mariusman22 Posted September 1, 2011 Report Posted September 1, 2011 Simbol Valoare Numerica Valoare Corelata Definitie? ? ? for all? ? ? part? ? ? exists? ? ? empty? ? ? nabla? ? ? isin? ? ? notin? ? ? ni? ? ? prod? ? ? sum? ? ? minus? ? ? lowast? ? ? square root? ? ? proportional to? ? ? infinity? ? ? angle? ? ? and? ? ? or? ? ? cap? ? ? cup? ? ? integral? ? ? therefore? ? ? similar to? ? ? congruent to? ? ? almost equal? ? ? not equal? ? ? equivalent? ? ? less or equal? ? ? greater or equal? ? ? subset of? ? ? superset of? ? ? not subset of? ? ? subset or equal? ? ? superset or equal? ? ? circled plus? ? ? cirled times? ? ? perpendicular? ? ? dot operator? ? ? Alpha? ? ? Beta? ? ? Gamma? ? ? Delta? ? ? Epsilon? ? ? Zeta? ? ? Eta? ? ? Theta? ? ? Iota? ? ? Kappa? ? ? Lambda? ? ? Mu? ? ? Nu? ? ? Xi? ? ? Omicron? ? ? Pi? ? ? Rho undefined Sigmaf? ? ? Sigma? ? ? Tau? ? ? Upsilon? ? ? Phi? ? ? Chi? ? ? Psi? ? ? Omega? ? ? alpha? ? ? beta? ? ? gamma? ? ? delta? ? ? epsilon? ? ? zeta? ? ? eta? ? ? theta? ? ? iota? ? ? kappa? ? ? lambda? ? ? mu? ? ? nu? ? ? xi? ? ? omicron? ? ? pi? ? ? rho? ? ? sigmaf? ? ? sigma? ? ? tau? ? ? upsilon? ? ? phi? ? ? chi? ? ? psi? ? ? omega? ? ? theta symbol? ? ? upsilon symbol? ? ? pi symbolŒ Œ Œ capital ligature OEœ œ œ small ligature oeŠ Š Š capital S with caronš š š small S with caronŸ Ÿ Ÿ capital Y with diaeresƒ ƒ ƒ f with hookˆ ˆ ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent˜ ˜ ˜ small tilde? ? ? en space? ? ? em space? ? ? thin space° ° ? zero width non-joiner° ° ? zero width joiner? ? ? left-to-right mark? ? ? right-to-left mark– – – en dash— — — em dash‘ ‘ ‘ left single quotation mark’ ’ ’ right single quotation mark‚ ‚ ‚ single low-9 quotation mark“ “ “ left double quotation mark” ” ” right double quotation mark„ „ „ double low-9 quotation mark† † † dagger‡ ‡ ‡ double dagger• • • bullet… … … horizontal ellipsis‰ ‰ ‰ per mille ? ? ? minutes? ? ? seconds‹ ‹ ‹ single left angle quotation› › › single right angle quotation? ? ? overline€ € € euro™ ™ ™ trademark? ? ? left arrow? ? ? up arrow? ? ? right arrow? ? ? down arrow? ? ? left right arrow? ? ? carriage return arrow? ? ? left ceiling? ? ? right ceiling? ? ? left floor? ? ? right floor? ? ? lozenge? ? ? spade? ? ? club? ? ? heart? ? ? diamondPareri ? Quote
totti93 Posted September 1, 2011 Report Posted September 1, 2011 Depinde de browser, vezi aici de exemplu ? :? Quote
MrRip Posted September 1, 2011 Report Posted September 1, 2011 em said: Func?ioneaz?, dar ce este HTLM? E si el mic ... il iertam . Data viitoare pune direct link-ul de unde ai copiat pseudo-'tabelul' asta . Quote