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Windows HacKinG

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All download slots assigned to your country (Romania) are currently in use. Please try again in a few hours or install the Megaupload Toolbar for immediate access - with the toolbar installed, there are no more slot limitations for you!......

nu imi spuneti de proxy ca am auzit si eu... dak il poate lua cineva si poate sa il uploadeze pe share.urbanfriends... sau rapidshare ii multzumesc :D..




0 Windows 2000 SP0 (english)

1 Windows 2000 SP1 (english)

2 Windows 2000 SP2 (english)

3 Windows 2000 SP3 (english)

4 Windows 2000 SP4 (english)

5 Windows XP SP0 (english)

6 Windows XP SP1 (english)


virusz download toolbar de pe megaupload...se instaleaza in IE si nu afecteaza alt browser...si cand vrei sa tragi dupa megaupload tragi prin IE.

pe rapid-share nu pot sa fac upload din cauza ca e prea multa lumea cand o am loc o sa fac un mirror


okay.... intr-un final l-am luat dar tot fara toolbaru' ala instalat ..ca nu imi place idea. ..,

ai zis ca contine:

Windows Lsasrv.dll RPC [ms04011] buffer overflow Remote Exploit. - asta e (ms04011lsass.exe)

MS Windows XP2K (Mrxsmb.sys) Privilege Escalation PoC (MS06-030) - asta nu e :D..

Windows XP/2000 Remote - probabil te refereai la urmatoarele:

Kaht2 - asta e (kaht2.exe)

Kaht3 - asta e (kaht3.exe)

hai sa punem un mirror:


Parola ramane neschimbata :D


ps: asta mergea umpik la exploituri ..nu neaparat aici dar e bun :D

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