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[Net2SharePwn] - 1.0b

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[Net2SharePwn] - 1.0b


Net2SharePwn is an utility to check and exploit automatically the NetBIOS Network Shares available from network access points.


Question: How do you identify THE FILE containing a password to elevate your network or system privileges, when too much domains or IP addresses are present? The time is an important factor in this situation … and during penetration testing, it’s common to identify a VBS script embedding a domain administrator account password.

Answer: Net2SharePwn has been built to allow that.

Net2SharePwn is built in Python (tested on Python2.6) and can be launched only on Linux and Mac OS x platforms.

I apologize for Python coding, it doesn’t respect the best practices but I didn’t predict to publish Net2SharePwn …

Net2SharePwn is perhaps developed “with my feet” but it is functional.

You can, if you want to, modify this program to adapt it for your personal usage.

Readme (important):




Sursa: http://sud0man.blogspot.com/2011/11/net2sharepwn-10b.html

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