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Install iwScanner on Backtrack 5

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Introduction: iwScanner is a wireless scanner for linux with an easy to use graphic interface.


General Features

  • It’s designed in Glade and written in python, so it just need PyGTK to run in any linux environment
  • For the scanning engine it uses wireless tools, so if you have iwlist you are ready to go
  • Information about detected wireless networks (AP, MAC, Channel, Encryption, etc)
  • Chart with signal strenght for every wireless network
  • iwScanner GUI is much like the well known application NetStumbler
  • Adjustable scanning speed
  • Can open and save netdetect (.ndd) and netstumbler (.ns1) file formats
  • It’s free, and the source is included in the download

WEBSITE: iwScanner - A Simple GUI Wireless Scanner for Linux


Edited by Fi8sVrs
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