => "tcp",
) or die "Impossibile connettersi a $host.\n";
if (@var_method[$cont3] == "GET"){
print $sock "get /@file[$cont4]?@variabili[$cont3]=<script>alert(1)</script>\n\n";
elsif (@var_method[$cont3] == "POST"){
$var = "@variabili[$cont3]=<script>alert(1)</script>";
$to_send = "POST /pagina\n".
"Host: $host\n".
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n".
"Content-Length: ".length($var)."\n\n".
print $sock $to_send;
else {
die "@var_method[$cont3]: Metodo sconosciuto.\n";
$page2 = "";
while (<$sock>){
$page2 .= $_;
if ($page2 =~ /<script>alert\(1\)<\/script>/){
print "/@file[$cont4]: @variabili[$cont3] vulnerabile.\n";
$log .= "\n/@file[$cont4]: @variabili[$cont3] vulnerabile.";
close ($sock);
if ($log_file != ""){
open (LOG, $log_file) or die "Errore durante l'apertura del file: $!\n";
print LOG $log;
close ($log);

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