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Ce programe folositi intr-o distributie linux ?

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Ce programe utilizati in linux ? Postati pe categorii , 10x.


Exemplu :

video : vlc

webbrowser : mozilla firefox 4

music player : rythmbox

office : libreoffice

iso : brasero

torrent : deluge

alte programe : gimp , inkscape , audacity


Edited by SENEQ_o
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Video: vlc(in orice distro, inclusiv la prieteni care au windowze)

Music player: vlc(are motorul audio bun pentru casti)

Office: libreoffice

iso: brasero

web browser: FF4 pentru browsing normal; Chromium pentru logat in conturi

IM client: Pidgin

Torrent client: Transmission

In general folosesc gnome-terminal sa pornesc programele, sau dau alt+f2

Am triple boot:

BackTrack 5 x64 pe GNOME

Linux Mint Debian Edition x64 pe GNOME

Slackware 13.1 x64 pe KDE

In VmWare am:

Windowze XP x64 in care am instalat doar pidgin si photoshop


Altele: nmap, SET, msfconsole, alsamixer :))

Edited by adonisslanic
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WebBrowser: Mozilla Firefox

Video: VLC

Music: Amarok

Office: OpenOffice.org

IM: Pidgin

CD/DVD Burner: Brasero

Torrent: Transmission

Photo Editor: Gimp (desi nu stiu sa lucrez in el :)) )

IDE: gedit

Altele: Navicat, Putty, FileZilla

Mai tin si server Apache, PHP, MySQL si phpMyAdmin.

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