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5 Twitter Tools To Boost Your Productivity

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Twitter has been strongly growing ever since it’s release back in July 2006. The microblogging monster is extremely user friendly and provides a fun experience where we all can stay updated to our friends, family, celebrities, and businesses. Twitter recently announced that it crossed the unbelievable number of over 200 million Tweets sent each day. Interestingly a few people have rightfully said that this also increases the noise a lot. Making the most of Twitter can therefore often be tricky. In order to stay organize and use your time wisely, we have gathered top 5 Twitter productivity tools. All of the following applications will help you cut through the clutter and harness more of the powerful elements Twitter offers.

1. Tweriod – Find your best times to Tweet

The topic of finding your top tweeting times has been wildly discussed recently. While I found that a few Apps out there might not have the most useful results, Tweriod’s results are the best results I found this far. All you do is sign in with Twitter and the App will create two very simple graphs.


They will show you at which times of the day and days of the week your followers are online the most. The App does that by analyzing both your past tweets and the ones of all your followers. Once the your report is finished it will conveniently be DMed to your inbox.

Best part: What I like most is that you on top of top tweeting times, you can also measure times of most engagement, seeing at which time you receive most @replies.

Try it out here: Tweriod

2. StrawberryJ.am – Only read your most relevant Tweets

With 200 million Tweets sent each day, not all add value to your timeline. In comes StrawberryJ.am and takes care of this. The App searches your timeline and orders your tweets by most mentioned for you. So, with just one glance, you will see the most relevant news discussed.


The App also offers you to create these top mentions streams for lists and Tweet Search terms. I found that this facilitates cutting through the clutter greatly. The brilliant design of the site makes reading through your Tweets even easier too.

Best part: As a nice goodie you can get your top news delivered straight to your inbox, in case you forget to check your Strawberryj.am


Try it out here: StrawberryJ.am

3. Twoolr – Full analytics for your Twitter account

Ever wanted to see a complete overview about which impact your Twitter account is having? Twoolr might be just the thing you were looking for. It shows you a full set of metrics, and you can regard it like Google Analytics for your Twitter account.


In more details, the App displays lots of data about your account such as the amount of mentions, retweets or number of new followers. In addition you can see user comparisons, word clouds, growth and community reports.

Best part: Having another place to check in on isn’t so cool. So Twoolr sends you a handy email update to inform you about the latest happenings with your account.


Try it out here: Twoolr

4. ChittyChat – Get a private room with your Twitter friends

A very recent discovery of mine that I find more and more useful is a tool called ChittyChat. It allows you to enter into a private chat with anyone on Twitter without the hassle of exchanging contact details and signing into other services.


The way it works is very simple. You tweet all your friends you want to chat with privately and include the @chitty_chat username. Then the App will automatically @reply you and your friends with a link to the chatroom and you can start typing. Super simple.

Best part: What I like most here is that you don’t have to sign into any accounts or fiddle with login. A click on the link is all it takes to kick off your conversation.


Try it out here: ChittyChat

5. Buffer – Never Flood Your Followers Again

(Full disclosure: I work on Buffer) For long I was prone to contribute to the noise on Twitter myself, overwhelming my followers with infos at times. With Buffer you put all Tweets into your “Buffer” and they will be posted for you well spaced out over the day.


What makes Buffer most convenient is that you can add tweets from anywhere on the web with browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Additionally you can Buffer tweets from Google Reader and even the Twitter.com interface.

Best part: For every tweet that you have sent via Buffer, you will received detailed analytics about clicks, retweets and reach.


Try it out here: Buffer


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