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Problema BackTrack 5

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1. Connect your ZTE Modem to the USB port of your computer with hyperterminal on it.

The modem will automatically install the appropriate drivers and launch the User Interface (UI).

2. Determine the COM port of the modem by inspecting the modem properties under Modems in the Device Manager

(do not get confused with ZTE Dianostics Interface or others).

3. Close the UI and open hyperterminal (or equivalent) and connect to the appropriate COM port using these parameters:

Speed: 115200

Data bits: 8

Parity: None

Stop bits: 1

Flow Control: None

4. Input the following command (you may wish to turn on local echo so you can see what you are typing):


You should receive the following back in confirmation:

Close autorun state result(0:FAIL 1:SUCCESS):1

5. Close the hyperterminal connection and unplug the modem.

Your modem is now reconfigured to be plug and play in Ubuntu.

6. Connect you modem to your Ubuntu computer.

In the NetworkManager Applet you should find the option to create a new mobile broadband connection.

Do so with the location and APN appropriate to you ISP.

You should now be able to connect successfully to the internet and your modem should function as a plug and play device in Ubuntu.

This works by disabling the self installation and autorun features which would otherwise cause Ubuntu to detect the modem as a CD-ROM.

If you wish to revert the modem to it’s orginal settings to allow atomatic UI installation on windows PCs the command to do so is:

AT+ZCDRUN=9 (administered by hyperterminal as above)

Driverul e pe stick ... dar mai bine il iei separat de AICI !! Tutorialul e luat de AICI si e pt ubuntu ... care e platforma de baza pe backtrack !! Sper sa te ajute !!

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Search-ul nu m-a ajutat. De-aia am specificat "incercat/reusit"!

Ideea este ca pe compul respectiv nu am acces la net decat prin acel modem deci nu pot sa instalez aplicatii prin synaptic. BT5 e bazat pe Ubuntu, dar NU are NetworkManager instalat implicit. Am facut eu cateva ture intre compul respectiv ai unul cu acces la net dar am obosit :) sa tot caut la dependinte!

Ma gandeam ca poate cineva a incercat si a reusit sa-l faca sa mearga si poate sa-mi spuna si mie ce dependinte are Netmanagerul sau daca merge prin WICD sau oricealta rezolvare.

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