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How To Clean your RAM using Notepad

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Step 1: Open Notepad

Step 2: Type FreeMem=Space(10240000000)

Step 3: Save it as CLEANER.VBS in any location you like.

Step 4: You can edit the code and write 512 instead of 1024 if you own a 512mb RAM or change to anything you like.

Step 5: Run it !

After this final step your RAM will be free.



1) Nu elibereaza memoria, nu are cum ci dimpotriva, incearca sa aloce foarte multa

2) Cred ca e un "0" in plus

3) Foarte probabil va rezulta un "Out of string space"

Sau poate ma insel si e un algoritm foarte complex care cauta memory leak-uri si actioneaza ca un Garbage collector general descoprind lipsa referintelor la date alocate...

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