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NATO tackles cyber security at Tallinn meet

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TALLINN (AFP) – Three hundred global cyber experts gathered in Tallinn Tuesday for a NATO Cyber Conflict conference focused on the legal and political aspects of national and global Internet security amid a rise in attacks.

"The special focus at the conference this year is on generating cyber forces (...) the technologies, people and organisations that nations require to mitigate cyber threats that have been increasing with rapid speed," Colonel Ilmar Tamm, head of NATO's Tallinn-based Cyber Defence Centre told AFP as the forum got underway Tuesday.

According to Tamm, the Symantec cyber security firm recently reported that "web-based attacks in 2010 were up 93 percent from 2009."

"This calls for frameworks in both legal and strategic aspects which would guide the decision makers on how to act on these cases," Tamm said.

The Tallinn conference will coincide with a NATO defence ministers' meeting in Brussels where a new cyber defence policy for NATO will be adopted.

Meanwhile, at the third annual Tallinn meeting, experts from 37 countries are to share cutting-edge cyber security research, Tamm explained.

Among others, Ralph Langner, the German computer scientist who conducted much of the ground-breaking research on the Stuxnet worm, will present an analysis of what has been called the world's first cyber weapon.

Keir Giles from the UK Conflict Studies Research Centre is to analyze global cyber attacks from Russia and whether they can be seen as acting under a so-called Russian Cyber Command.

Talks will also focus on the recent US government decision to treat cyber attacks as military attacks and make relevant legislative changes.

"The support the US initiative has got in many other states, including Estonia and the UK, indicates nations? increasing willingness to discuss military responses to cyber attacks," Tamm told AFP.

"With cyber incidents becoming more and more intrusive, it is a logical step for militaries to develop capabilities to counter cyber attacks and be prepared to engage in proportional response to cyber attacks," he added.

Though in practice, "it will be challenging to tailor a cyber response that would respect the rules of combat related to civilian objects and collateral damage," he added.

Sursa: NATO tackles cyber security at Tallinn meet - Yahoo! News

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Desi usor, usor politia pantrunde si pe net si libertatea incepe sa dispara.

Sa nu uitam ca internetu a fost folosit prima data ca , cale de comunicatie pentru armate :)

Dar asa cum era si postul acela cu legea de la ONU nu cred ca iti va interzice politia ceva :)

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@alexo21 de unde ai scos-o pe aia cu armata ?

The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), was the world's first operational packet switching network and the core network of a set that came to compose the global Internet. The network was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the United States Department of Defense for use by its projects at universities and research laboratories in the US.

Desi a fost o tehnologie dezvoltata de DARPA .. era folosita in principal in universitati :)

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@alexo21 de unde ai scos-o pe aia cu armata ?

Desi a fost o tehnologie dezvoltata de DARPA .. era folosita in principal in universitati :)

retine ca nu toate chestiile publice sunt si adevarate.

ARPA a fost prima data hub de comunicatie ptr fortele armate, iar dupa multi ani a fost facut public si folosit de universitati

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@alexo21 de unde ai scos-o pe aia cu armata ?

Am avut proiect cu aparitia internetului si iti zic sigur ca internetul era linie de comunicatie pentru armata aparut in anii 60 , bine inteles care de sarma dar pana a fost facut public au mai durat cativa ani.

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