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iNERGY v1.0

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iNERGY v1.0 [ Download ]

iNERGy profiles a person's energy usage by analyzing the energy usage tweets posted to their Twitter account. The tool predicts when the person is home, sleeping, and away from home in order to show how a burglar or stalker could use energy usage information maliciously. iNERGy was released at DEF CON 18 during Tony Flick's 'Getting Social with the Smart Grid' presentation.


[*]Net::Twitter perl module
[*]HTML::Entities perl module
[*]GD::Graph perl module
[*]GD::Graph::bars perl module
[*]GD::Graph::linespoints perl module
[*]Data::ICal perl module
[*]Data::ICal::DateTime perl module
[*]Tie::File perl module
[*]Time::Piece perl module
[*]Data::Dumper perl module
[*]Date::Manip perl module

Installation Instructions

  1. Unzip the tool files into the web server directory
  2. Enable the perl module for Apache
    Add the following lines to the httpd.conf file:
    AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
    ScriptAlias /perl/ /var/www/perl
    * Note the web server IP address

Execution Instructions

  1. Browse to http://IP/index.html


FYRM Associates does not condone or encourage illegal behavior. This tool is being released for educational purposes and to inform people of the dangers of posting too much information to social networking sites.

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